Title: Decreased CB activity Post by: -ViP-PUNiSHER on November 05, 2005, 09:23:54 am It was mentioned this past seasons CB activity had decreased. Getting rid of the rule that limits a clan to cb another clan only 8 times a season could help this. My clan ran out of CB's with [a] with almost 2 weeks left in the season and we ran out of cb's with 'Po' in the final week. Since our time zones/work schedules are similar we are able to CB these clans alot but the rule restricted us from doing it down the stretch. I would of loved to cb the top seeded clan more.
I don't think there is an issue of a bully clan beating up on the same noob clan over and over because every clan that has been active is just as good as any other clan, so whats the point of this rule? Title: Re: Decreased CB activity Post by: z][t-Magnetic on November 05, 2005, 10:23:42 am There has been some bad examples in the past where a clanA was made only to lose points to another clanB. The losing clanA refused to cb any other clan but the clanB. This was an extreme example, but it happened.
Title: Re: Decreased CB activity Post by: Stripes on November 05, 2005, 12:48:15 pm But it worked good :D
Title: Re: Decreased CB activity Post by: theweakspot on November 05, 2005, 04:08:58 pm Punisher, i lobbied hard for this rules to be changed about 2-3 seasons ago... we got it changed from a max of 6 perseason to a max of 8.
And Magnetic is right. Others have abused this system in the past and created dummy clans simply to double their points. I believe Stripes' comment is because he fucked up a season for everyone else becuase he made a dummy clan. gg. |