Hey Guys!
Been a long time since I was here...Just read myself through threads and that made me almost crying about to good old RS and RVS times
Interesting, that always when I come back, I see a few guests online. Means that probably there are more guys like me out there.
I know, you (and me) are 10 years older, mb have kids, a house, a dog, hopefully also a wife, a life.
BUT, there isnt there still a lil jerking in your fingers sometimes, and you remember the good old RVS-Times we had?
Or mb while you are playing another game like BF3 you think, man, 10 years ago, i couldnt jump, had no parachute, my weapon couldnt fire like 100 shots in the same place with no recoil, and of course no fucking jet hit me from 4 km distance when i walked around
If you agree with me, dl that steam thing (
http://store.steampowered.com/) and get your copy of RVS for only 5 Dollars. I know, its old, graphics suck blablabla. Its not BF3 or COD (hope noone of you plays that COD Bullshit btw). But it is still a lot of FUN, you will see! There is also a community on Steam for RVS, almost 100 members. And still, there are like 20-30 ppl playing the Game online.
So come, join me and the others and have some oldschool fun!
My Nick on Steam is: of course Patterson-RnT
P.S. hopefully some members of RnT will show up too, or at least answer to this, I miss you guys