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Author Topic: Rogue Spear & 9.2.2  (Read 1760 times)
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« on: February 17, 2003, 06:09:45 pm »

Please help I use an Apple G4 400 MHZ PCI (Yikes Model) with 448MB of Ram, Voodoo 5, and OS 9.2.2.  I've installed Rogue Spear all the movie and start up screens work fine, but when I play the game all the colors are gray.
scott m
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2003, 10:49:46 am »


I have played RS in mac OS9.2.2 on a Blue&White G3 with a 500mhz ZIFupgrade card and a Voodoo 5 card - and I have not ever had that problem -
First thing to check -

In Mac OS 9.2.2  there was an update to the Open GL software in the extensions folder (in your system folder) to version 1.2.4 - Voodoo5 only works with the OpenGLEngine - version 1.2.1 - (at least on a G3 - not sure if a G4 is different in this respect)

Anyway, this could be a possible cause of your problem --  you need to get the version of the 1.2.1 Engine (only) and replace the 1.2.4 Engine with it then restart - I believe the 9.2.1 or the 9.1.1  installer/updater is 1.2.1 Open GL (somebody else on this Forum must know this specific info better than me?)  

If that is not your problem or if it doesn't solve it  --

...it would be helpful to give a little more info about your system setup - and the Voodoo 5 card software and firmware versions - what is the ROM number and Build and Version mumbers of your Voodoo 5 card ?
Are you using the 3dfx MacTools control panel ?- if you are open it and look at the Profile Tab and let me know what info it is displaying about your configuration- also on the About Tab there is info on the version and build #'s

For reference sake:
I am successfully running RS with the last / latest available Voodoo 5 ROM update - ROM Version 1.3.6
and 3DFX MacTools: Version 1.1.3 / Build:22

Good luck
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