« on: January 23, 2003, 03:39:48 am » |
Hey -
I need some help please - Running GR on a (b/w) Mac G3/500Mhz upgrade 450 MB of RAM assigned to GR with a 3DFX Voodoo5 PCI graphics card
GR runs great in single quick mission play no problems whatsoever!
BUT- When I attempt to launch in Campaign mode the screen graphics show up as unreadable lines of blocks and spaces and in only two colors (white and blue) the start buttons when I have been lucky enough to find them by random chance clicking around the screen will launch the mission but the mission graphics only appear as simple polygons some shaded some not mostly in two colors.
What is going on with this?? Anyone else having a similar problem ?? Is there any hardware/software non- compatiblity info that I need to be aware of ?? Is there a workaround or fix??
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2003, 09:43:55 am » |
Do you have activated any mods? This could be the reason. Also do you experience the same problem in OS9 and OSX?
*(SPU) mono
Posts: 20
smells like napalm, tastes like chicken!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2003, 12:07:42 pm » |
yep had that problem too after installing mods (blacksun me thinks). had to reinstall GR ...  problem appeared on osx, but persisted in os9. good luck, --mono
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2003, 10:37:15 pm » |
Sorry forgetting to list my OS- Mac OS 9.2.2 - Yes I do have a half dozen or so mods installed in the Mods Folder (including BlackSun) but this problem occurs without any mods being activated -
Do you think it could still be related to the mods just being in the mods folder??
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2003, 11:02:15 pm » |
Usually not. Try to delete your lke.log (at your Ghost Recon folder) and delete your unlockedmissions.xml(GR Data folder). Also open your modsset.txt(GR Data folder). Copy and paste the following: // MODS SETTINGS - LIST OF MODS ACTIVE ON THIS SYSTEM "\mods\mp1" Bye, Mauti
scott m
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2003, 03:10:55 am » |
Mauti -- thanks for the quick response this afternoon -
I have done exactly as you recommended - but the problem persists
I wonder if there is a Mac System pref. file for GR that I should possibly trash??
Also the code line I was to copy and paste was already in my file when I opened it.
Any other possible solutions ??- Reinstall??
BTW - My Threat Indicator is not working either - again I only play in Single Player and I am not sure if it is supposed to be operational in that mode... is it?
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2003, 08:33:54 am » |
Yes TI should work except for Elite(!?).
Well then please start GR and start a campaign then quit and open the lke.log file please and post what it says. That's the last possibility I see before you should try a reinstall.
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2003, 10:51:07 pm » |
you also might want to keep your mods in a seperate folder. I do that to increase load time and so that the mods dont corrupt anything. If the game askes for a certain mod i just intall it at that time.
.:Voodoo:. Adult Gamers Alliance*DAMN Battle League Administrator 2002 - 2004 Retired Brothers of Chaos - Winners of *DBL Raven Shield Season 8 with 14-0 Record
scott m
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2003, 02:28:29 am » |
Mauti -
I decided to trash all my GR files/folders [moved the mods folder to another drive] Then I went ahead and did a clean re-install from the original CD - I then launched the game -- no mods were added -- Like before no problems in the Training and in the Quick Mission modes but the same result in the Campaign mode [ I get the first screen okay that allows me to title and initiate a new campaign then the next screen goes to the white background with the blocks of color where type should usually be] oddly sound is okay - I get the audio briefing info and button noise if I can accidentally find one to click
here is the > ike.log < you requested [btw thanks you very much for your time with this!!]
***** User's system configuration ***** CPU: 264 RAM: 640 MB O/S: 2338 RSOptions: Could not open options file options.xml for reading, using defaults Ghost Recon (RELEASE) version = HAL (hw vp): : Mac OS A1R5G5B5 SURFACE FORMATS Format D3DFMT_R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 Not Supported Format D3DFMT_R5G6B5 Supported RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file ike_fx_fire_type2.rsb Cannot read ike_fx_fire_type2.rsb RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file lighthalo_effect3.rsb Cannot read lighthalo_effect3.rsb RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file .rsb Cannot read .rsb SOUND: Cannot Find: MP0_briefing.wav RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file .rsb Cannot read .rsb SOUND: Cannot Find: MP0_briefing.wav RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file \options.xml SURFACE FORMATS Format D3DFMT_R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 Not Supported Format D3DFMT_R5G6B5 Supported SimGun: Gun node Object 27 has no camera offset helper point. SimGun: Gun node Object 28 has no camera offset helper point. RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file .rsb Cannot read .rsb RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file d_unlockedheroes.xml RSFILEDATA: FindFile could not find file \mods\mp1\save\game\1022.csf_bin
scott m
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2003, 03:01:32 am » |
Mauti - additional info
After reading the ike.log it seems weird that the application cannot find those files - the installer seemed to work without any issues -- Below is the contents of the GR folder as it was installed -- And the sub folders(Origmiss, Mp1, Model, Motion... etc) seem to contain all their necessary files:
>Ghost Recon - Desert Siege [Folder] Ghost Recon [Application] Ike.log Read Me > Ghost Recon Data [Folder} best_times.xml modsset.txt unlocked_heroes.xml unlocked_missions.xml options.xml d_unlockedheroes.xml > Mods [Folder] Mp1[Folder] Origmiss [Folder] > Data [Folder] Model [Folder] Motion [Folder] Save [Folder] Temp [Folder] Textures [Folder] Video [Folder] ModsCont.txt
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2003, 10:24:04 am » |
Damn it. You have reinstalled the game and the problem still persists. What the hell can this be? I have heard of problems with Quicktime 6.1 and games so do you use this version of Quicktime? About your lke.log: "RSOptions: Could not open options file options.xml for reading, using defaults" this line is somehow strange and doesn't show up in my logfile. Here you have my Options.xml. Copy and paste. I doubt it helps but it is worth a try. <OptionsFile> ???<MouseRadiansPerPixel>0.008727</MouseRadiansPerPixel> ???<UseMouseInput>TRUE</UseMouseInput> ???<UseInputSprockets>TRUE</UseInputSprockets> ???<MoveShuffleThreshold>10</MoveShuffleThreshold> ???<MoveNormalThreshold>30</MoveNormalThreshold> ???<MoveFastThreshold>100</MoveFastThreshold> ???<MouseLookReverseY>FALSE</MouseLookReverseY> ???<ThreatIndicatorEnabled>TRUE</ThreatIndicatorEnabled> ???<DefaultKeyMappingFilename>defplayr.keys</DefaultKeyMappingFilename> ???<Gameplay> ??????<BloodOn>TRUE</BloodOn> ??????<RecordGame>TRUE</RecordGame> ??????<ShowIntro>TRUE</ShowIntro> ??????<AutoAssignStats>FALSE</AutoAssignStats> ??????<InitialRateOfFire>FULL AUTO</InitialRateOfFire> ??????<AlwaysRun>FALSE</AlwaysRun> ??????<IFFType>RETICULE</IFFType> ???</Gameplay> ???<ShellBackgroundIndex>0</ShellBackgroundIndex> ???<ReticuleColorR>255</ReticuleColorR> ???<ReticuleColorG>214</ReticuleColorG> ???<ReticuleColorB>17</ReticuleColorB> ???<ReticuleIFFColorR>160</ReticuleIFFColorR> ???<ReticuleIFFColorG>200</ReticuleIFFColorG> ???<ReticuleIFFColorB>255</ReticuleIFFColorB> ???<XBoxMode>FALSE</XBoxMode> ???<Graphics> ??????<FullScreen>TRUE</FullScreen> ??????<VideoResolution Width = "640" Height = "480" BitDepth = "16"/> ??????<ShowFrameRate>FALSE</ShowFrameRate> ??????<UsePrimaryDisplay>FALSE</UsePrimaryDisplay> ??????<UseDisplayDeviceGuid>FALSE</UseDisplayDeviceGuid> ??????<DisplayDeviceGuid>{0400cc00-0000-40fc-8500-000400850000}</DisplayDeviceGuid> ??????<CompressTextures>TRUE</CompressTextures> ??????<HumanShadowDetail>0</HumanShadowDetail> ??????<VehicleShadowDetail>0</VehicleShadowDetail> ??????<BulletHoleMax>43</BulletHoleMax> ??????<Gamma>0.550000</Gamma> ??????<DefaultMipMapping>FALSE</DefaultMipMapping> ??????<MipMapLODBias>-0.500000</MipMapLODBias> ??????<ShowDeadBodies>TRUE</ShowDeadBodies> ??????<CharVertexWeight>FALSE</CharVertexWeight> ??????<ParticleDetail>1</ParticleDetail> ??????<UITextureDetail>2</UITextureDetail> ??????<LevelTextureDetail>1</LevelTextureDetail> ??????<CharacterTextureDetail>1</CharacterTextureDetail> ??????<EffectTextureDetail>1</EffectTextureDetail> ??????<ZBufferBits>16</ZBufferBits> ??????<TreeModelDetail>MEDIUM</TreeModelDetail> ??????<CharacterModelDetail>MEDIUM</CharacterModelDetail> ???</Graphics> ???<Sound> ??????<MasterVolume>1.000000</MasterVolume> ??????<MasterSwitch>TRUE</MasterSwitch> ??????<EffectsVolume>1.000000</EffectsVolume> ??????<EffectsSwitch>TRUE</EffectsSwitch> ??????<MusicVolume>1.000000</MusicVolume> ??????<MusicSwitch>TRUE</MusicSwitch> ??????<VoiceVolume>1.000000</VoiceVolume> ??????<VoiceSwitch>TRUE</VoiceSwitch> ??????<AlternateCache>FALSE</AlternateCache> ??????<UseEAX>TRUE</UseEAX> ??????<SoundInSoftware>FALSE</SoundInSoftware> ???</Sound> ???<Multiplayer> ??????<ChatMsg text = "Go go go go!" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<ChatMsg text = "" team = "false"/> ??????<MPGameName>Austrian Squad ;)</MPGameName> ??????<MOTD>---</MOTD> ??????<JoinPort>2346</JoinPort> ??????<AnnouncePort>2347</AnnouncePort> ??????<BehindFirewall>TRUE</BehindFirewall> ??????<PreferredIP>DEFAULT</PreferredIP> ??????<RemoteServerAccess>FALSE</RemoteServerAccess> ??????<RemoteServerPasswd/> ??????<GameSynchTimeout>600.000000</GameSynchTimeout> ??????<CharIndex>1</CharIndex> ??????<KitIndex>9</KitIndex> ??????<IPAddress></IPAddress> ??????<IPAddress></IPAddress> ??????<IPAddress></IPAddress> ??????<IPAddress></IPAddress> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ??????<IPAddress/> ???</Multiplayer> ???<PlayerName>*DAMN Mauti</PlayerName> </OptionsFile>
Sorry, if this doesn't help, you may should contact the tech support of Aspyr. Also send them the link to this thread so they don't repeat what I told you  Good luck, Mauti ps: one thing more you say you can start a campaign(enter your campaign name) without troubles. When you have entered this does it play the intro movies for GR or DS!? When you play quickmission and select game type mission you don't have the problem right!?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2003, 10:31:45 am by *DAMN Mauti »
scott m
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2003, 11:49:10 am » |
Mauti - and others:
I tried the copy /paste of your options.xml - no luck - still the same result
To answer your Questions:
In Campaign Mode - when I enter a campaign name -- no problem - yes, it then plays the intro movie and then goes to the briefing screen -- this is where the screen has no graphics just the white background with the blue blocks and spaces - briefing audio does continue however and I can guess where the buttons are and can advance to the next screen- if I guess right- but the graphics continue to be the same.
Yes, when I play Quick Mission or Training every thing works great no problems and I can use any of the mods I have without any negative affects
[except the TI does not work -- it appears just as a circular grid with a white background - its trianglular arrow direction pointer around the edge of the circle does move as I turn the soldier's facing direction though.]
BTW: Just out of curiousity I did a search on my hard drive for the > ike_fx_fire_type2.rsb < file that the ike.log said it could not find and I in fact did not find it ... which makes me suspect that the installer may not be working correctly?? Any reports of such behavior that you are aware of ??
Mauti thanks for your time and energy with this problem - please don't feel like you need to baby sit this thing - unless you find this kind of troubleshooting fun - I am sure you must have other things that you need to get to...
I will call Aspyr on Monday and run it by them with the referral to this forum as you have suggested - and thanks to the other guys that offered their insight - I read it all and tried everyones ideas -- much appreciated guys !!
I will continue to check back here to see if anyone has any other ideas... I will let you know if and how I get this worked out and we can document it for others who might run into this type of problem.
thanks all,
scott m
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2003, 01:26:08 am » |
Does anyone else running GR in MacOS9.2.2 have the files that are listed as >cannot find< in my ike.log above??
they would be:
ike_fx_fire_type2.rsb lighthalo_effect3.rsb .rsb MP0_briefing.wav d_unlockedheroes.xml \mods\mp1\save\game\1022.csf_bin
If you do have them where are they located (folder? sub folder? location??) on your system?
I have run the GR installer CD 3 times to fresh install to individual drives on my system and these files are just not being installed ?? Some kind of mystery??
Also under Surface Formats in the ike.log what is the Not Supported item that shows up ?? might this be related to a graphics card incompatibility?? what is this reference to?? would it be related to the graphics problem I am experiencing?? see below from ike.log file:
SURFACE FORMATS Format D3DFMT_R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 Supported Format D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 Not Supported Format D3DFMT_R5G6B5 Supported
thanks -- scott m still at it...
scott m
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2003, 01:28:42 am » |
Mauti - I forgot to answer your question about my Quicktime version -
I am running version 5.0.2
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2003, 01:43:01 am » |
Well the faults in your lke.log appear on all Macs but it doesn't influence the game.
Check the version number of your drawsprockets located at your system extension folder. It should be at least 1.7.3 - I use 1.7.7.
Good night,
scott m
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2003, 12:17:22 am » |
So, Guys- (Mauti- BTW- I am running DrawSprockets 1.7.7)
I contacted Aspyr Tech support - Absolutely no help -
Because I have A PowerMac Blue&White G3 with a processor upgrade to 500MHz (ZIF JoeCard by Metabox) and I am running a Voodoo5 videocard which are components not supported by Aspyr (they do not support processor upgrades and only tested the game on the ATi Rage 128 and the Nvidia cards) they could only suggest that I may never be able to run the game successfully however they admitted they really don't know why.
They offered that typically in supported systems the problem with rendering I am experiencing would be a RAM issue (not enough) but not an issue with my system.
When I tried to get the tech guy to answer the question of why the game works great in Quick Mission and Training but not in Campaign mode - was it possible the application is not functioning correctly?? What would be the significant difference between the two modes?? What should I be taking a look at ??- He abruptly cut me off and restated that they do not support my system config. and that was the end of our conversation. He was polite but obviously was not going to have the conversation.
Oh well... Guess I might be screwed
Still in my limited experience it seems odd that the Campaign Mission graphics are the only problem when everything else (other game modes) is working great - ??
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2003, 01:46:07 pm » |
Lol that's what I call support  Maybe your problems will be fixed with the 1.4 patch. - Let's hope. Bye, Mauti
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2003, 02:41:19 pm » |
Flies his problem is not to run the game itself(the Missions in Quickmission run fine) he has a problem with the campaign menus - he doesn't see the buttons and such stuff but he has no problems to play the game.
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2003, 05:32:02 pm » |
Flies please don't take this personally. Your input is welcome and may you can share with us how you solved this(new mac!?). I only added that Scott has a problem with the menus not the game at all.
If you select mission in quickmission it shows you the same briefing as in single player campaign doesn't it!? You also have the same amount of tanks, enemies,... So why the hell doesn't work it in campaign mode as well!?
I never experienced such problems on my old imac with only 8MB vram(of course, as you mentioned Flies, the framerate sucks). Only with mods that require the 1.3 patch.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2003, 05:51:19 pm by *DAMN Mauti »
Scott m
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2003, 10:59:55 pm » |
Mauti & Flies -
Interesting info, Flies -
Mauti is right that I do not have trouble with framerates or graphics aside from a non functional TI when playing in the Quick Mission or the Training Modes or when using Mods in the Quick Missions - I can set all the graphics to max and see all the details including high rez shadows but as expected the frame rates drop way down and the game is really not playable without feeling sick. But it does demonstrate that the card is able to render the graphics. I am playing at 32 bit 640x480 - the Voodoo5 is a 64MB card at 166MHz clock speed - the ATI 128 and the Nvidia are 128MB cards (correct?)
But then again I haven't played this game on any other system - if I had the experience of playing on a new G4 with a Nvidia card I might realize that I am missing more than I am now aware of - just a thought.
Again when in Campaign if I am lucky enough to find the buttons to advance from the Briefing screen to the actual Campaign launch the screen images are very sparse and comprised of crude polygons -- no soldiers just a blocky gun sight and various obstacles and very very low frame rates.