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BTs_Ch A oS
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« on: September 13, 2003, 08:03:09 pm »

I have a strong suspicion that Maytag is Fridge/crayola.  compare posts from Maytag and Fridge and note the similarity in opinion, tone, and phraseology.

Also, duh, Maytag is an APPLIANCE-maker-- ala FRIDGEs!

and last but not least, he is a devious little sucker who probably goes by 100 different aliases and might actually be half of the registered members of DAMN forum posting from 3 computers simultaneously! Grin

(He is in at least one clan;how many clans he is currently in is anyone's guess)
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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2003, 10:05:54 pm »

well well

u know the guy bts_Eight
he made a awsome job on his bl, spent lots cash to buy pre-built php ladder things( had LOTS OF DIFF PLAY GAMES)
about this i thank him to tried this, it was when Damn bl was not very active and some of my members had good fun on it.

Ok so why not have the old lms (boring) cb style + warzone + ANY NEW IDEAS
 u can get boring at this game quickly so why not add extra

Hamburger hill is very fun , so how can warzone could be bad ?
like 6 respawn teams or no respawn at all could be fun !!!!

i think this games with an objectives can only bring us more fun

AND NO SENSORS GAMES !!!!!!!!!!! very cool
support guns and others "unused guns" have a new life in no sensors lammas play games

and a big thank to Mauti to continue this league (plz redo clors on website hard to read)

have a vist a http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/239516
and www.tribeclan.fr.st

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« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2003, 10:12:31 pm »

I know fridge used his laptop to join games and TK ppl...on purpose

To give another example of the little rascals mentality:
He used to observe me, when ever i joined a game and got the green dot next to my name he connected to me on nf and yelled various things  Grin
when i exited game and the green dot disapeared he disconnected just in time so i couldnt get his IP.

Eventually I out speeded him, and got his IP.

Well, i have him blocked now in GR...happy ending.

« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2003, 06:39:07 am »

well sturm, i made it pretty obvious it was me, i just couldn't remember my pw it's some crazy thing that this forum gave me so i had to post as a guest under a diff name, my post was a little off because I thought the post was recent, I didn't realize it was from when before Mauti left for Croatia.  And joka, shutup man, i didn't yell at you and you didn't catch me, I told you it was me, I just connected to you and talked to you using a buffy the vampire slayer soundboard from ebaumsworld.com.  It was funny shit, I was having a conversation with you using her and you thought i was undertakers sister, but nice of you to amplify it and add  you bullshit to it, btw you're ugly.
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« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2003, 11:38:26 am »

BTW fridge is no longer a member of |GM| so plz do not accosiat his action w/ ours. No offence fridge but i have to watch out for my clan!

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« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2003, 08:29:17 pm »

Yes you told me it was you, AFTER I told you on nf that i got your IP...
Yes you did yell...
No I did not amplify anything...
Yes I am ugly...

And what did you do last night, like 30min's after i made that post..?
Same shit....  Sad

Man, if you find harassing ppl online fun, then i feel sorry for you...

Good luck.

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« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2003, 02:20:18 am »

children children....please dont do your bickering here.


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