Cool Pun. Can you also host just a GameRanger only game?
Yea, do you mean hosting on Gameranger and only Gameranger people can join the room? Yea you can do that.
I'm playing from a Mac so I can't use xfire and I can't IP join a server which sucks so I don't think I can get on your servers Mesa.
I guess you figured that one out already, but if not: go into you console and write "conntect IP:PORT(if other than usual) and you can IP join any server you want.
That said I also own CoD4 for Mac since january and I like it except that their is no spawn invincible time and some game modes are buggy, e.g. Sabotage round limit 2 standing 1 - 0. Last round ends in a draw and the complete game is a draw.
So once I'm coming forward with the *DBL I hope to play a few rounds with you =)