*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: bronto on April 15, 2005, 11:51:06 pm

Title: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: bronto on April 15, 2005, 11:51:06 pm
can you help me find rectangular magnets that are about 4 inches in length to buy? please don't delete this, i can't find them and i must have them.

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: Mr.Mellow on April 16, 2005, 12:08:45 am
What kind of magnets? Hard magnets, magnet strips? How thick do they need to be? Are they going to be used for making some sort of cool drug I've never heard of before? If so, can I get some of it?

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: Mr.Mellow on April 16, 2005, 12:09:46 am

Only took me 2 seconds, sorry for the double post. Hope that helps, my love!   ::bussi::

Edit: Okay wait...not quite there yet...lemme look harder.

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: Supernatural Pie on April 16, 2005, 12:21:18 am
There's no such thing as magnetism...

It's all electrodynamics and special relativity.


Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: bronto on April 16, 2005, 06:29:08 pm
i must have my magnets! the link mellow posted was the right kind of magnets, but i can't buy them there for some reason.

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: pointillist on April 28, 2005, 06:28:44 pm
I got mine at radioshack....i had a note
from the hot doctor who was the son of
an astronaut, and later the store manager
came and found me...they're real weird
about the magnets....he offerred to Buy
them back, heh heh.  When I moved the
said I had to leave the magnets there.....

now i just have two refrigerator magnets.

I think they worry about people screwing
up security systems....i had mine on a
bike helmet to stop ELF headaches.........
i don't recommend it at all.......consult
local famous band roadie for a magnetics lesson.

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: bronto on April 28, 2005, 07:30:31 pm
lol, i got mine from here: http://www.kjmagnetics.com/

i needed them because someone at my party put a magnet on my tv screen and fucked it up, so i had to get 2 strong ones and put them on a drill bit and point it at the screen to manually degauss it. magnets are good.

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: Mr.Mellow on April 28, 2005, 10:25:43 pm
I need to do that to my TV, too. The screen is tinted a horrible horrible green, probably from magnets. I feel like I'm watching a celebrity sex tape filmed in night vision!

Title: Re: Help me find some magnets please
Post by: bronto on April 29, 2005, 06:43:29 am
it doesn't really matter how you stick the magnets on the drill bit as long as they are on opposite sides. i started close and moved away from it while moving it around the screen, took like 3 times for it to fully work.