Hey. . .watch it wrath. . .you forget so easily your who is your match
However, I just thought I'd rebuke Ace a little. . .while it's true in actuality that almost exclusively professionals and the like use PowerMacs, that needn't be the case. Users such as ourselves, who have equal desire for power but no use for dual processors, should not be excluded from the top-of-the-line machines. Our PC brethren have full access to the latest and greatest for all users. . .Mac should be the same way.
I want to have the best Mac I can afford, but only to the extent that I'll use it. I shouldn't have to buy a lesser machine simply to avoid having 2 processors.
Loud, about the only power users who have a great desire for power but no use for dual processors are people who use their Macs almost solely for gaming. This group is so infintesimally small (if it even exists at all) that it it is not worth it to Apple financially to cater to them.
Maybe I'm missing something, but can you tell me who else would need a 1.42ghz G4 rather than a 1ghz G4 and would not have a use for multiple processors?