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Author Topic: -a2- lookin for AA matches  (Read 12193 times)
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« Reply #80 on: December 14, 2003, 01:25:56 am »

You totally missed my point, all you need to do to win is to pick a big wide poen map and yuou will win, all you need to do is to pick hospital and you will win any all mac clan by default. It's about fairness.

You made your choice, you bought a PC. Live with it

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« Reply #81 on: December 14, 2003, 04:23:18 am »

Joka, show me 25, 10 honor PC newbies who get 100 FPS at Hospital and I'll beat them down at 20 FPS on my mac.

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« Reply #82 on: December 14, 2003, 06:37:35 am »

Guys, you are really missing the point.  It's not all about cheating and about frame rates.  This is a Mac league.  

clanladder only for Mac (Apple Macintosh) clans and players operating in GameRanger. Ip joining as well as other platform players are only allowed if both clans agree. Only clanbattles set up through GameRanger are counted towards the ladder.

It's covered.  If clans don't want to allow the PC users, they don't have to.

I realize that A2 is a mixed clan, not a Mac clan, but that in itself doesn't change the rules.  Implying that people are chickenshit doesn't help either.  

Talking about Ultimo and Ejo as staples of this community don't help much as well, since they've been gone from play so long that many of the players and clans don't have a clue who they are.  

And while punkbuster does eliminate 90% of the cheats (by their own estimates), it's only one factor.

If you don't like the rules as they are, you should ask for them to be changed.  But bitching about it isn't really constructive.

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« Reply #83 on: December 14, 2003, 06:54:05 am »

If I have to do it, I'll have the rule changed for the AA ladder. No, this isn't just beacuse Ult's in our clan, it's because everyone should have a right to join on whatever machine gives them the best change.

The rule ( for the AA ladder ) will probably end up reading something along the lines of "Anyone who can get on GameRanger can play, you may join on whatever machine you want."

I would like to have thought that people could just accept people like Ult, Xo and jo, but aparently not.  

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« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2003, 07:01:22 am »

You totally missed my point, all you need to do to win is to pick a big wide poen map and yuou will win, all you need to do is to pick hospital and you will win any all mac clan by default. It's about fairness.

You made your choice, you bought a PC. Live with it

Joka, I cant run the bigger maps either like Recon, but what if we were a clan composed of all G5's. Would you still be complaining(maybe complaining isnt the right word, but it seems to fit) that its not fair to play on the larger open maps because you cant compete with our faster macs? Come on people, it sounds to me that most of you are complaining just for the hell of it.

You made your choice, you bought a Mac, Live with it.


I realize that A2 is a mixed clan, not a Mac clan, but that in itself doesn't change the rules.? Implying that people are chickenshit doesn't help either.?

Buc, we are not a mixed clan. We started out as a all Mac clan and still are a all mac clan. Utimo just happens to be on a pc. He hasnt war'ed with us, nor is he a very active member. There are no other PC players in A2.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 07:05:04 am by .:VooDoo:. » Logged

Adult Gamers Alliance
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« Reply #85 on: December 14, 2003, 08:09:08 am »


     I thought a2 stood for A.merica's A.pples.  Am I the only one?  And since when can one guy (Typhy or otherwise) singlehandedly change ladder rules? Huh
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« Reply #86 on: December 14, 2003, 08:47:23 am »

Quite simple, Kill Kill, I know that the other AA admins will agree with me.

America's Apples. Everyone in the clan owns a Mac. ( Ult has a 450 G4, 512 RAM, GeForce 2MX, I believe ).

I'm not arguing this for my clan. I'm arguing it becaues it's what is right.

Also, let me ask you this: AA games can't be hosted through GR - how are you going to know which computer a given player connects with? You're not. To avoid issue, it makes sense to write into the rules that you can join on a PC as long as you can be on GameRanger before the CB, or something along those lines.

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« Reply #87 on: December 14, 2003, 04:56:16 pm »

I dunno Typy, it seems a bit wrong to suddenly have the DAMN (Mac bl league) open to PC users... Perhaps players in general don't mind it at all... But what we are basically talking about is Mac Clans with some Mac members who also have PC's and use them to take advantage of the Framerates etc... Dosn't seem very fair

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« Reply #88 on: December 14, 2003, 06:06:10 pm »


     I thought a2 stood for A.merica's A.pples.  Am I the only one?  And since when can one guy (Typhy or otherwise) singlehandedly change ladder rules? Huh

To put it quite simply, he cant. Mauti is the only one who can change rules. We can only suggest and give support for or agains any rule change.


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« Reply #89 on: December 14, 2003, 06:12:20 pm »

I think it should stay a mac only league either way, inviting any pc players into play could lead to more corrupt the league as it's known for macs. Bad idea? I think so.

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« Reply #90 on: December 14, 2003, 07:03:23 pm »

Allow PC owners to play on the league only if they can prove that they are die-hard Mac Lovers and post a picture on the forum of the new Rainbow-colored Apple they just had tattood on their forehead.

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-General of the Army Douglas MacArthur
« Reply #91 on: December 14, 2003, 08:17:31 pm »

The rule ( for the AA ladder ) will probably end up reading something along the lines of "Anyone who can get on GameRanger can play, you may join on whatever machine you want."

If that is how the rule will be worded, I'll start running right now.  Anyway, the content of your version of the rule basically goes against what the *DAMN BL is.  It's an all Mac BL, and it's basically up to Mauti on this one I think.

I personally don't care if I play against a PC or not, but if there are that many people having issues with it, and if there aren't that many people with PC's that this concerns, then I say please the majority.  You wind up making quite a few people happy about not letting PC's in, and you're only shutting out a couple of PC's.  

In closing, I think part of the fear is that letting PC's into the *DBL without the agreeance of both clans would be like opening the floodgates for the future of this league.  I'm not saying I agere with that, but I can imagine some people have that in the back of their minds.

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