Ah..just couldnt resist here...
I'll start by saying I didnt find anything accusatory OR impolite about T's post about the new season(and i read it a lot of different ways)...and still not sure how Myst extracted a rude inference there.....gotta go with Weak's call here...Spamming a post with flame-bait like myst did is the worse offence.
HOWEVER, I cant say the same about T's two replies to my post in his forum...and then of course again here, implying that by calling out his rude-ass behavior there, im somehow a bitch...
FACT IS, i was replying to a request by HIS clan mates for solutions to how to set up cbs for FTF.
***cb'ing in ftf.... what do you guys think? Please leave check out this thread....
http://s7.invisionfree.com/Special_Forces_Clan/index.php?showtopic=131 and add your input as to how a ftf cb might be set up. ***(weakspot)
I experimented with several solutions in order to answer Special Forces REQUEST for feedback. posted my results, and heres what i got by him in return..
***I think you've spent way too much time thinking about this.
I vote for tactical games. If I want to go head to head on mouse skills, I'd play a game that's designed for that ---> Halo, Quake, Ms. Pac Man, etc.***(Mr T)
Gettin sniped for workin on a solution and posting YOUR benefit..nothing bitch-like there, huh T?
The ONLY reason i even posted in that forum was that THEY ASKED FOR THE FEEDBACK., and got this snarky little item in return...
***Guest... thanks for all your efforts. I hope everything works out for you.***(Mr T) ...i mean wtf?
Hiding behind the semantics of that phrase to claim that was meant as support is as chickenshit as it gets, then say I flamed you? Theres a HUGE difference between calling you out publically and flaming you...The minute you call someone a 'little bitch' for attempting to help you, takes away your right to whine about being flamed. First option would have been to act like an adult in your forum when addressing an effort someone put forward for YOUR benefit....
no good deed goes unpunished