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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: bronto on May 19, 2005, 10:11:51 pm

Title: Career Help again
Post by: bronto on May 19, 2005, 10:11:51 pm
I still want to be a chef, but I can't find any information about culinary arts in Amsterdam. I'm planning on moving there for good but I can't find any schools or information on availiable jobs there. Also, I'm wondering what kind of schooling/experience I will need to earn the title of Chef. I know this isn't the place to ask, but what the hell.

Title: Re: Career Help again
Post by: Croosch on May 19, 2005, 11:08:34 pm
I could ask my brother for ya... next time he makes his way on AIM.  He finished his time at 'La Cordon Bleu' Culinary School here in Minnesota and he was working as a chef at a nice place downtown for quite a while.  Though he's not currently working as a chef because of the lack of jobs right now... I'm sure he knows as much about it as the next guy.

I'll reply back sometime soon.

Title: Re: Career Help again
Post by: bronto on May 19, 2005, 11:32:10 pm
thanks, i appreciate that.

Title: Re: Career Help again
Post by: Croosch on May 20, 2005, 03:09:30 am
Quote from: Krush's Chef Brother
well you have to graduate from a culinary school
thats really about it, when you start though, unless you own your own place you wont be a chef really
the chef is like second in line in a restaurant right below owner

He can't really tell you anything about Amsterdam schools for obvious reasons.  Though he does say it was a fun experience going through culinary art school, it's difficult to find jobs as a chef right now... not sure about Europe.

Not much, I know... he doesn't really know what else to say.

Title: Re: Career Help again
Post by: bronto on May 20, 2005, 07:59:29 pm
yeah i guess i'll have to feel it out. after school i'm just gonna start searching for a cook's job over there, then i'll build off that. but first, i'm going to china soon to teach english as a second language for a year or so.

Title: Re: Career Help again
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 21, 2005, 07:19:32 am
Depends on what state you're in, in terms of finding a job as a chef...Florida is a great place, especially Orlando. Place is booming. As for the time it takes to get the chef title, that just depends. I'd say about 5+ years or so to become souse chef. Head/executive chef...no clue.

Title: Re: Career Help again
Post by: Croosch on May 21, 2005, 07:42:20 am
After you finish schooling to become a chef you'll have to apply for an intern and that'll last you at the very least, a month (usually more).  Then if you're lucky you'll find a job as head chef... and it's a pretty tough job.  I guess in rare cases, like the kid who my brother went to school with found a job as a head chef at a nice restraunt in Wisconsin right out of school.  But like I said, nice restraunts here in the midwest are beginning to go downhill and less chefs are needed.