Ok, what you need to ask yourself is this...is this for hobby or is this your actual job? If its the ladder then, dealing with some advice given here is sound. However, if your doing this video project using iMovie or FCE/Pro, you can still do a great job sticking with most common type HDs.
I will recommend going for LaCie. They are pricy, but soo worth it. Stay away from Maxtor. Although, I agree that a HD is a HD is a HD, but when it comes to the many features, and stability and reliability, I have yet to meet another HD that beats LaCie's. And they make beautiful enclosures (Apple and LaCie work together on some of the same design engineers - don't ask how I know
Ok, BFG is correct w.r.t. the dropping of frames, most often than not, its the drive speed. If you're using a MBP, then you have 5400 rpm which is plenty without risking droppage, but of course, if you upgraded the internal HD to 7200 rpm, then your laughing.
As far as USB 2.0 vs Firewire - many people, especially sales reps at Sony, will toy with you and tell you how USB 2.0 is faster than FW. This is Hogwash - Firewire ALWAYS beats out on USB 2.0 when talking about sustainment. First off, whether your using iMovie or FCE/Pro, you need FW as it doesn't recognize USB interface. Second, USB 2.0 is faster than FW when referring to "spurts" of data transfer, usually when transferring some file sizes, but when your talking about transfering huge files (ie. 20, 30, 40 GB +), ie. sustainment of speed over longer periods, FW always beats out USB 2.0.
Also, my PO on having more than 1 HD within the same Enclosure - I've seen problems when it comes to retrieving data from failed HD, meaning one failed and the other did not - but, I can't say that it happens alot, but it does happen. My solution, again depending on how serious of a projeect this is, I would buy 2 enclosures and stack them up - LaCies are great for this!