*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: :MoD:Shade on October 23, 2005, 05:34:40 pm

Title: Is It Just Me?
Post by: :MoD:Shade on October 23, 2005, 05:34:40 pm
Or is interest in the Battle League fizzling.

It seems where once last year the Battle League was booming now there are very very few clans playing at all.  It may just be a lul in mac gaming...or maybe not.  I'm not sure what could be done to help this - I guess I'll think on it more.  I know alot of clans are playing games not on the ladder - like AA.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: ||DeStrOyEr|| on October 23, 2005, 08:23:39 pm
Yea and there is Call of Duty too!!!


Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: gsr on October 23, 2005, 09:07:40 pm
Yeah, and BF 1942 as well.

Seems like not too long ago {E} regularly had 6 to 10 members online.  Now it's a good day if there are 3.  I don't know if it's DBL, GR, {E} or just mac gaming that's on the slide, maybe all of them.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: Po~ReverendMoss on October 23, 2005, 09:50:53 pm
I think the momentum got lost between seasons. The post SeasonX lull was a spirit breaker, and not just for my clan but everyone involved i think.
We all got hooked on different games, new jobs, other interests.
Sucks, donnit?

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: DarK. on October 23, 2005, 10:01:20 pm
 I think that the dbl = ghr = GR its all intertwined, and as each one gets less active, the others are affected.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: :MoD:Shade on October 23, 2005, 10:06:21 pm
Yeah it kinda does.  What we need is a new FPS that everybody gets hooked on and the Battle League needs to take advantage of it.

In the meantime we get to sit and twiddle our thumbs?

Maybe I shouldn't be the one talking since I don't play, how about some of the active clans i.e. Animals and GhRA.

And to Dark since you posted seconds before I did - The same amount of Age of Empries II games seem to be played and somehow GhR is staying in second place in the most popular games category.  People have yet to catch up to the system requirements for RvS (me included) and the new games have higher and higher system requirements which is leaving the people with the older machines in the dust.  Like with {E} everybody used to enjoy coming on and playing GhR together and just about everybodys computer could handle that but now as people have moved on to newer games the ones that have computers which can't handle thoes old ones are left to find something else to occupy their time.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: ghost.fr on October 24, 2005, 03:27:42 pm
well fault is 50% on GR politics 50% on game issues, but guys new games are eating alot of bandwide and are harder to host, so i dont know but its hard to found alternatives

But working on a free GR will help, specialy clans we low budget that cant afford to pay for premiums

a good app that will bring together DAMN BL and GRbis !!

well i'am dreamer !!

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: +OnlyOne+ on October 24, 2005, 03:59:25 pm
No, it's not just you Shade. Ghr is dying a slow death. GSR pointed out that (E) has fewer and fewer members on at any given time and we've discussed this amongst ourselves. Between school demands, homework and busy lives in general, it's tough to put a crew together on any given night. Shame really.


Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: :MoD:Shade on October 24, 2005, 07:35:42 pm
It's unfortunate too.

Wonder what will have to happen - wait for people to get new computers or have a new game come out.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: ghost.fr on October 24, 2005, 10:57:29 pm
or have a GR that doesnt screw u with Demo of BF or NF!!!

noting that 32 CBs in GR are played in 40 days !!! less than one per day !!!

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on October 24, 2005, 11:17:16 pm
@ Ghost: I have to correct you 61GR Team, 38 GR Advanced and only 19 CQB cbs have been played. Of course it is much less than last season and it has various reasons, i gonna resume at the end of the season(old games, old hardware,...).

Season XII gonna start soon afterwards to create a common schedule for the clans that cb. At all we are commited to the clans that wanna cb and not to the clans that don't.

Last but not least I'm working hard on the next generation of the *DBL with some very new and interesting features. Once the theoretical part is done I gonna post a logfile here, every week or so and gonna discuss main features and enhancements, but until this day there will be a few other seasons with the old system.  I have to get over some very annoying lectures at university first.

Good night,


Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: ghost.fr on October 25, 2005, 08:37:46 am
1 st thing mauti many thanks for ur commitment and effort that u throw in all that !!
let me tell u that the league is not responsible at all in whats appening ;-) but ok i didnt count well its less any way than 2 CBs / day. i remember having 2 CBs / clan / day ;-)

And dont blame  GHR or old games, remember when BFdemo was not premium there were more people arround and more people = more CBs

I remember playing online f18hornet 10years ago, the lifetime of that game was more than 3 years, games like tron can live more. GHR is not too old and the new DBLpack is realy cool and funy to play its just something else

GR is killing GR and a full feature alternative is needed, or GR should grow up and propose real added value, not just fuck with us and block our free will of choosing

soon or later something will comeup and we will look at this as a joke

ok now i get my ipod video, my car, my kites cause there is a 3 days of east wind coming !! ;-)


Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: DarK. on October 25, 2005, 09:15:51 am
 I love how ghost claims to be to poor to buy premium, but he just got a 300 + dollar iPod video.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on October 25, 2005, 09:39:52 am
hmm Ghost i dont agree with you buddy. i could agree that a very small percentage of people have grown tired of the "limitations" of having non premium. but on the other hand, i think that the changes are so minimal and what GR provides for free should NOT be the reason for peoples escape from gr. i'm not going to start a new discussion because its all been said before. but i can say it like this. i do not know many people who are willing to work for free. how the hell would they pay their bills.
i'll dig up my $50 when the time comes. on the other hand, i think that gr is in dire need of a customer service class. sorry, back to topic.

i'll use myself as an example for inactivity. i have played ghr for so many years now and new maps helped for a little while, but not enough. yes i still love the game, but not enough to play it like i used to. someone mentioned that alot of the new games are to big for older machines and i totally agree. i had a G4 700mhz untill yesterday and now i'm looking forward to purchasing new games and giving them a go. i agree that heavy games is a big reason and i think that people have played ghr for so long that it doesnt suck them back to gr as much.

i'm am eagerly awaiting ghr3!!!

oh...sorry little sidetrack. i also know that alot of pc users would get mac's if there where more games available....

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: BFG on October 25, 2005, 10:55:47 am
'll use myself as an example for inactivity. i have played ghr for so many years now and new maps helped for a little while, but not enough. yes i still love the game, but not enough to play it like i used to. someone mentioned that alot of the new games are to big for older machines and i totally agree. i had a G4 700mhz untill yesterday and now i'm looking forward to purchasing new games and giving them a go. i agree that heavy games is a big reason and i think that people have played ghr for so long that it doesnt suck them back to gr as much.

Just about exactly the same for me. More work, other games, a computer that can't handle the new ones very well.. (btw what have you just got ramps?) if GhR3 turned up i'd suddenly appear however ;)

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on October 25, 2005, 12:21:37 pm
i got the Apple iMac 2000 G5 17" for a great price. dumping some more ram into it today or tomorrow. i can get the same ram for almost half the price and its super easy to install. so i'm eager to find some new games and see what is available to me now that i have a faster machine. there are some strategy games that i played on a friends pc a while ago that i would really like to see on a mac....but untill then...

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: [:] Mr. T on October 25, 2005, 04:55:23 pm
I have a solution...


Open a DBL PayPal account. Each clan chips in $20. The winner could take home a couple hundred.

Or the DBL could get a sponsor. They could offer small cash, gift certificates or... free porn site access!

Or maybe GR could offer a free premium account.

I'd certainly play more if I could win even a small amout of cash or prizes. Who cares about a little "im a winner" JPG? Show me the money!!

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: theweakspot on October 25, 2005, 07:57:17 pm
the seasons ALWAYS get a bit inactive right after summer... we went through this last year, and the year before that..... also, add in the fact that Ghost Recon is played out.  The new map pack is nice, for the most part, but you can only play so much no spawn WZ or 3 spawn siege before it just gets old...

RvS is a good game especially on Harv's tracked server, but some people still think their computer cant run it.

AA is good, but without a way to host on GR its hard trying to get a stable base of players.

At this point the ONLY thing I can see really bringing more players + seasoned bets back onto GR and the DBL is a new game... and we all know that ain't happening.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: [a] kitkat on October 25, 2005, 08:04:48 pm
the seasons ALWAYS get a bit inactive right after summer... we went through this last year, and the year before that..... also, add in the fact that Ghost Recon is played out.  The new map pack is nice, for the most part, but you can only play so much no spawn WZ or 3 spawn siege before it just gets old...

RvS is a good game especially on Harv's tracked server, but some people still think their computer cant run it.

AA is good, but without a way to host on GR its hard trying to get a stable base of players.

At this point the ONLY thing I can see really bringing more players + seasoned bets back onto GR and the DBL is a new game... and we all know that ain't happening.

Well said weak.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: :MoD:Shade on October 25, 2005, 08:56:58 pm
the seasons ALWAYS get a bit inactive right after summer... we went through this last year, and the year before that.....

I tend to disagree with that - I remember having a very active season in years past.

RvS is a good game especially on Harv's tracked server, but some people still think their computer cant run it.

Well that's because alot can't.

AA is good, but without a way to host on GR its hard trying to get a stable base of players.

Has anybody tried an AA CB? is it possible? - The players are there I believe, alot of the clans play it.

At this point the ONLY thing I can see really bringing more players + seasoned bets back onto GR and the DBL is a new game... and we all know that ain't happening.

Yep, just have to hope for GhR 3 to come quickly.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on October 25, 2005, 09:07:21 pm
Release date for GHR3 on xbox pushed back to Feb 2006...

so i'd say we got a wait of about a year and a half, if ever.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on October 25, 2005, 09:16:52 pm
AA cbs are possible but you need a server. I have been in a few and they are quite fun.  We did them for the damn ladder against Toxic and someone else I dont remember.

But, since AA isn't much here a lot of the best players have joined exclusive AA clans to war there.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: ghost.fr on October 25, 2005, 09:34:43 pm
I love how ghost claims to be to poor to buy premium, but he just got a 300 + dollar iPod video.

i never claim so, man i own 2 companys and i make 3,5 billion euro of turnover, so i dont need money, its just that some players are kids that cant pay for all that shit specialy cause they pay for SMS ;-)

and if we can provide a free service like the League is doing now i guess we could provide a free alternative to GR, an alternative doesnt mean GR is dead, just that who cant pay it can go on the over one

i guess this will bring back more players, not all but just more

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: [a] kitkat on October 25, 2005, 11:02:13 pm

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on October 26, 2005, 10:10:13 am
The lack of enjoyment from playing an ancient game made me think about leaving.
The way people treat each other on this small community made me leave.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: Stripes on October 26, 2005, 01:34:44 pm
Im not trying to be an asshole, but if you wan't someone to play with then buy a pc.

If you don't really wan't a pc, then i guess you gotta wait for GhR3 i'm pretty sure it'll be a very active game with hopefully many players like in the start of GhR days.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: BFG on October 26, 2005, 01:44:13 pm
i never claim so, man i own 2 companys and i make 3,5 billion euro of turnover, so i dont need money, its just that some players are kids that cant pay for all that shit specialy cause they pay for SMS ;-)

I wonder, did i remember to tell you how much i like you ghost? ;) ;)

Bottom line? We need a new game that brings a lot of new people, this community has got to small and well... to bitter and bitchy in many ways - if it doubled in size suddenly and we had a fantastic new game to play... i think we'd be on the road to recovery.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on October 26, 2005, 01:52:50 pm
i never claim so, man i own 2 companys and i make 3,5 billion euro of turnover, so i dont need money, its just that some players are kids that cant pay for all that shit specialy cause they pay for SMS ;-)

I wonder, did i remember to tell you how much i like you ghost? ;) ;)

Bottom line? We need a new game that brings a lot of new people, this community has got to small and well... to bitter and bitchy in many ways - if it doubled in size suddenly and we had a fantastic new game to play... i think we'd be on the road to recovery.

yeah i agree with you BFG.

it would be a little sad if there was no new audience pulling game like ghr was, before 1+ year.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: th.Sentinel on October 26, 2005, 04:28:58 pm
AA is good, but without a way to host on GR its hard trying to get a stable base of players.

Has anybody tried an AA CB? is it possible? - The players are there I believe, alot of the clans play it.

If you play AA frequently like I do, you know there are many Mac AA players, like hundreds. Maybe even more then you'll ever see on Gameranger together. The reason why you don't see them is the bad AA support of gameranger. The GR server-list is as bad as the AA one for the moment and its easier to switch servers in AA then to exit and rejoin trough gameranger.
If gameranger would provide a better way of joining AA games and even hosting them it would be great. There are apps out there that let you host a server on your own machine. You don't even need a big upload to host a decent room. I can host up to 14 players on my 512K up.

I recently left Toxic to join a specific AA clan, the day after I joined I allrdy had a cb. There are AA cb's between Mac-clans every weekend, here (http://www.firsttokill.com). The ladder doesn't look spectacular, but at least its bussier then the FtF or BF1942 ladder here.

I just think that most people that played here for years have grown up and bought themselves bigger/better machines. Like I did, I tried ghost recon on it but it didn't feel the same as on my old comp. Escaping the lag wasn't a challenge anymore, so I got bored pretty quick. RvS was the same thing, so only BF1942 (big bandwith usage), CoD and AA left (FtF doesn't even compete with these).
How many rooms of BF on gameranger? 3-4
- CoD? 2 max
- AA 50+ ingame <- add amazing graphics, fast movement, objective based gameplay and frequent updates (::lol::) and my choice was quickly made.

I invite you all to play some games with me. Here's (http://aaotracker.4players.de/usertracker.php?userid=134078) my tracker where you can see when i'm online.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: BFG on October 26, 2005, 05:47:12 pm
I certainly don't play as much as Sent, but AA is now basically the only game i play online - and you can find me or rather  my tracker (http://aaotracker.4players.de/usertracker.php?userid=144182) here. I (as most of u will know) was a GhR Addict, but like ramps said over the years just played it to death, and for me the attraction has died and its one for the bookshelf. it was good while it lasted but this is something new :)

There are a lot of mac guys as sent said - hell far far more than i realised since all the servers moved to 2.5 there has been a great community of Mac and Linux guys left playing 2.3, and i've had some of the best games i could have had asked for - and its great bumping into the likes of Sentinal, Saberian,  Fish, Nomad, Remy, Dark, Serval, and others i see from here :)

if only Gameranger would have better support for it / or perhaps if only AA would support the likes of Gameranger better.

I believe at this point you say "hooah"

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on October 26, 2005, 06:47:20 pm
Evill? why is there no support for AA? a reply would be most apreciated

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: DarK. on October 26, 2005, 07:25:34 pm
 Rampage there is, but its just a server join thing.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: [a] ferret on October 27, 2005, 04:01:47 am
Actually Scott and myself had a talk about AA a while ago.. AA is not a client/server application like GhR, RvS, or CoD that we can play on gameranger. It has Dedicated Server options only when creating a server.. Yes you can host AA and Play AA on the same mac, however, you need to start AA in your terminal (or SMX apps) and then Join via AA using your console or if you set up or ports properly and signed up your server under your AA settings at their website.. you can find your server in the built-in browser. Hope that answers that.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on October 27, 2005, 05:26:10 am
When will we be receive solid facts on the radical changes for DBL 2.0? I appreciate the value to the Apple-esque secrecy, but at least we get a few rumors! Don't make me go register www.DBLInsider.com  :-X

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on October 27, 2005, 12:46:10 pm
When I have finished all the theoretical stuff  for my university diploma thesis: "Analysis and improvements of ladder systems with taking the *DBL as an example".

I have to cover the past and different systems first before I can start the real work on the *DBL 2.0.

I hope to be done with this at latest by the end of january. It's between 60 - 100 pages, not including all the concept papers for the improvements.


Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 27, 2005, 03:09:06 pm
When will we be receive solid facts on the radical changes for DBL 2.0? I appreciate the value to the Apple-esque secrecy, but at least we get a few rumors! Don't make me go register www.DBLInsider.com  :-X

Do a site called www.DBLrumors.com and I'll supply you with lots of fiction to fill the pages with...stuff like: 

"In DBL 2.0 each clan will start out with $1,000.  They must make wagers when CB'ing and the clan with the most money at the end wins both a Season Winner Icon as well as the jackpot, worth $10,000 US."

Title: Re: Is It Just Me?
Post by: ghost.fr on October 27, 2005, 08:46:27 pm
i guess i must have a look to this AA stuff !!!

i just too romantic to leave ghr ;-)

but agreed that we need a new game that will bring us back together