Here are the steps to take to play a CB:
1) Arrange the ClanBattle with the opponent clan.
2) Play the games and follow the
*DAMN BattleLeague Rules.
3) After you finished playing, the winning clan has to enter the data of the CB on the
Submit a CB page. There, you can not only enter the Stats, but also info about the players on both sides.
4) When the CB has been submitted, the opponent (losing) clan has to either confirm the stats, if they have been submitted correctly, or reject the battle. A rejected CB will be shown a BL admin, who can change the stats, or, of there have been glitching/cheating issues, can discuss the problem with both clans.
5) If the CB has finally been confirmed, its Stats will be added to both clan's stats and will be shown on the respective ladder.
If you have more questions concerning CB submitting, post them here.
*DAMN Elandrion