*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Tin on August 31, 2005, 12:20:56 pm

Post by: Tin on August 31, 2005, 12:20:56 pm

I'm thinking about organizing a LAN Party in Berlin (Germany) in summer '06.
It's just a thought yet. First of all I want to ask if there is any interest.

Before you can consider if you are interested, you need more information, I guess.
I was thinking about this:

Games: GhR, RvS, BF 1942, AoEII

Number of people: Depends on you guys.

Costs: I dont' know it yet. I will ask some companies for support. Anyways you will have to pay I think, It will be round 20$.

Requirements: I will rent a hall, afford cabels and stuff, but you will have to bring your computers with you. Also I suggest to bring some food with you, you will the possibllity to buy somethin, though.

Tin  :o

Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: z][t-Neo on August 31, 2005, 01:55:07 pm
I pretty sure that I can come.


Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: Tin on August 31, 2005, 01:57:34 pm
 ::wall:: It will take place in Germany,Dresden. I copyed the wrong text file in here.


Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: KGB on August 31, 2005, 11:52:55 pm
Excellent Tin.

We (Toxic & BMG) have been desperately trying to set up a couple of MAC-Lan Parties in Belgium,
all of them have been cancelled or delayed.
It really seems hard to get Mac-gamers in the same room at the same time.

I just route 66'ed Dresden  :o, It's on the other side of germany (from a Belgian point of view) 800 km.
Would love to come over, but it will depend on how much GR peeps will show up.

Try to get a site up as quick as possible where people can sign-up, so everyone has an idea who is comming.

Bt's Mr bombastic tried to set up a lan 2 years ago in Switserland, maybe you could talk to him.

BTW while preparing our MAC-Lan, we were in touch with apple Belgium, and they were really
interested in the idea and were willing to lend out a couple of G5 Desktops as servers and a
douzen of G5 Imacs for ppl who couldn't bring their own comps.  If you can get in thouch
with apple Germany and you play your cards right you might get a similar deal.

If this is your first attempt to set up a lan-party, talk to some Lan "Vets", they can tell you
all about the organization of a lan (power problems, insurance, etc )
In the mean time check out  http://www.lanparty.com/theguide/, you can find all kinds of info
about lans over there.

Once you have more info, I'll help you spread the word in the "nether" countries .




Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: Civrock on September 01, 2005, 12:00:07 am
Hahaha, that smiley is awesome! ::lol::

Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: Musk_Melon on September 01, 2005, 01:57:58 am

Sure i will buy my self a 1500$ plane ticket and be right over ::) lol i wish.

Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: Tin on September 02, 2005, 10:16:01 am
Thank, KGB.  :)

I will contact Apple. Some comps for ppl who cant bring their own comps would be cool.

In summer '06 is also a city festival in Dresden. They might promote my Lan Party Projekt.  ::applause::

" Try to get a site up as quick as possible where people can sign-up, so everyone has an idea who is comming. "

Could someone make such a page ?
I have  no clue of web design. I have webspace, though, and would buy a .com  domain. I don't no if I'm asking for much, cuz i just don't know how much work it is .


Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: KGB on September 02, 2005, 05:32:23 pm
I'm a web-noob aswell, so I can't help you out there.
Best way to go about this is to look for friends and mac gamers in your area.
At the party you really need someone who knows about networks, cause you can loose alot of time
trying to connect everyone to eachother.
It all depends how big you want it to be. (bigger is more ppl you'll need to help out)

Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: Tin on September 03, 2005, 02:52:52 pm
I'm a web-noob aswell, so I can't help you out there.
Best way to go about this is to look for friends and mac gamers in your area.
At the party you really need someone who knows about networks, cause you can loose alot of time
trying to connect everyone to eachother.
It all depends how big you want it to be. (bigger is more ppl you'll need to help out)

Yeah, there is more stuff to handle as I thougt.  :)
I have 1 year to get this done, though.  ;D
With this page ( www.lanparty.com) and a few mates who know about networks, it won’t be that biggie, I hope.


Title: Re: LAN PARTY
Post by: Blitz on September 04, 2005, 05:38:50 am
I'm somewhat of a vet in the way of web design, and something that basic.  MOD members will tell you about the site I made for them the first year it was up.  So yeah, email @ s.r.grace@gmail.com if you want me to do that.  Also, I need to know if you want the site in different languages, which might help.  All I request is that you give me data you want me to put up, graphics (if you want it fancy), and probably some extra space so you can upload pictures and videos of the event!  I'm an American, but I would LOVE to go to Germany to play some LAN games with you all, but I have to deal with PC Gamers and their "l33t sp34k."

Blitz 8)

PS I'm also willing to work with a team to get the site up ASAP!