*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: bronto on May 14, 2005, 01:08:58 am

Title: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 14, 2005, 01:08:58 am
yeah i can run fast too, but i'm talkin 'bout a dietary fast. i'm in good shape, but poor health. i have been suffering from a couple "diseases" for the past 14 years or so. they aren't life threatening or degenerative but it's a pain.

anyway, in hopes of allowing my body restore itself, i will be fasting for 2 weeks, or more if it is required. i've done a lot in preparation, starting tomorrow all i consume is a quart of organic orange juice everyday. thought you'd get a kick out of that, everyone else i told thinks i'm crazy.

wish me luck internet acquaintances

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 14, 2005, 01:23:04 am
It's not crazy at all. In fact, it's actually good to go a day every month or so without food and let your body cleanse itself. Also, if you feel like eating all healthy and such afterwards, check out the macrobiotic diet. It's a bit impossible for me to do right now since I'm in culinary school, but I tried it for a while, made me feel like a million bucks. Also, read "The PH Miracle" by Professor Robert Young. Very interesting stuff, if you're into that sorta thing, which I'm guessing you might be, since you're going on a fast and all. Sorta explains the science behind the macrobiotic thing. Anyways, good luck, babe. ::bussi::

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 14, 2005, 02:51:14 am
Or you can just get distracted and continuously forget to eat food like i do.  That really slims you down in a hurry.  ;D  And when you do eat, eat only corn flakes and the occasional triscuit or two, and swim til you feel like puking twice a week.  It works wonders, trust me!  ;)

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 14, 2005, 03:16:50 am
Haha. Fasting isn't necessarily about losing weight, though. As for me, I'm a pretty lanky bastard, no need to lose weight for me. ;D

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on May 14, 2005, 03:26:41 am
suffering from a couple "diseases" for the past 14 years or so.

Oh yeah, sorry for not telling you about those......

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Toxic::Joka on May 14, 2005, 02:24:54 pm
yeah i can run fast too, but i'm talkin 'bout a dietary fast. i'm in good shape, but poor health. i have been suffering from a couple "diseases" for the past 14 years or so. they aren't life threatening or degenerative but it's a pain.

anyway, in hopes of allowing my body restore itself, i will be fasting for 2 weeks, or more if it is required. i've done a lot in preparation, starting tomorrow all i consume is a quart of organic orange juice everyday. thought you'd get a kick out of that, everyone else i told thinks i'm crazy.

wish me luck internet acquaintances

I'm not sure how much a "quart" is but.. . are you serious? You will eat nothing, only drink for one month? Won't that like.. kill you? I have a friend who made a bet that he could stay without eating for 24hours, he almost passed out after that.

Anyway, good luck.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: BFG on May 14, 2005, 02:50:14 pm
You can't manage a few days without water, but you can last without food for months - Buddest monks have been known to fast for immense periods. I guess if you have a lot of energy stored up you can last even longer as well.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Croosch on May 14, 2005, 03:58:18 pm
I have a friend who made a bet that he could stay without eating for 24hours, he almost passed out after that.
after 1 day? wow... I've fasted for a day many times before, it just makes you feel amazing the next day.   I don't think there's any reason to pass out after 24 hours of not eating.

Anywho, good luck Bronto, should be fun.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 14, 2005, 04:31:34 pm
I'll drink distilled water as well, but oranges should have enough water in them to keep me alive.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: DarK. on May 14, 2005, 06:46:16 pm
JOka, he is in bad health if he almost passed out, because fasting for a day or two is very good for the body, it cleanses it of impurities.  Fasting is VERY good for you, but for a month? You have to be dedicated for that.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Overthrow.aHa! on May 14, 2005, 10:17:29 pm
good luck
my brothers into this sorta thing and he's fasted many times
but never for 2 weeks
you might want to cut it down to 3 days at first and then move up

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: BTs_hooks on May 15, 2005, 01:32:34 am
2 weeks will fly by, i had to for a 8 days i had to drop 2 wieght classes for wrestling, its a bitch but just go chill with ur friends it makes it go by faster.


Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 15, 2005, 01:37:51 am
it's still day one for me now, i keep drifting in and out of feeling sick. i get up for a while, then i lay down again. i've heard that the first day or two are terrible, but afterwards you feel amazing.

if this all works out for me, i'm going to do a 40 day water fast afterwards. maybe i'm jumping ahead too far, but i do feel like i'm on the right path.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: DarK. on May 15, 2005, 01:56:42 am
bronto, I would advise not doing 40 right after a 3 day, wait a while , do a 2 week one, then do a 40 day one, just so ur system adjusts a lil, (Like Getting Acclimated)

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 15, 2005, 02:02:30 am
i've already had my body adjust for this 14 day one i'm doing right now. i did much preparation. first, i stepped down to a no dairy/gluten diet for 2 months, then to only fruit and vegetables, then to only 2 bananas a day, now this.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 15, 2005, 03:15:40 am
I couldn't do it. I like snacking. I'm in good health and all, but I couldn't resist the odd bowl of doritos or such.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: DarK. on May 15, 2005, 03:50:41 am
good for you bronto

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 15, 2005, 05:13:11 pm
Ladies, place your bets.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 15, 2005, 07:04:49 pm
day 2: occasional hunger is satisfied shortly with orange juice and distilled water. pains in my back, could be some kind of parasite. sometimes when i stand up i have a head trip. other then that, i have a clear mind.

oh, i forgot to mentioned my incredibly heightened sense of smell. i am constantly thinking of guacamole recipes. what do you think of this: avacado, sour cream, salsa (i would just use peppers and tomato, but salsa is easier), garlic, tabasco, chilli powder, ginger, worcestershire sauce, lime juice. ginger and worcestershire sauce are pretty experimental huh.

i also forgot to mention i'm not shaving this entire time...just to complete the look.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: :MoD:Shade on May 15, 2005, 08:41:47 pm
Guess we'll need a pic of your skinny hairy self when your done, ;)

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 15, 2005, 08:59:13 pm
Let's all talk about really really tasty food that bronto really likes, but cant have.  Then laugh.

I'm not a mean person, I swear. 

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: spike on May 15, 2005, 09:00:08 pm

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on May 15, 2005, 09:50:44 pm

You talked about the really really tasty foood bronto really likes, but you forgot to laugh.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 16, 2005, 12:45:43 am
i am not hungry anymore, distilled water satisfies me. i am having pains in parts of my body though, which i take is a healing effect...feels like broken ribs and needles.

oh, i am quite thin but i haven't lost any muscle mass, only much more toned now.

here's some fasting info;

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 16, 2005, 12:52:37 am
Are you allowed to eat pussy on this fast?  Man, I would die if I couldn't eat that for a whole month![/size]  :o

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: :MoD:Shade on May 16, 2005, 01:10:39 am
That website is...interesting...

Are you fasting for religious reasons as well Bronto?

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 16, 2005, 06:28:58 am
Stay strong, Brontho. First two days are definitely awful, but then it gets pretty easy, or so I hear. Sexiful parasites lol. I'm drinking this Guinness just for you.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 16, 2005, 05:57:48 pm
Are you allowed to eat pussy on this fast?  Man, I would die if I couldn't eat that for a whole month![/size]  :o

i could, but i think that would destroy my sense of spirituality atm...i'm not really planning on going out while i'm doing this. although fasting is a good way to boost your skills, your energy level is through the roof and you're in complete control of your functions.

shade, i am not doing this for religious purpose, it is for healing my body back to it's original state of health and perfection. i don't even have a religion actually.

ty for support mellow. i am on day 3 and i haven't felt hungry since yesterday afternoon.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: DarK. on May 17, 2005, 05:43:24 pm
keep us posted bronto!  I hope you told friends about this btw so they could come by and check that you are still ok, in case of some FREAK accident.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 17, 2005, 06:51:47 pm
people know i'm doing it. people have died fasting with only water, not orange juice. orange juice isn't considered a 'real' fast, but it has been used for healing on many many people. i still get all the energy my body needs, and apparently the potassium is the main factor. i do intend to do a water fast if all goes well with this.

anyway, it's day 4 and i have perfected my methods. i don't know when i will know if it is working, hopefully soon. i still have a bit of pain, and when i go to sleep my bowel area seems to be having a lot of action...i also noticed my heart was in pain last night as well. all's well other then that.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: DarK. on May 17, 2005, 06:55:56 pm
remember bronto dont go to far, you dont wanna die by pushing it too far buddy (who knew I had a caring side)

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 24, 2005, 09:24:52 pm
day 11. still alive.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on May 24, 2005, 09:45:58 pm
Yes, but how do you feel??
Drop us a line on your observations...progress etc...please.
Im curious.

Pay attention to your body...if all feels well, then by all means, continue, but if you get signs...LISTEN for gods sake.  I would consult an actual (NOT holistic physician) for his thoughts if you still plan on the true hard-core water diet. Ive had two friends end up pretty sick from overdoing it. (not sure how exactly, but not good)

Good luck
(and I hope you didnt have major illness to begin with..but if you did..good vibes to you there, too)


Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 25, 2005, 06:17:51 pm
OK, since yer not doing this to lose weight I won't scorn you, b/c as a Fitness Consultant, I will tell you right now, if losing weight was the goal you are doing it all wrong.

Having said that, I would seriously watch what you are doing considering you have some kind of health problem.  I respect your privacy, but if you care to share with me your problem (via PM) I could be better informed to help you.  In addition, I would do exactly what Sheix said and at least discuss this with yer family Dr., even if he disagrees with yer methods, he cannot stop you, but I would listen to him/her if I were you.

Also, the idea of cleansing the body is correct, but only if your someone who has a predisposition to a health problem that causes fluctuations is certain things to abnormal levels, ie. pH balance, K+ & Na2+ levels, etc OR if you are someone who doesn't maintain a healthy lifestyle including that of exercise & diet.  In addition, generally the fasting lasts only for 1-2 days and its only with drinking water, this is sufficient to clearling your system out.  For more detailed filtering, I would consult a physician (ie. MD or ND but not holistic IMO).

Now having the general info out of the way, lets dicusss your present state of sign & symptoms.  You are already expreriencing pain and discomfort, this is a sure sign, excluding info I don't know regarding your health, that you should definetly talk to your Dr.  Pain is a feedback mechanism telling you something "may" be wrong, its not the effects of healing (again without knowing your beginning health state) and DO NOT use the philosophy of "no pain - no gain" there are still coaches out there that employ this method of training and these coaches deserve to have charges brought against them.

Moreover, there is something else you can do.  Drink Gatorade (original formula) as it contains plenty of electrolytes (K & Na) which is what you discussed already, but I would not do any form of exercise, as that eliminates electrolytes through your sweat, and then consuming gatorade is NOT a good idea as your system then goes into electrolytic shock b/c you then consume high concentrated volumes of electrolytes that are in the gatorade.

Furthermore, the head trip you mention can be a combination of different things:

1) your current state of health (seek consultation from Dr.)
2) you are hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) b/c yer not eating anything which is expected but if you feel fine when you are standing throughout the day then chances are its most likely #3
3) It is a normal reaction everyone has when standing up from a lying down position.  Its called Reactive Hypotention or Orthostatic Pressure.  What happens is taht when you are lying down your blood is concentrated all over your body but when you abruptly stand up (say to grab the ringing phone or whatever) the majority of the blood due to gravity and force gets pooled to your lower body and less remains in your brain.  You may then notice that you get dizzy or go blind for a few seconds and see only black then slowly your vision comes back (within like 3-5 seconds); this is b/c your Baro-receptors (Carotid Arteries) located on the sides of yer neck being to do its job and pump the blood back to yer brain, as that is its function.

Hope this may shed some light, not trying to lecture you, but for myself knowing more seems to ease my anxiety, but to be safe I would consult your Dr.  Good Luck.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 25, 2005, 10:43:42 pm
I appreciate the concern, but I can assure you I have educated myself thoroughly on the subject of fasting for health. what I'm doing is actually the standard for the fasting clinics all over europe. i'm actually feeling so good now, i'm shooting for 40 days. that's pretty much all the time my body would need to completely autolyse itself. my health conditions aren't serious at all.

in fasting, pain, nausea, headaches, lightheadedness are all symptoms of detox and healing, so i had expectations of certain pains (really dull aches more like). it's a feeling that you could distinguish from bad pain.

once again, thanks for the concern, but i've taken everything into account before proceeding.

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: *NADS Foxy on May 27, 2005, 06:30:27 am
Stay safe my beautiful burro.  ::duck::

Title: Re: bronto's fast
Post by: bronto on May 27, 2005, 04:48:47 pm
i broke my fast yesterday (13 days) and shaved my haggard beard. i think i've never looked healthier, i have ZERO fat and my muscles are more toned then ever. my facial features became a little more gaunt and defined, my girlfriend likes it but i think i look like a twat. anyway, i'm making ready to fast for another 14 days very soon, but for the time being, i'm back to raw food. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

if anyone here is interested in fasting for health, i can tell you exactly what to do.