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Author Topic: Why i cant see a post about Netfon and GR ....  (Read 3248 times)
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« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2003, 05:20:50 am »

And it even took Germany a few hours to take over France.
This sort of contributions are making american unpopular in europe and in the world. American people should pay attention to this.

So, pointing out that France fell to the Nazi's in about the same amount of time as Iraq fell to the USA, while being an accurate statement on my part here now, should be censored for some reason?  Ignoring history isn't going to make it change you know.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2003, 06:03:48 am »

I don't like this from a BL staff member. If you thing american are superior as the rest of the world, you're on the bad way. This sort of contributions are making american unpopular in europe and in the world. American people should pay attention to this.

I don't think Bucc mentioned Americans thinking they are superior to the rest of the world.  All he said was that Germany marched on France within the time it takes to watch the Matrix Trilogy.  His words might have been insensitive to some, but fact for all.  I know this is not a history thread, but at least respect it for what it is.  Truth.

Personally, I don't really care for your perception of what Europeans think of Americans.  Most of the Europeans I know actually like Americans and the United States as a whole.  In fact, I believe what the European people dislike is exactly what we dislike; President Bush and his Administration.  Hell, many Americans do not like this guy.  I think most of what Europe hears about the U.S. has more to do with our shady politics than our citizens.  I currently live in the State of Florida, which is one of the biggest tourist destination spots in the entire world.  I get to meet people from all corners of the globe, and I always ask them what they like the most and what they dislike the most.  They all say the people are great, friendly, and helpful.  Almost all of them disliked one of two things; the wonderful Florida traffic, and the airports.  So, pmeur, please choose your words more wisely in the future.  The way you speak makes it sound like you are a spokesperson for all of Europe.  Not all of Europe, or this virtual community, shares the same views as you.  Come to the United States sometime.  The boys of The .::|N|etwork will show you a good time!

.::|N| Noto
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2003, 06:05:28 am »

You people who are using Premium GR without paying make me sick. No, I'm not on Premium, but just because I can't afford it, I don't go and steal his hard-earned work. Stupid bastards. Honestly, that is so fucking cheap. Ugh. It makes me so mad. Blah. Get a life, or pay for premium. Don't do that shit.

Is someone able to get Premium without paying for it?  I'm confused with Mr. Mellow's statement.  He makes it sound as if people are somehow using Premium service on GR for free.  I think maybe he has this confused with the NF workaround.

Care to clarify, Mr. Mellow?

.::|N| Noto
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« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2003, 07:40:30 am »

See the Spam thread in the Admin section Noto, it's there.

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« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2003, 09:36:24 am »

lets stop talking about american and french or euros

Lets get back to the point

" what will append during the final if one clans has a work arround for using NF and the other one does not??"

" what will append if none of this clans that are using NF (with a work arround) want to ip join a CB???"
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2003, 10:08:30 am »

" what will append during the final if one clans has a work arround for using NF and the other one does not??"

As long are they are not holding up the CB, there really isn't a problem.  The "NF work around" really only effects the time it takes to join the room.  It might delay things a bit, but as long as the other clan has an understanding of this, there is nothing in the current version of the rules that restricts or forbids this.  Also, if one clan is having trouble with their members not knowing how to work around the NF & KDX block, it is their problem and should not hold up the CB any longer than it takes to simply connect and play.  Voice communication is allowed, but it is not required for this league.  Therefore, it is the clan's responsibility to choose the software that best suits them.

" what will append if none of this clans that are using NF (with a work arround) want to ip join a CB???"

Unless you know something that I don't, IP joining is longer able to be performed due to the latest Ghost Recon / GameRanger plug-in.  I tried to IP join my own server and it said I had the wrong version.  If you host a game where the players join through GameRanger, IP joining will be unavailable.

Although, as long as it's okay with both clans, you could always host a CB outside of GameRanger and have player IP join that way.  Unfortunately, there would be no way to detect cheats and such that GameRanger helps to prevent.  If you check out the *DAMN BL Rules, you will notice the very first thing you read says:

"*DAMN Battle League: A clan ladder for Macintosh (Apple) clans and players using GameRanger (GR) only. IP joining, as well as other platform players, are only allowed if both clans agree.  Only clan battles set up through GameRanger are counted towards the ladder."

Since this was written before the recent blocks on NF, KDX, and multiple users (OSX 10.3), I can take this to Mauti and the other Admins to discuss a "work around" for this rule.  It seems simple enough to say that if both clans agree, a clan battle could be hosted outside of GameRanger so that third party software such as NF and KDX may be used.

I hope this info has helped ghost.fr.  Reply or PM if you have any other questions.

.::|N| Noto
« Last Edit: December 12, 2003, 10:11:09 am by .::|N| Noto » Logged
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« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2003, 01:01:20 pm »

ok thx for reply

Its very clear, its going to make troubles during CBs, cause we will have to do cheat tests again.... (whata waste)

Hope someone comes out with a solution, like a costomised version of nf that would cancel the GR block!!!

please if someone has a solution just tell me and the all comunity!!
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« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2003, 01:49:30 pm »

ow they must be yankees  Grin

have a good day Bush's puppets

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« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2003, 02:30:31 pm »

And out of the discution some things about ur history (short history)

"Le r?le du marquis de La Fayette dans l'histoire de l'ind?pendance am?ricaine avait ?t? consacr?e de longue date ? Washington par un square portant son nom, avec au centre sa statue ?questre, devant la Maison Blanche."

(make it translate by some web software if u are interested!! if not just dont worry)

"... les n?gociations qui suivirent aboutirent, le 3 septembre 1783, au trait? de paix de Versailles. Acte de naissance officiel des Etats-Unis, ce trait? est aussi le symbole de l?amiti? franco-americaine."
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2003, 02:54:32 pm »

And out of the discution some things about ur history (short history)

My french isn't that rusty to where I would need or use a translator.  I could understand exactly what you said.  If you want to being LaFayette into this, by all means, I'll even open the door.  That was a much different france than the france of today.  I think the majority of the conversations have revolved around current events, or at within the past 50 years or so.  Bringing in 200 year old dead white guys into this isn't going to prove any point that you may or may not have.  I'm betting on the latter.  franc for your thoughts?

.::|N| Noto

P.S.  If your comment about a short history was a poke at the U.S., then that was a very, very sad attempt.
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2003, 03:00:07 pm »

I think this sums it all up...


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« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2003, 03:32:31 pm »

just for u to think about

Every time there has been an empire, there was barbarian to fight it. Today i feel like a barbarian

And i fight with some words some xenophobik people, words that i dont even really know to use cause they are not my language.

And ur history makes who u are...
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« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2003, 04:16:33 pm »

The french acctually have a very proud history, don't know where you all came up with this BS.

"If they are yelling at you, you know your doing something right" keep it up france  Wink

Ps. They translate/dub everything that comes out of the TV in france, which might explain some bad choices of words.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2003, 04:19:52 pm by l ! l Joka » Logged

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« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2003, 04:37:55 pm »

Woah woah there. If Scot wanted to make loads of money from GR then he wouldn't make it a Free Download. Notice the word Free in that sentance. People are perfectly entitled to download and use GR in its normal form, as a free way to  meet and play with and against other GR users. IF scot didn't want this well it wouldn't be free any more would it!
Some of us picked premium to gain access to new features that were made available. Thats cool.
I don't agree with what scot has done, or at least i feel there should have been some more publicity/ communication from him that he was intending to remove GR compatability in so many ways. But at the same time, its his application, and for those of you that havn't paid anything for it... well you dont' have much of a leg to stand on. (ps. come on premium isn't exactly expensive. ?30 or so or $50 ish? whats that one new mac game? a couple of rounds in the pub? not a lot

ps. would all the americans stop slagging of the french? Just cos the French arnt' some gun toting fantatical war mongering nutters. its pathetic. Lol and for those americans who are laughing at French history... well hey at least they have some history.

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« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2003, 04:38:40 pm »


Writing that I had problems with others clans besides MP is simply false.
I have been kicked only one time from they room, and since then, nothing (i'm not playing on MP servers anymore).


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« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2003, 06:03:41 pm »

On Topic:
Ghost, Mauti has already answered this.  Clans have always had the option of voice communications, even when some couldn't run it.  Example.  The old chat program (Roger Wilco) only worked if you set it up, and then only for OS9.  So clans that had OSX people like me, that didn't run OS9 on their computer at all, couldn't use it, while the other clan could.  Same thing with NetFone.  A couple clans were using it long before word got out about it.  It wasn't and isn't cheating, since it's always been allowed in the rules.

I have no idea why you'd need cheat tests, since using voice communication isn't a cheat.  If it's that important to you, why not call up your clan mates and put them on speaker phone?  I've actually done that back in the R6 days.

Off Topic:
BFG, you are smarter than that.  Anyone that thinks American history ends 200 years ago with the start of our current government would have to also say that French history ends right before that, with their own revolution, right?  Didn't think so.  And so it's pretty short sighted of anyone to say that American history starts in 1776, or even 1492.

Ghost, since France was one of the big empire builders of the past, I don't think you can qualify as a barbarian, especially when your government has pulled shit more disgusting than what Bush is doing (I say again the Suez Cannel for the brits and frogs, the bombing of the rainbow warrior by the French government, the nuke testing in the pacific that killed thousands by the French as late as the 80's).  I could go on, but I don't think anyone is listening, since they like to think only the USA would do such things.

Bob, you are right, you aren't playing on the MP servers, and it's a mutual decision.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Screw the pussy isolationists and their shortsightedness - Buccaneer
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2003, 09:00:04 pm »


Writing that I had problems with others clans besides MP is simply false.
I have been kicked only one time from they room, and since then, nothing (i'm not playing on MP servers anymore).

I am quite certain that the e?e clan has been banned from all .::|N| Servers as well.  We would count as another clan of course.  Therefore, it is not false at all.  You should ask Gian or G??nk about the bans from .::|N|.

.::|N| Noto
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« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2003, 09:46:50 pm »

well i played with two others e?e on your server last week. You were there, and we were playing BL maps. Maybe you banned only Gian for whatever reason, but I didnt do anything bad on your server .


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« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2003, 11:17:36 pm »

And it even took Germany a few hours to take over France.

I don't like this from a BL staff member. If you thing american are superior as the rest of the world, you're on the bad way. This sort of contributions are making american unpopular in europe and in the world. American people should pay attention to this.

LOL, not to bust your bubble or offend anyone,  but I think most americans would care less.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Unfortunately, most of them go hand in hand.
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2003, 11:34:06 pm »

And it even took Germany a few hours to take over France.

I don't like this from a BL staff member. If you thing american are superior as the rest of the world, you're on the bad way. This sort of contributions are making american unpopular in europe and in the world. American people should pay attention to this.

Don't group all Americans together. Some of us realize what a horrible fascist, illegal war waging, hypocritical, imperialistic government the US has turned into. When the rest of the world gets sick of the abuse from America and decides to nuke us off the map, give me 48 hours notice will you? Smiley
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