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Author Topic: CoD:UO - German Front Mod (GFM)  (Read 2504 times)
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Go Apple!!

« on: May 08, 2005, 10:02:24 pm »

For those that play CoD, you HAVE to download and play this mod for CoD.  By far the best mod out there.  I played last night for the first time after installing it and I must say that I was very impressed.  I was playing with Sheix and Assgoblin and they also agree, the best mod for CoD!!

It gives you new weapons (including the old ones) and the weapon firing sounds are entirely different, but I like them.  Its also more realistic, like the Heat of Battle (HoB) mod, where it doesn't have crosshairs, you have look down the iron sights to be able to have accurate shot.  Now this might turn some people off, but its jsut a matter of getting use to, once you got, you'll like it.

By far the best part of this mod, are the new maps.  The best maps I have seen for CoD.  I just recently downloaded and have been playing the Barbarossa map, which had also impresed me due to its size, but these new maps, make Barbarossa look like a joke.  I'm telling you, just impressive.  Very Saving Private Ryan like, where @ the end of the movie, they are all in the small town, with broken-out buildings, etc millions of places to hide or snipe - one word = AWESOME!

There is one more feature that I noticed and I think is great.  Aside from being able to be a medic (which is not new, I could do that on the original CoD servers - some of them anyway), you can see a small white square with the red + symbol above the head. Now this is not the feature I was referring to; what I noticed is, if you pay attention by looking at the map, you can actually see where the medic (the white square with the red +) is on the map, to help you better find them when you need health. Depending on how far the medic is from you, the smaller or larger the square gets.

For example, the farther the medic is, the smaller the square gets, and the closer, the bigger it gets. Amazingly smart design and production.

You can download this mod from Baumer's website http://www.stalingradgaming.webhop.net/ just click on files and then select the CoD:UO icon (the top one) and download the 2 GFM files.  After downloading it, to install, simply drag the GFM icon (folder) into your CoD folder and the smaller file (.pk3) simply move that into the GFM folder to update the version from 0.9 to 1.0.

These guys out did themselves, great job!  Everyone playing or will be playing CoD - GET THIS MOD! You won't be sorry you did.

See you on the battlefield y'all.....


The King of Pistoleros
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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2005, 06:15:26 pm »

I have to completely agree..
As far as Mods go for games, Teh GFM is perfect.

Several new maps, ALLL new sounds for weapons...(makes them all sound much fuller, more evil, and for the smaller guns, adds some meat) Smaller guns like he mp40 also now finally sounds like they could actually kill someone rather than annoy them to death.
Snipers are also now thunderous.
O, and new and improved pistols, that are actually uselfull in close quarters, and realtively accurate and powerful..Luger and .45.

The Gun sounds alone make this one a blast to play.

Perfect map design, with well thought out plans..plenty of nooks for sniping, alleys for flanking, connecting buildings for escaping, and new tanks.

Considering the size, there was no camping, and the added medic feature was perfect as well.

There is also a new super satchel that looks like a six pack of beer...explosive beer....Makes me hesitate to throw it...and it takes out tanks and infantry beautifully.

GO GET THE MOD..and why the 'F" arent you playing COD:UO?
PLenty of riflemen that have cut down the bunny-hopping spray and pray tendencies of the pure COD servers...tactical, cool to look at, runs well....can't ask for more in a game.


I discovered why the buddha laughs.
The truth is so horrifying, it's funny.
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« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 03:19:49 am »

Kick ass mod Smiley

Run into a few of you guys in servers...

wish there were more maps though, the ones in it are good, but already feel like i've played em to excess...
0 Kilz:M:
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« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 06:57:41 am »

Yea, I must agree it's a good smooth running mod. Although I just got the game...I have'nt even played the original maps yet..well, maybe once.

If Sheix spent more time playing CoD than he does cleaning his kitchen, I'd have more to say We need more love


Good games so far with the MP guys, you done cleanin yet Sheix?

Love kilz
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« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2005, 07:52:00 am »

Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahah ahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahahahaha haha Ahah.......fu.

that shit was funny...knew the minute i heard the familair rustling of your microphone crackling to life, i had said too much..at the wrong time.

And I told you..I slapped her ass instead, and told her to get me a beer.....really.
Pfft. cleaning.

And trust me, when we get back on some regluar servers so you can see all the maps, you are seriously gonna pillage and plunder...being able to see the reticle and all...Wait till you see Barbarossa.
Youre doing fine...

Your Kills on me, have almost all been bullshit free....almost. Grin

Glad you're on Board Kilz...good times. clapping hands

I discovered why the buddha laughs.
The truth is so horrifying, it's funny.
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