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Author Topic: The truth behind Rouge Spear...  (Read 6695 times)
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« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2003, 04:48:47 am »

Why is it that i have to scroll down 46 screens to read Rapids posts....just a question....but do you have to make your font so freakin big twinkle toes...?

Herhe! Herhe ?
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2003, 07:03:53 am »

Rapid, dont be so stupid. I am not mainman. But you sure are a loser.
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« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2003, 04:57:55 pm »

I'm taking Wrabbits side on this one!

Haha, I love your avatar golo!

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mainman @ school
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2003, 06:11:04 pm »

wtf, that wasnt me.... btw.. do not challenge my programming capabilities cause none of u truly no.. u guys just go on my shit penmanship.. btw

Now don't let MainMan(n00b)?? typhy dont start, u allrdy have 1 of the worst reps in the RS world. ive been on gr for 4.5 yrs created over 6 sites and have hosted over 10 diff clans.. Typhy use ur head and dont make ur self look stupid. Im even questioning is Ak should be put on the links part of the m4 page... no respect and yes im working on a anti-cheat ur dumbass decision if u want it or not.. Now letz focus the topic on cheating not how rude u guys truly are
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2003, 11:31:28 pm »


Don't you get it MainMan?  We don't have a "problem" with these "hacks".

Now of course, we can begin to have them if n00bs like you decide to take your extra time you have (no life perhaps?) and start "programming" these hacks, in order to be able to make a "anti-hack".  

Don't you get it?  You "programming" these hacks and making them available to others is what can start the problems...

Of course since others knew of your making of these hacks, made you think you can come out and tell us your trying to make an "anti-hack" with your 1337 "programming" skills...  

Don't know bout you all, but do you smell cover-up Huh

Don't start introducing these "hacks" to others MainMan.   That's my Point. Angry  

In fact, don't try making these "anti-hacks".  If you feel the need for it to be made, ask a modder  in the right section, or even Mauti, and they will appropriately make one the right way.  Not all rookie and ghetto with ductape like you... [figure of speech]
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« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2003, 01:35:22 am »

OMG what must I read. Snake I never said that here is an aimbot for Mac. The pic I showed you awhile ago was running a hack on VirtualPC(Puma).

There is none aimbot for Mac - there are enough other hacks but no aimbot like Vertigo or Puma. These would require to decompile the Mac rs app and work at the C++ code and I honestly don't think that anyone at this forum has enough experience for this.

Of course someone could join via PC and a hacked RS version.

So enough said,


*DAMN: One Worldwide Gaming Community
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« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2003, 02:50:26 am »


Now of course, we can begin to have them if n00bs like you decide to take your extra time you have (no life perhaps?) ...

Rapid, don't start talking about having NO life. You of all people should realize someone with NO life, considering you are a 27 year old (?) still in your mothers basement playing computer games. Why don't you try getting a life. Go outside, you are translucent. Find a girl, other than porn sites and cyber sex. Go to a bar for christ sakes at the very least.

The hack thing isnt that bad of an idea if you look at it from Mainmans room. If you make a hack, keep it secret to you and then find the anti hack for it. The only thing that i agree with Rapid (sadly) is not to distribute it to everyone. But you do what you want, we can't really stop you from doing that.

Rapid if you are trying to make that "point", why don't you just plain old say, "I DONT THINK YOU SHOULD EXPOSE THESE HACKS TO OTHERS MAINMAN, IT ISNT A GOOD IDEA" iinstead of going off on some random area where no one wants to hear you, because all you are doing is just repeating some hooplaf and insulting (yea i know i insulted you. That's because that is the language you speak.) And when you insult, you start another "flamewar" where as you can tell from the past, you get utterly "pwned" by everyone that joins in.

So back to topic. Mainman, if you want to work on it, keep it private. If you actually find this  "anti-hack" show us. Just dont show us that actually hack parts.
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2003, 03:28:55 am »

room = view. Sorry for the mistake.
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« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2003, 03:29:14 am »

Wrabbit who the Fuck are you?

I think your mm or a friend of his you came just when he need a response.

The marines are so good they took a jeep into some Iraq village trying to get ambushed, they refueled 6 times and did everything they could to get ambushed. and didn't!
Then the same people take in a army jeep and try not to get ambushed and they do. but the marines kill them all and go home.
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2003, 06:32:02 am »

Casper, you are as wrong as Rapid was when he thought that.

And it's nice to see you care so much about who I am. Just keep on guessing.  Wink

Just because someone responded to Mainman's thing, doesn't mean that it must be a friend of Mainman.

That's like saying, when someone backs up Rapid's assertions, it must be Rapid's "homie" getting a say in for Rapid, when noone online would.
*DAMN Hazard
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« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2003, 06:33:55 am »

Ownage I'm not just in denial.

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« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2003, 07:09:49 am »

Yeah True wrab sorry havent been on gr in a long time sonot sure whos new.
but people backing up rapid hehe like that will happen j/k Smiley
Btw why is this topic a Grin?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2003, 07:12:16 am by Casper » Logged

The marines are so good they took a jeep into some Iraq village trying to get ambushed, they refueled 6 times and did everything they could to get ambushed. and didn't!
Then the same people take in a army jeep and try not to get ambushed and they do. but the marines kill them all and go home.
mainman AT school
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2003, 10:09:57 pm »

Mauti, the hack also works for mac-mac basis. If u need proof just PM me in gameranger. Uve been aded 2 by bud list.

Im sure as hell NOT gona let this hack get out.
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« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2003, 10:49:54 pm »

Ugh. I'm gonna take Rapid's side on this. Don't bother developing a hack, or an anti-hack, or whatever it is you're doing. Just stop. It'll only make things worse. Mauti is the grandmaster of all things related to Mac RS, so take his word on it. I'm not going to believe a screenshot and bad grammar.

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mainman @ school
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2003, 04:57:59 pm »

well, sry i dont have the best grammer on the world nor i spend alot of time on the comp as u do. By the way.. i dont care if mauti decides something or not.. i will make it and like i said its ur dumbass decidion if u wana use it
*DAMN Mauti
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« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2003, 08:54:58 pm »


I think we are talking about two different cheats: to modfiy ammo, colors, making all textures transparent is one thing but I am talking about the PUMA and Vertigo cheats that allow you to have hbs always on, autoaim and other things as client.



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« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2003, 09:38:24 pm »

Mainman is in his own world, where rogue spear hackers and aimbotters lurk around every corner. Infact, it is so common in mac rogue spear, that he has decided to not cb nads and change the subject everytime i ask him, but still claims he pwns.
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