*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: gsr on June 10, 2005, 08:35:09 pm

Title: How to Start a New Season
Post by: gsr on June 10, 2005, 08:35:09 pm
What needs to be done to start the new season?

Title: Re: How to Start a New Season
Post by: spike on June 10, 2005, 09:27:45 pm
Well we've got a nice little list going in the admin section, lets see if I can remember some of them.
1. New admins. We need some applications! Specifically with the RvS crowd.
2. The Chairman position. Currently under discussions with Mauti, I think I speak for the admin team when I say that we think this is the best and quickest way to get the season going.
3. Rule Changes/Revisions. Any rules you want changed, revised, done away with, we want to hear about it! Mostly on the RvS side, because the GhR ladders ran relatively smoothly. So if you have ideas about RvS rule changes, please post them! The admins will listen, and will take everything you say into account. This is not our league, this is your league, and you all should been the base from which the rules emerge.
4. DBL Mappack. Not actually sure what the status of this is, but I think we won't be releasing another one this season.

Thats everything I can remember.

Title: Re: How to Start a New Season
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on June 13, 2005, 11:18:00 pm
Well we've got a nice little list going in the admin section, lets see if I can remember some of them.
1. New admins. We need some applications! Specifically with the RvS crowd.
2. The Chairman position. Currently under discussions with Mauti, I think I speak for the admin team when I say that we think this is the best and quickest way to get the season going.

We had a few Rvs admins.... but most of us got tired of putting up with the BS.. Hell it made me stop playing Rvs and GhR for a long time (just start playing RvS again.. and i left the admin teams one or to seasons ago)

We had a chairperson type of thing in the past.. It didnt realy help  The chairperson just kept getting accused of abusing his power.. but in reality.. he had o power over the player of the league.. he just kept the rest of the admins on track and helped get stuff organised.

Now this RvS V GhR player thing is getting on my nerves... When I was an admin.. alot of peeps were like.. well you are just a GhR player.. not a RvS player.... But they failed to remember I was on of the first peeps to play a RvS game on GR.. and I was in either the first or the second Rvs CB that the BL had. Dont just say well he is a RvS player  or a GhR player just b/c they might play the game more then the other... WE ARE A GAMING COMMUNITY FOR MAC FPS GAMES ON GR... lets act like it.. promote the games not diss someone b/c they play a game that we dont play.. and as far as the RvS /GhR thing.... I have not realy seen that many RvS games going.. Hell.. everyone has been praising me for hosting Rvs on my days off is a big room b/c no one is realy hosting it much anymore..

What we need is mauti to give power to the admins to be able to start the season (on the website)

EDIT: I'm now putting my host up while at work so maybe we can get some peeps back into playing RvS

Title: Re: How to Start a New Season
Post by: DarK. on June 14, 2005, 06:58:01 am
Are there any admins who dont have both games?  I recently got RvS and am hoping to play it for ? this season, so maybe harvey you could fill me in sometime on the problems with RvS, so that next season I can know them and be prepared for what is to come.  Woot cant wait to game RvS style!