I hope you have fun playing some clanbattles. The response to our new FFA ladders is overwhelming. I have never expected such a success.
This success has been made possible mainly by one person:
c| Splinter. He started his own FFA ladder almost a year ago. Without his experience and help creating our own FFA ladder the *DAMN FFA ladders probably wouldn't be what they are now. So big thanks for all your time, help and assistance Splinter.
Btw over 300 cbs have been played within the first 3 weeks of the season. That's a new alltime high. Great news especially because GameRanger has now also included stats for premium users..
Noto is currently working on a complete rewording of the *DAMN BL rules. They will be at least 5 pages shorter and should it make it a lot easier to participate at the BL. The new rules will be released very soon. Then also the new *DBL Map pack 2.55 update will be required for all GhR ladders.
Have a nice day,