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America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
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Topic: America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments (Read 5037 times)
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America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
November 14, 2003, 06:54:36 am »
Hey Mauti, any thoughts on a America's Army Ladder? The style of play is much faster paced then ghr, I know the old RS players would love that. And with punkbuster we dont have to worry so much about cheats. The TWL league kicked -a2- off the ladder only because we cant run there lame ass 3rd party anti cheat client. "CDC" I have been lobbying in there forums to try and get it ported to other os's with no luck. So I thought DAMN may want to sponsor a separate AA League.
Any thoughts on how we can get our hands on what it was written in to port it. It was written in VB with a 3rd pary communications module, soon to be ported to .NET.
Thoughts anyone?
Last Edit: November 16, 2003, 09:51:12 pm by .:VooDoo:.
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #1 on:
November 14, 2003, 08:12:33 am »
Just thought I'd offer my support for a *DAMN AA ladder. I'd love to see it.
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*DAMN Mauti
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #2 on:
November 15, 2003, 02:23:46 am »
Rebel already sent me rule ideas few weeks ago and in season 6 there will be an AA ladder.
Typhy you and Rebel probably gonna be the AA admins for the first AA season but more info about rules, which have to be discussed in the public and more, later.
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #3 on:
November 15, 2003, 03:26:36 am »
i have to say that i?m a lil bit worried about this AA ladder idea...
how much AA clans do we have? i can only see -a2-.
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #4 on:
November 15, 2003, 05:11:01 am »
:nods:, sounds good, Mauti.
Civic, while A2 is the only clan who just palys AA, I know some of the BTs guys play it, lots of the MPs, and many other members of this community.
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #5 on:
November 15, 2003, 05:48:37 am »
They will begin to pop up once the ladder is up. Once -a2- closes it's doors the people who didn't get in will probably start their own clans. Didn't BTs_Sturm have a clan??
Well gl and if you need any help give me a pm.
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #6 on:
November 15, 2003, 09:23:51 am »
I agree those guys will be great mods for this ladder....
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #7 on:
November 15, 2003, 08:28:05 pm »
I would love to play the -a2- clan!
Only got me in my clan that plays it regularly (cos am a beta tester) but if I can convince some of the other guys then maybe we could take part. But there all AA noobs!
I do prefer it to GhR. The only problem I see is the hosting. I know the -a2- clan has a host but I don't know how hard or easy it would be to set up one.
Da? Swiftkill
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #8 on:
November 16, 2003, 01:32:58 am »
Could i possibly suggest a *Damn dedicated AA server for cbing?
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #9 on:
November 16, 2003, 09:24:47 am »
That, Swiftkill, comes into money.
A2 has a dedicated 12 man leased server ( we pay 48 bucks a month ), Rebel and I have already been talking about how to use that server most effectively to benifit the *DAMN AA ladder. I'll let you know as soon as we have it worked out.
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Americas Army Ladders
Reply #10 on:
November 16, 2003, 07:45:35 pm »
Hello everyone. Typhy and I have been chosen to be admins of the new Americas Army Ladders on *DAMN. I was put in charge of creating a set of rules that we will abide by and other things. Below are the rules of the leagues. We plan to have 2 ladders, a 2v2 ladder and a 4v4+ ladder. The 4v4+ ladder will be teams of 4v4 5v5 or 6v6. 6 being the max. The -a2- Americas Apples server will be up for matches. But any clans that will want to use our dedicated server provided by goamericasarmy.com will have to contribute 8 dollars per month to the server. Your 8 dollars will get you permissions in the server and your clan will be able to reserve times for matches and practices through myself, typhy, or voodoo. Below are the rules that I have created for these ladders. Any comments, suggestions, or critisism is acceptable.
Americas Army Ladder Rules
Type of gameplay : Team Objective
Number of maps: 1
Number of Squads: 2
Members per squad: 4+
Rounds per match: 14 (1 setup round, 6 matches per side)
Time Limit: See map list
The team that challenges another clan is the attacking team. The team that is being challenged is the defending team. The defending team will choose two possible maps for play. The attacking team will then pick one of the two maps to play in the match. The defending team will start as defense with the attacking team starting on offense.
A match consists of 12 match rounds per map
Winning the match: Match winners are determined by a best of 12 scenario. The team with the most wins after 12 rounds wins. Rounds are won by either capturing the objective or eliminating the opposing team in the allotted time.
In the event of a tie (score would be 6-6) Mout Mckenna will be used as an overtime map. Rules for overtime are the same as the regular rules, but only one round will be played. The defending team will chose which side to play as Honor or Loyalty.
Map List:
Bridge ( 7 minute rounds )
HQ Raid ( 7 minute rounds )
Insurgent Camp ( 7 minute rounds )
Pipeline ( 7 minute rounds )
Tunnel ( 7 minute rounds )
Weapons Cache ( 7 minute rounds )
Mountain Pass ( 10 minute rounds )
Swamp Raid ( 7 minute rounds )
Weapons Cache SE ( 10 minute rounds )
AA Version 2.0 Maps
SF Pipeline ( 7 minute rounds )
SF Hospital ( 7 minute rounds )
SF Recon ( 10 minute rounds )
Maps such as Mountain Ambush and FLS Assault will not be permitted due to their bad fps and unbalanced nature.
Server Information
The attacking team should provide the server. In the event that the attacking team does not have a server and/or the server has bad pings, the defending team can provide the server. If a server cannot be agreed on then you need to email an admin before the match and it will be dealt with.
Server Settings
Max Client Rate= 10,000
Require Authorization= Checked (on)
Game Password= Host?s Choice
Cheats= Unchecked (off)
Maximum ROE= 1000
# of minutes per round= Map Dependant
# of rounds per match= 7
# of Matches before cycling= 1
Minimum number of players to start= Number of players in match
Cycle Maps after match= Unchecked (off)
Minimum Honor= 10
Maximum Honor= 100
Spectate from player starts only= Checked (On)
Spectate from team players only= Checked (On)
Spectate from first person only=Checked (on)
Max spectators= 0
MILES= Force_normal
Hide Settings= unchecked (off)
All Idle player settings will be set to Unchecked (off)
Match Details
All members of both squads are responsible for treating each other with respect. Global Game Chat will be kept to a minimum. Rude or abusive language will not be tolerated prior to or during the match
Teams sizes MUST be relayed to the opposing side 24 hrs in advance and be posted in match comms. This is to ensure proper server settings and a minimum of delay in starting the match. If a team shows up at a match with more than the posted amount, the extra players will have to rotate in at side change. If a team shows with less than the posted amount, they may play with 4 or more players or they may forfeit the match, unless the opposing team agrees in match comms to allow them to play with a lesser number.
All agreements and arrangements must be posted in match comms. This is to protect you incase the other team denies having made any arrangements with you.
The match will proceed in this manner:
1 setup round
6 match rounds
side change
1 setup round
6 match rounds
(Additional Setup rounds may be needed due to a player disconnecting during the battle.)
The server may start the round while the last player has not had an opportunity to join a side. In this case all players should suicide using the console command and the next round will be the first setup.
During each setup round all players will again select the correct side and make any weapon adjustments as needed. Screenshots will also be taken during the setup round. Once both sides are satisfied that selections have been made all players will use the console command to 'suicide'. Unless the teams are still 'mixed', the following round will be live. Both sides MUST confirm that they understand that the round is live. Only in the event that sides are still mixed will the round not be considered live. Not having a weapon you want is not grounds for a live round to be halted. In the event that at anytime teams become mixed, ALL players will disconnect then reconnect and the process will start over.
Killing one or more opfor during a Setup round will result in a 1 round forfeit loss. If during the same match the offending team kills another opfor during a different Setup round, they will forfeit the match. If the opfor killed any member of your team during the Setup round it will be your teams choice as to whether to go live the next round, or have another Setup round. This choice needs to be made in Global Talk before the experation of time.
No team will fire any weapon for the first 5 seconds of ANY live round. Pulling the pin on a grenade IS considered firing a weapon.
Any player issues that arise after the start of a live round will be considered 'casualties of war' and the round will proceed.
After 6 live rounds have been played ALL players will exit the server then reconnect, using the same procedure noted above, except they will switch sides. There is a 15 minute limit to have your players rejoin for side change. Player substitutions may be made at this time.
Set Up Round Instructions
During each set up round ALL players will raise the F1 screen and take a screenshot.
Screenshot requests will only be made by an admin and must be presented immediately upon an admins request. Screenshots WILL NOT be provided to anyone other than an admin unless approved by both teams.
Screenshots will be held by the player for a minimum of 72 hours. Failure or refusal to take or provide a screenshot when requested will result in the forfeiture of that match by the offending team and possible action taken against the player himself, at the discretion of the admins.
Dropped Players
If a player drops from the server during a setup round, the setup round will be replayed. Once a round goes 'live' any dropped players will be considered a ?casualty? and the round will continue. Dropped players may ONLY rejoin at the completion of the round they dropped. If a dropped player rejoins during the live portion of the round, his team may have to forfeit the round. Squads may rotate players between side changes or prior to an 'overtime' round, but not between rounds. A player who drops during a live round will need a setup round to ensure he spawns with his team for the next live round and to allow him to select his weapon.
Have Fun and play nice. Failure to abide by these rules will be dealt with firmly. Plain and simple just play the game and have fun.
Points System
The AA ladder?s point system will be fairly simple. If you win a match you get 10 points. If you lose a match you lose 5 points. Plain and simple the clan with the best record wins.
2v2 match rules are basically the same but certain maps will not be allowed due to their massive size.
Last Edit: November 16, 2003, 08:19:19 pm by KoS.Rebel
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God save the Royal Whorealots
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Re:Americas Army Ladders
Reply #11 on:
November 16, 2003, 08:20:45 pm »
One thing that Rebel left out:
3v3s will count for the 2v2 ladder.
One thing that I'd consider is banning HQ Raid. Because of the CQC nature of this map, 10 FPS is unplayable there. I get 10-15 FPS, and I'll well above the system requirements. I'd hate to think what it'd be on something that was just at or below the requirements. One thing that we have to accept, regrettably, with these high-end games, is that in order to run an active ladder, we have to cooperate with the people with weaker machines.
2v2 maps would be:
( 7 minutes ) Insurgent Camp
( 7 minutes ) Swamp Raid
( 7 minutes ) Bridge
( 7 minutes ) Tunnel
I'll edit this with more soon.
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l ! l Ross
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Re:An America's Army Ladder?
Reply #12 on:
November 16, 2003, 09:01:17 pm »
Quote from: |GM|GhostSniper on November 16, 2003, 08:26:47 pm
Is there a reason for having cheats unchecked (off)?
Yea why don't we have cheats on?
I thought that would be kind of simple to understand.
God save the Royal Whorealots
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #13 on:
November 16, 2003, 10:01:05 pm »
In America's Army, there are specific cheat servers, where you can use console cheats. Having cheats unchecked blocks such cheats.
"Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively." - National Association of Procrastinators<br /><br />Kerry & Edwards in 04' <br />Knowles for US Senate
*DAMN Mauti
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #14 on:
November 16, 2003, 11:08:48 pm »
I just told Rebel and Typhy to post their version of rules.
First Rebel and Typhy for the first season I only recommend and would like to set up ONE ladder.
I gonna discuss the other points later. Only one thing I have already asked but how do you start an AA host on a Mac!?
About the 8US Dollar fee that's something you have to advertise and handle outside the league please. This is an offer from you but has nothing to do with *DAMN although it will help matches going on. Please remove it from your post.
Further you have now admin status Rebel and Typhy that means you are also moderators of this forum and can see the private admin section. Nevertheless you should only admin things concerning the AA ladder and Typhy can do things for the RS fraction as well.
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #15 on:
November 16, 2003, 11:15:26 pm »
I'll post a tutorial on the A2 site and link to it once I remember how to start a server.
It's a royal pain in the ass, because you have to go through the terminal.
One ladder is something that Rebel and I disagreed on ( I wanted 1, he wanted 2 ), I can see it working either way, but one ladder would work fine if we have a points system that rewards clans for bigger CBs.
The reason that we posted that offer is because, like I said, it's a real pain in the ass to try and host servers. I'll post some links to places where you can purchase servers, as well as a tutorial once I write it.
:Looks at Rebel's "I've got power" face.
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #16 on:
November 16, 2003, 11:19:41 pm »
Typhy, a guy on the AA forums posted a script that starts AA up in server mode for the Mac. He's updated it often. You may want to use that.
I did start up the cube as a server, and it did work fine using these scripts when 1.9 came out.
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*DAMN Mauti
God save the Royal Whorealots
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #17 on:
November 16, 2003, 11:26:24 pm »
May you can post a link to it so I can add it like the full game to our download section.
No problem about the paying server stuff but it has simply nothing to do with setting up rules
About the point system we can talk about everything here mainly the choice will depend on how many clans I can expect. Well once we have set up the rules I gonna contact InsideMacGames and Corey from MacGamers to make it more public.
Good night,
*DAMN: One Worldwide Gaming Community
since 13th June 2000
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #18 on:
November 16, 2003, 11:41:55 pm »
I'm ban from the AA forums for something I said to a moderator in a PM. . .
Perhaps you could link me, Bucc?
Mauti, a download for 1.9:
When 2.0 is out, of course, there will be a new link.
Remember, people, these rules we posted are just our ideas. Feel free to comment - tell us what you think, what you like, what you dislike.
"Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively." - National Association of Procrastinators<br /><br />Kerry & Edwards in 04' <br />Knowles for US Senate
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Re:America's Army Ladder Rules, Suggestions and Comments
Reply #19 on:
November 16, 2003, 11:51:32 pm »
Quote from: Typhy on November 16, 2003, 11:41:55 pm
I'm ban from the AA forums for something I said to a moderator in a PM. . .
Sorry, but that's the funniest thing I've read all week.
I'll find it for you and let you know. But add me to your buddy list on GR so I can.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke
Screw the pussy isolationists and their shortsightedness - Buccaneer
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