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Zero Tolerance

« on: December 03, 2003, 06:47:43 pm »

after we won vs zt, then i was going to submit the cb, but then after u submitted the cb so i saw jalex did it. and he did need help for the subbing thing..

so can you delete that match vs zt. that Jalex submitted..

the real thing is we won 1 time over zt

Ps. gg's guys. i didn't even play =(

• - Stripes - •

- • www.zero-t-clan.com  • -

z][t - *DAMN Pre-Season Triple [ Winner Of GhR, GhR CQB, RvS Ladder ]
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Zero Tolerance

« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 10:29:40 pm »

How many times can you sub in a cb ?

• - Stripes - •

- • www.zero-t-clan.com  • -

z][t - *DAMN Pre-Season Triple [ Winner Of GhR, GhR CQB, RvS Ladder ]
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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 11:02:16 pm »

as much as you want/ need to

13. Clans are allowed to substitute players with these following conditions: A player who crashes during a game may be substituted. Subsequently, that game will be replayed according to rule 10. A player, who leaves during a CB, but not during a game, may also be substituted. The player who is leaving must be replaced within 5 minutes. Once the 5 minutes has expired, the clan with the player who left must play the next game short handed.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2003, 11:04:49 pm by |GM|Gen.Harvey » Logged

Djing isn't realy about celebrity, or money, or getting laid, it's about music. Music is what motivates the finest DJ's:they love it, they live for it.
[one] Gambit
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« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2003, 03:30:55 am »

Further problems have developed in the match to which this thread refers. Admins will render a decision ASAP.
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Evill: Don't make me smack you.

« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2003, 04:07:37 am »

rgr gamb.. ill let you take it from here.. ill be around if you need help.

Djing isn't realy about celebrity, or money, or getting laid, it's about music. Music is what motivates the finest DJ's:they love it, they live for it.
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« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2003, 07:01:52 pm »

Yesterday we(iN>) played against z][t in a team ladder cb. After 6 games played the score is 3-1-2 and suddently they say that the cb is over and that we've won, i told in the chat(in the game) that the game wasnt over, but magnetic just closed the game and the room. After that i didnt really think much about it, i mean we was told that we won. then this afternoon stripes suddently tells me that z][t had contacted him the night before, and had told him to play the last to games in the already confirmed and submitted cb. Stripes and fish does agree to play the last games, but it was late (about 24 stripes told me), and they lost the games. of course this makes me mad as stripes shouldnt have agreed to play the last games last night, but should had waited with it until today or might should not play the games, but that's anyways our problem. Of course i'm mad and i contacts civic and we start talking?

TError, formerly known as Marcyboy
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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2003, 07:02:57 pm »

[15:46] iN> Marcyboy: hey
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: hi
[15:46] iN> Marcyboy: what kinda bull-shit is it that i hear?
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: lol
[15:46] iN> Marcyboy: im serious
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: the cb wasnt over yet
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: acri asked stripes to finish it
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: he accepted
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: and played
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: we won
[15:47] iN> Marcyboy: we didnt agree 2 delay the cb
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: jalex already understood
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: i know
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: both clans didnt realize that it wasnt over yet
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: a lil later we did and asked stripes to finish it
[15:47] iN> Marcyboy: what kinda bull-shit is that
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: he accepted
[15:48] iN> Marcyboy: i told them that it wasnt over over
[15:48] iN> Marcyboy: but magnetic closed the game
[15:48] z][t-Civic?: the fact is that stripes accepted to finish it
[15:48] z][t-Civic?: and played
[15:49] iN> Marcyboy: might be, but the cb was already over
[15:49] z][t-Civic?: it wasnt really
[15:49] z][t-Civic?: 3-1-2 isnt over
[15:50] iN> Marcyboy: well, it isnt my problem that magnetic cant count to 8
[15:51] z][t-Civic?: it isnt my problem that your leader accepted to continue
[15:51] iN> Marcyboy: but i dont c how u can open a closed cb
[15:52] z][t-Civic?: sure
[15:52] z][t-Civic?: by asking the other clan
[15:52] z][t-Civic?: to finish
[15:52] iN> Marcyboy: magnetic closed the game himself
[16:02] iN> Marcyboy: who else than u did aprove that u could continue the cb???
[16:03] iN> Marcyboy: an admin?
[16:05] iN> Marcyboy: civic?
[16:05] z][t-Civic?: phonw
[16:05] z][t-Civic?: *phone
[16:05] iN> Marcyboy: ok
[16:17] iN> Marcyboy: r u still talking on phone?
[16:17] z][t-Civic?: just finished
[16:17] iN> Marcyboy: ok
[16:19] iN> Marcyboy: plz anser my quistion
[16:20] iN> Marcyboy: did u get another admin 2 look at this thing b4 u opened the cb again?
[16:20] z][t-Civic?: i didnt open it
[16:20] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to continue
[16:20] z][t-Civic?: so he opened
[16:21] iN> Marcyboy: that means that z][t opened cb without having and admins word of that it was ok?
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: no need
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: for admins
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: just the agreement from the other clan
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: which was there
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: stripes and fish played
[16:22] iN> Marcyboy: hmmmm
[16:22] z][t-Civic?: agreed to finish the cb
[16:22] z][t-Civic?: no need for an admin to confirm this
[16:23] iN> Marcyboy: look at general game rules, number 11
[16:23] iN> Marcyboy: we didnt agree that u could delay the cb
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter... both clans didnt notice that it?s not over yet
[16:24] iN> Marcyboy: i did
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: and stripes accepted to continue
[16:24] iN> Marcyboy: and i told them in the game!!!
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: have a ss of that?
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter anyways
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: stripes agreed to continue
[16:25] iN> Marcyboy: i expected that magnetic could count to 8 and he there by had everything under control
[16:29] iN> Marcyboy: * A clan aborts a clanbattle: 0.5 warning points
[16:29] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:29] z][t-Civic?: u?re funny
[16:29] iN> Marcyboy: im serious
[16:29] z][t-Civic?: stripes still accepted to continue
[16:30] z][t-Civic?: accept that dude
[16:30] z][t-Civic?: he accepted and played
[16:30] iN> Marcyboy: but plz show the rule that gives stripes permission 2 continue a closed cb
[16:30] z][t-Civic?: lost
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: he?s the leader
[16:31] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: he can do all with your clan
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: if he wants a cb to be made a loss it?ll be done
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: for example
[16:32] iN> Marcyboy: really?
[16:32] iN> Marcyboy: after its submitted?
[16:33] z][t-Civic?: sure
[16:37] z][t-Civic?: magnetic says that u never said that it wasnt over
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: i did
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: twice
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: in the game
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: not after
[16:38] z][t-Civic?: 2 people saying 2 different things
[16:38] z][t-Civic?: nobody has ss
[16:38] z][t-Civic?: i mean proof
[16:39] z][t-Civic?: the fact is that stripes accepted to continue the cb and that?s ok by according to rules
[16:47] iN> Marcyboy: http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=17;action=display;threadid=4827
[16:47] iN> Marcyboy: i c nothing about the things u tell me
[16:47] z][t-Civic?: there is nor rule against continueing a cb
[16:47] z][t-Civic?: *no
[16:48] iN> Marcyboy: might be, but plz show me some kinda rule or forum post where its agreed that clan leaders can do all that u say
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: leaders can agree to continue cbs
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: of course
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed to it
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: so it?s ok
[16:49] iN> Marcyboy: they agreed after the cb originaly was over
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: it wasnt really over
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: not best of 8
[16:50] iN> Marcyboy: u confirmed the cb
[16:50] iN> Marcyboy: and theer by the result 3-1-2
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: and noticed the mistake and asked to continue
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: stripes agreed
[16:51] iN> Marcyboy: but where is the rule or post the says the stripes can do that?
[16:51] z][t-Civic?: rule 28
[16:51] z][t-Civic?: easy
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: defaiult number of games
[16:52] iN> Marcyboy: what has that 2 do with it?
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: we never agreed to play something else than best of 8
[16:52] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: we asked to finish
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: stripes agreed
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: that?s what he?s allowed to do
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed
[16:53] iN> Marcyboy: the cb was over, it was posted as 3-1-2 and u confirmed it
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: to finish
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: it can be changed if both clans agree
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: rule 28
[16:54] iN> Marcyboy: Rules concerning TIME LIMIT and DEFAULT NUMBER OF GAMES can be modified if both clans agree to it, that doesnt m,eans anything
[16:54] iN> Marcyboy: we didnt change the number of games or time limit
[16:54] z][t-Civic?: it does
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: we agreed to finish it to best of 8
[16:55] iN> Marcyboy: yes?
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter if bedore or after the cb
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: *before
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: there is no rule that says that either u or stripes can open a closed cb
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: dude...
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed to it
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: u dont get it
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: rule 28
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: i know rule 28
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: we agreed after the cb to finish it to best of 8
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: obviously not
[16:57] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted
[16:57] z][t-Civic?: all ok by rules
[16:57] iN> Marcyboy: u confirmed the cb result as 3-1-2, that means that u agreed that that was the end result of the cb
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: The Administrators of this Battle League are only interested in completed clan battles
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: from rule 11
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: u agreed that it was over
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: that the cb was complete
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: and that it could be submitted
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted later
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: to finish it
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: now u show me the rule that gives stripes the forcve of being able 2 open closed cbs
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: he?s your leader
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: yes?
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: and both clans agreed to it
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: ok by rules
[17:00] z][t-Civic?: accept it dude
[17:00] iN> Marcyboy: not yet
[17:00] z][t-Civic?: stripes played with fish and lost
[17:00] z][t-Civic?: all ok by rules
[17:00] iN> Marcyboy: i dont think so
[17:00] iN> Marcyboy: but it might be
[17:01] iN> Marcyboy: when a cb is posted it means that its over. only admins can open a cb
[17:01] iN> Marcyboy: i think
[17:01] iN> Marcyboy: =)
[17:01] z][t-Civic?: if both clans agree to continue a cb or for example change the score... u can just go to an admin and tell him to change
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: it?s all ok by rules
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed
[17:02] iN> Marcyboy: wich rule is that?
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: lol
[17:02] iN> Marcyboy: im serious, stop laughing
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: rule 28 still
[17:02] iN> Marcyboy: lol
[17:03] iN> Marcyboy: rule 28 says that u, if u agree it, dont hav to play 8 games, and dont hjav 2 play 10 mins
[17:04] z][t-Civic?: if btht clans agree to something... in this issue to continue a cb... it?s between the clans... nothing for the admins to decide
[17:04] z][t-Civic?: *both
[17:04] z][t-Civic?: stripes acceptedfor iN
[17:05] iN> Marcyboy: so that means that u can change every little rule if u only agree with it?
[17:05] z][t-Civic?: no
[17:05] iN> Marcyboy: u and the other ones*
[17:06] iN> Marcyboy: the why should u be able 2 change the result of a closed cbv?
[17:06] z][t-Civic?: there it?s rule 11
[17:06] iN> Marcyboy: if u had rejected the result it had been ok, but u didnt
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: didnt notice
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to continue
[17:07] iN> Marcyboy: u didnt notice what?
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: which is his right
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: that it wasnt over yet
[17:07] iN> Marcyboy: so? thats ur problem
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: lol
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to finish
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: his problem
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: fair by him
[17:08] z][t-Civic?: cuz it wasnt really over yet
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: but he should hav delayedit
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: delayed it*
[17:08] z][t-Civic?: no our fault
[17:08] z][t-Civic?: *not
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: i know
[17:09] iN> Marcyboy: im just trying 2 solve all stripes problems
[17:09] iN> Marcyboy: he has made a big mess
[17:09] z][t-Civic?: so much probs with him these days
[17:09] iN> Marcyboy: lol =)
[17:10] z][t-Civic?: will be solved somehow
[17:11] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: but, what i am saying that stripes dont hav the ability to open up the closed cb
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: saying is that*
[17:12] z][t-Civic?: he has
[17:12] z][t-Civic?: both clans were ok with it
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: then show a god damn rule
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: show me a*
[17:12] z][t-Civic?: ithe clans are resposible for that themselves
[17:13] z][t-Civic?: rule 11
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: i know that
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: but that also off topic
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: that's
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: *
[17:13] z][t-Civic?: no need for a rule there
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: it?s the clans themselves
[17:14] iN> Marcyboy: im saying that stripes did something that he dont hav the power to do
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: he didnt ask u or jalex....
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: he should have
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: but no need to
[17:14] iN> Marcyboy: o know
[17:14] iN> Marcyboy: i*
[17:15] iN> Marcyboy: but u r talking of something else again
[17:15] z][t-Civic?: still same
[17:15] z][t-Civic?: the whole time
[17:16] iN> Marcyboy: the thing i'm saying is that u need 2 show me a rule that gives stripes the possibility of opening a closed cb
[17:17] z][t-Civic?: cb scorea can always be changed if both clans agree
[17:17] z][t-Civic?: *scores
[17:17] iN> Marcyboy: and where is that rule?
[17:17] z][t-Civic?: no need for that rule
[17:17] iN> Marcyboy: maybe not
[17:18] iN> Marcyboy: but u opened the cb, started playing it again
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: not again
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: continued
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: finished
[17:18] iN> Marcyboy: we posted the result 3-1-2 and u confirmed it
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[17:19] iN> Marcyboy: i think so
[17:19] z][t-Civic?: both clans can agree to change it
[17:19] iN> Marcyboy: might be, but u started playing on it!!!
[17:19] z][t-Civic?: i didnt play anywhere
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: u guys*
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: z][t
[17:20] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to continue
[17:20] z][t-Civic?: all ok
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: where is there a stament of hes ability of doing that???
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: statement*
[17:21] z][t-Civic?: no need... if boht clans say that the cb score is wrong it can be changed
[17:22] iN> Marcyboy: u didnt just change it, like if there had been a miscount or a mistype(or whatever its called)
[17:22] iN> Marcyboy: u started playing it
[17:22] iN> Marcyboy: i dont think u can do that
[17:23] z][t-Civic?: sure
[17:23] z][t-Civic?: continue a cb
[17:23] iN> Marcyboy: maybe we should ask mauti?
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: he said that he wont answer to such issues
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: admins
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: are responsible
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: for such things
[17:24] iN> Marcyboy: then some admins
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: i have some agreements already
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: from who? eight?
[17:25] z][t-Civic?: why should i tell u
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: lol
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: nm
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: should i ask eight?

TError, formerly known as Marcyboy
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« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2003, 07:03:35 pm »

then i asked eight?

[17:43] iN> Marcyboy: hey
[17:45] BTs_eight: hi
[17:45] BTs_eight: sup?
[17:45] iN> Marcyboy: did civic talk to u?
[17:45] BTs_eight: yeah
[17:45] iN> Marcyboy: ok
[17:45] BTs_eight: did u guys continue the cb?
[17:46] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[17:46] BTs_eight: ok so then whats the problem?
[17:46] iN> Marcyboy: may i send the whole talk that i had with civic to u?
[17:46] BTs_eight: yeah sure
[17:46] BTs_eight: eight@battleteksquad.com
[17:47] iN> Marcyboy: done
[17:49] BTs_eight: k
[17:50] iN> Marcyboy: did u get my opinion?
[17:50] BTs_eight: i read most of it
[17:50] BTs_eight: i did but stripes did agree to continue
[17:50] BTs_eight: which means no admins needed
[17:52] iN> Marcyboy: yes, but what i am saying is that, the cb was posted and confirmed, and that stripes (or z][t) dont hav the "force"  to open it up
[17:52] BTs_eight: yes i know... but what you dont understand is... IF BOTH clans agree tosomething then it gets done
[17:52] BTs_eight: BOTH CLANS agreed to finish the cb
[17:52] BTs_eight: thats it
[17:52] iN> Marcyboy: i cant c anything about in the rules or in the FAQ
[17:53] BTs_eight: its the rule that says if both clans agree to mod the cb for whatever reason its their right
[17:53] iN> Marcyboy: where in the rules is that?
[17:55] BTs_eight: would this be a problem if your clan would of won?
[17:55] BTs_eight: probably not huh?
[17:55] BTs_eight: yet
[17:55] iN> Marcyboy: lol, then i might wouldnt hav opened the issue
[17:56] BTs_eight: since your LEADER agreed to CONTINUE the cb then the loss stays
[17:57] iN> Marcyboy: just like i didnt think about it when magnetic closed the cb b4 it really was over, i probaly wouldnt if that stripes had defeated z][t in the last games
[17:58] BTs_eight: ok well if you would of relized it when the game was over you should of msgd him an continued
[17:58] BTs_eight: either way the cb was not over... but would of stayed that way if both clans didnt notice
[17:58] BTs_eight: but since BOTH clans decided to finish the cb the new final score should stay

thats we've talked about, now i've heard theese 2 admins opinions, i would like to hear some more.

ps. no offense to civic and eight

TError, formerly known as Marcyboy
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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2003, 07:26:04 pm »

11. A CB must be started and finished in one session. The CB cannot be delayed midway through. If a team is not able to finish the CB, they must forfeit. The Administrators of this Battle League are only interested in completed clan battles. If your clan and the other clan agree to delay a CB, which is against the Admins suggestion of completing a CB in one session, you are responsible to complete the CB on your own. Do not ask the Admins for help once you have decided to delay the completion of a CB. Your decision to agree to a delay is still your decision. You have the right to disagree to a delay.

Sounds liek a forfeit from z][t to me
but also a bit stupid from stripes to accept to play the match further.
but first the game was closed * A clan aborts a clanbattle: 0.5 warning points
they continued to play the cb afterwards, but hey they didnt know they would when they closed the game.

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« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2003, 08:28:31 pm »

According to Admin guidelines, a decision on this will be issued by 2147 EST tonight.

[one] Gambit
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« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2003, 05:23:05 am »

Two hours late, but a request by the players involved has led to a delay. Working on it  Grin
[one] Gambit
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« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2003, 05:56:59 pm »

The issue has been decided that the original cb will be thrown out and iN and z][t will replay the match.

For future reference, 3+1+2=6, ?8

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« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2003, 06:07:57 pm »

Thanks Gambit for the math lesson...I?m sure I will NEVER EVER count wrong again  Shocked
...good verdict admins...seems like the most fair thing to do.


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« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2003, 08:32:50 pm »

*deleted by request of Marcyboy* - Civic
« Last Edit: December 06, 2003, 03:25:47 pm by z][t-Civic » Logged

TError, formerly known as Marcyboy
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« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2003, 08:43:40 pm »


first: stop posting private chats plz. these should be kept private and not be posted in a public forum.


z][t-Acri.starts: j/k

where did Acri say that u?d forfeit if u don?t play? he was just jking -> "j/k". he never said that an admin decided that either.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2003, 08:45:49 pm by z][t-Civic » Logged

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« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2003, 08:46:00 pm »

*deleted by request of Marcyboy* - Civic
« Last Edit: December 06, 2003, 03:26:55 pm by z][t-Civic » Logged

TError, formerly known as Marcyboy
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« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2003, 08:49:33 pm »

im sorry for posting theese messages, but i think its neccesary.
I got your point but i still think it matters.

i might sound very offensive in theese posts, but i dont meen anything offensive to you guys, im just trying to point some things out.

TError, formerly known as Marcyboy
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« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2003, 08:59:37 pm »

i read this chatlogs several times now... where do u see Acri telling Stripes he has to play and says it without being jking?

however... both clans agreed not to count the cb and it has been deleted already. issue solved i think.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2003, 09:03:24 pm by z][t-Civic » Logged

~Formerly known as "Civic"
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2003, 09:11:41 pm »

Marcy, very nice job!                                                                                               iN> Marcyboy: yes, but what i am saying is that, the cb was posted and confirmed, and that stripes (or z][t) dont hav the "force"? to open it up

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« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2003, 09:21:35 pm »

however... both clans agreed not to count the cb and it has been deleted already. issue solved i think.

and jalex... if both clans agree to open it up, like it was here, it?s all ok by rules. Smiley


~Formerly known as "Civic"
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