FMJ is good against armored targets (ie good for MP vs)
JPH is does a lot of damage against unarmored targets, so is better against terrorists.
Yeah, JHP is Jacketed Hollow Points, but I've actually sat down and kept track of what kills terrorists better, and it seems that FMJ works much better. That's what doesn't make much sense, JHP should be more effective. Also, JHP should be able to go through windows at close range, but I guess the game designers didn't realize that. FMJ is NOT AP, if it was AP, it would be able to tear through walls, doors, windows, but it wouldn't do much damage to tangos due to overpenetrating, that, and it'd be a huge risk to hostages. It seems JHP is basically "safety" ammo best used in situations where you're concerned about bullets going through tangos and doors and hitting hostages. Anyways, I just thought it was kinda strange compared to what these bullets are supposed to do in real life.