Here's what I did... First, my one man team was "Roger McAllen" from Demolitions (he ended wounded)...
The weapon of choice was the M-16 with the Remington Masterkey as the secondary (this doesn't matter much)... My kit was frags and hbs
The key on this map is speed AND consiceness. You always should be running or shooting/leaning to shoot... Reload on the run... don't stop EVER... Now click on this link... It's my map with photoshops to explain where the baddies were!
Here yah go: Hope you understand it! On the return trip Watch your back.. people head out to the prisoner area when they hear shooting so people will be there!
**Added in**
The reason you prolly did that is at the start, just before the corner with the first guy in it, if you turn around a terrorist will be in the window... you must shoot him and get close the wall... the guys around the sniper will walk to crash site... thats why you need speed..