With the Summer now approaching (likely the season won't start until I'm out of school in a few weeks) I will be more active again.
Now that I am no longer as active as a player, I really would want to move to do a bit of administration to complete my *DBL tour of duty since before the seasons were counted. To draw up a few points as Stripes did:
- I have played Raven Shield since it was introduced on Mac (and sparsely before that on PCs)
- I have been part of the DAMN Community Since 2001, part of GameRanger long enough to go out one night and wonder if the internet will still exist the next (Y2K... oh that was fun eh?)
- The clan in which I am currently associated does not actively play anymore; thus I have neutrality for most clan disputes
- I won't be vacationing this sumer and work from the home in web publishing; so most hours I will be reachable on GR.
- I have always had a few ideas to contribute, and I think the aura of being the asshole in MP5 and ÅK is starting to fade.
Well, I try most times there's a call for admins; I'm nothing if not persistent.