[15:46] iN> Marcyboy: hey
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: hi
[15:46] iN> Marcyboy: what kinda bull-shit is it that i hear?
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: lol
[15:46] iN> Marcyboy: im serious
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: the cb wasnt over yet
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: acri asked stripes to finish it
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: he accepted
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: and played
[15:46] z][t-Civic?: we won
[15:47] iN> Marcyboy: we didnt agree 2 delay the cb
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: jalex already understood
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: i know
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: both clans didnt realize that it wasnt over yet
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: a lil later we did and asked stripes to finish it
[15:47] iN> Marcyboy: what kinda bull-shit is that
[15:47] z][t-Civic?: he accepted
[15:48] iN> Marcyboy: i told them that it wasnt over over
[15:48] iN> Marcyboy: but magnetic closed the game
[15:48] z][t-Civic?: the fact is that stripes accepted to finish it
[15:48] z][t-Civic?: and played
[15:49] iN> Marcyboy: might be, but the cb was already over
[15:49] z][t-Civic?: it wasnt really
[15:49] z][t-Civic?: 3-1-2 isnt over
[15:50] iN> Marcyboy: well, it isnt my problem that magnetic cant count to 8
[15:51] z][t-Civic?: it isnt my problem that your leader accepted to continue
[15:51] iN> Marcyboy: but i dont c how u can open a closed cb
[15:52] z][t-Civic?: sure
[15:52] z][t-Civic?: by asking the other clan
[15:52] z][t-Civic?: to finish
[15:52] iN> Marcyboy: magnetic closed the game himself
[16:02] iN> Marcyboy: who else than u did aprove that u could continue the cb???
[16:03] iN> Marcyboy: an admin?
[16:05] iN> Marcyboy: civic?
[16:05] z][t-Civic?: phonw
[16:05] z][t-Civic?: *phone
[16:05] iN> Marcyboy: ok
[16:17] iN> Marcyboy: r u still talking on phone?
[16:17] z][t-Civic?: just finished
[16:17] iN> Marcyboy: ok
[16:19] iN> Marcyboy: plz anser my quistion
[16:20] iN> Marcyboy: did u get another admin 2 look at this thing b4 u opened the cb again?
[16:20] z][t-Civic?: i didnt open it
[16:20] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to continue
[16:20] z][t-Civic?: so he opened
[16:21] iN> Marcyboy: that means that z][t opened cb without having and admins word of that it was ok?
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: no need
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: for admins
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: just the agreement from the other clan
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: which was there
[16:21] z][t-Civic?: stripes and fish played
[16:22] iN> Marcyboy: hmmmm
[16:22] z][t-Civic?: agreed to finish the cb
[16:22] z][t-Civic?: no need for an admin to confirm this
[16:23] iN> Marcyboy: look at general game rules, number 11
[16:23] iN> Marcyboy: we didnt agree that u could delay the cb
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter... both clans didnt notice that it?s not over yet
[16:24] iN> Marcyboy: i did
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: and stripes accepted to continue
[16:24] iN> Marcyboy: and i told them in the game!!!
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: have a ss of that?
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter anyways
[16:24] z][t-Civic?: stripes agreed to continue
[16:25] iN> Marcyboy: i expected that magnetic could count to 8 and he there by had everything under control
[16:29] iN> Marcyboy: * A clan aborts a clanbattle: 0.5 warning points
[16:29] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:29] z][t-Civic?: u?re funny
[16:29] iN> Marcyboy: im serious
[16:29] z][t-Civic?: stripes still accepted to continue
[16:30] z][t-Civic?: accept that dude
[16:30] z][t-Civic?: he accepted and played
[16:30] iN> Marcyboy: but plz show the rule that gives stripes permission 2 continue a closed cb
[16:30] z][t-Civic?: lost
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: he?s the leader
[16:31] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: he can do all with your clan
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: if he wants a cb to be made a loss it?ll be done
[16:31] z][t-Civic?: for example
[16:32] iN> Marcyboy: really?
[16:32] iN> Marcyboy: after its submitted?
[16:33] z][t-Civic?: sure
[16:37] z][t-Civic?: magnetic says that u never said that it wasnt over
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: i did
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: twice
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: in the game
[16:37] iN> Marcyboy: not after
[16:38] z][t-Civic?: 2 people saying 2 different things
[16:38] z][t-Civic?: nobody has ss
[16:38] z][t-Civic?: i mean proof
[16:39] z][t-Civic?: the fact is that stripes accepted to continue the cb and that?s ok by according to rules
[16:47] iN> Marcyboy:
http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=17;action=display;threadid=4827[16:47] iN> Marcyboy: i c nothing about the things u tell me
[16:47] z][t-Civic?: there is nor rule against continueing a cb
[16:47] z][t-Civic?: *no
[16:48] iN> Marcyboy: might be, but plz show me some kinda rule or forum post where its agreed that clan leaders can do all that u say
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: leaders can agree to continue cbs
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: of course
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed to it
[16:49] z][t-Civic?: so it?s ok
[16:49] iN> Marcyboy: they agreed after the cb originaly was over
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: it wasnt really over
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: not best of 8
[16:50] iN> Marcyboy: u confirmed the cb
[16:50] iN> Marcyboy: and theer by the result 3-1-2
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: and noticed the mistake and asked to continue
[16:50] z][t-Civic?: stripes agreed
[16:51] iN> Marcyboy: but where is the rule or post the says the stripes can do that?
[16:51] z][t-Civic?: rule 28
[16:51] z][t-Civic?: easy
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: defaiult number of games
[16:52] iN> Marcyboy: what has that 2 do with it?
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: we never agreed to play something else than best of 8
[16:52] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: we asked to finish
[16:52] z][t-Civic?: stripes agreed
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: that?s what he?s allowed to do
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed
[16:53] iN> Marcyboy: the cb was over, it was posted as 3-1-2 and u confirmed it
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: to finish
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: it can be changed if both clans agree
[16:53] z][t-Civic?: rule 28
[16:54] iN> Marcyboy: Rules concerning TIME LIMIT and DEFAULT NUMBER OF GAMES can be modified if both clans agree to it, that doesnt m,eans anything
[16:54] iN> Marcyboy: we didnt change the number of games or time limit
[16:54] z][t-Civic?: it does
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: we agreed to finish it to best of 8
[16:55] iN> Marcyboy: yes?
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter if bedore or after the cb
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: *before
[16:55] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: there is no rule that says that either u or stripes can open a closed cb
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: dude...
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed to it
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: u dont get it
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: rule 28
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: i know rule 28
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: we agreed after the cb to finish it to best of 8
[16:56] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[16:56] z][t-Civic?: obviously not
[16:57] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted
[16:57] z][t-Civic?: all ok by rules
[16:57] iN> Marcyboy: u confirmed the cb result as 3-1-2, that means that u agreed that that was the end result of the cb
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: The Administrators of this Battle League are only interested in completed clan battles
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: from rule 11
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: u agreed that it was over
[16:58] iN> Marcyboy: that the cb was complete
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: and that it could be submitted
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted later
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: to finish it
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: now u show me the rule that gives stripes the forcve of being able 2 open closed cbs
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: lol
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: he?s your leader
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: yes?
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: and both clans agreed to it
[16:59] iN> Marcyboy: so?
[16:59] z][t-Civic?: ok by rules
[17:00] z][t-Civic?: accept it dude
[17:00] iN> Marcyboy: not yet
[17:00] z][t-Civic?: stripes played with fish and lost
[17:00] z][t-Civic?: all ok by rules
[17:00] iN> Marcyboy: i dont think so
[17:00] iN> Marcyboy: but it might be
[17:01] iN> Marcyboy: when a cb is posted it means that its over. only admins can open a cb
[17:01] iN> Marcyboy: i think
[17:01] iN> Marcyboy: =)
[17:01] z][t-Civic?: if both clans agree to continue a cb or for example change the score... u can just go to an admin and tell him to change
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: it?s all ok by rules
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: both clans agreed
[17:02] iN> Marcyboy: wich rule is that?
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: lol
[17:02] iN> Marcyboy: im serious, stop laughing
[17:02] z][t-Civic?: rule 28 still
[17:02] iN> Marcyboy: lol
[17:03] iN> Marcyboy: rule 28 says that u, if u agree it, dont hav to play 8 games, and dont hjav 2 play 10 mins
[17:04] z][t-Civic?: if btht clans agree to something... in this issue to continue a cb... it?s between the clans... nothing for the admins to decide
[17:04] z][t-Civic?: *both
[17:04] z][t-Civic?: stripes acceptedfor iN
[17:05] iN> Marcyboy: so that means that u can change every little rule if u only agree with it?
[17:05] z][t-Civic?: no
[17:05] iN> Marcyboy: u and the other ones*
[17:06] iN> Marcyboy: the why should u be able 2 change the result of a closed cbv?
[17:06] z][t-Civic?: there it?s rule 11
[17:06] iN> Marcyboy: if u had rejected the result it had been ok, but u didnt
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: didnt notice
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to continue
[17:07] iN> Marcyboy: u didnt notice what?
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: which is his right
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: that it wasnt over yet
[17:07] iN> Marcyboy: so? thats ur problem
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: lol
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to finish
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: his problem
[17:07] z][t-Civic?: fair by him
[17:08] z][t-Civic?: cuz it wasnt really over yet
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: but he should hav delayedit
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: delayed it*
[17:08] z][t-Civic?: no our fault
[17:08] z][t-Civic?: *not
[17:08] iN> Marcyboy: i know
[17:09] iN> Marcyboy: im just trying 2 solve all stripes problems
[17:09] iN> Marcyboy: he has made a big mess
[17:09] z][t-Civic?: so much probs with him these days
[17:09] iN> Marcyboy: lol =)
[17:10] z][t-Civic?: will be solved somehow
[17:11] iN> Marcyboy: yes
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: but, what i am saying that stripes dont hav the ability to open up the closed cb
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: saying is that*
[17:12] z][t-Civic?: he has
[17:12] z][t-Civic?: both clans were ok with it
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: then show a god damn rule
[17:12] iN> Marcyboy: show me a*
[17:12] z][t-Civic?: ithe clans are resposible for that themselves
[17:13] z][t-Civic?: rule 11
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: i know that
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: but that also off topic
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: that's
[17:13] iN> Marcyboy: *
[17:13] z][t-Civic?: no need for a rule there
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: it?s the clans themselves
[17:14] iN> Marcyboy: im saying that stripes did something that he dont hav the power to do
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: he didnt ask u or jalex....
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: he should have
[17:14] z][t-Civic?: but no need to
[17:14] iN> Marcyboy: o know
[17:14] iN> Marcyboy: i*
[17:15] iN> Marcyboy: but u r talking of something else again
[17:15] z][t-Civic?: still same
[17:15] z][t-Civic?: the whole time
[17:16] iN> Marcyboy: the thing i'm saying is that u need 2 show me a rule that gives stripes the possibility of opening a closed cb
[17:17] z][t-Civic?: cb scorea can always be changed if both clans agree
[17:17] z][t-Civic?: *scores
[17:17] iN> Marcyboy: and where is that rule?
[17:17] z][t-Civic?: no need for that rule
[17:17] iN> Marcyboy: maybe not
[17:18] iN> Marcyboy: but u opened the cb, started playing it again
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: not again
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: continued
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: finished
[17:18] iN> Marcyboy: we posted the result 3-1-2 and u confirmed it
[17:18] z][t-Civic?: doesnt matter
[17:19] iN> Marcyboy: i think so
[17:19] z][t-Civic?: both clans can agree to change it
[17:19] iN> Marcyboy: might be, but u started playing on it!!!
[17:19] z][t-Civic?: i didnt play anywhere
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: u guys*
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: z][t
[17:20] z][t-Civic?: stripes accepted to continue
[17:20] z][t-Civic?: all ok
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: where is there a stament of hes ability of doing that???
[17:20] iN> Marcyboy: statement*
[17:21] z][t-Civic?: no need... if boht clans say that the cb score is wrong it can be changed
[17:22] iN> Marcyboy: u didnt just change it, like if there had been a miscount or a mistype(or whatever its called)
[17:22] iN> Marcyboy: u started playing it
[17:22] iN> Marcyboy: i dont think u can do that
[17:23] z][t-Civic?: sure
[17:23] z][t-Civic?: continue a cb
[17:23] iN> Marcyboy: maybe we should ask mauti?
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: he said that he wont answer to such issues
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: admins
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: are responsible
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: for such things
[17:24] iN> Marcyboy: then some admins
[17:24] z][t-Civic?: i have some agreements already
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: from who? eight?
[17:25] z][t-Civic?: why should i tell u
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: lol
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: nm
[17:25] iN> Marcyboy: should i ask eight?