*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: *DAMN Bander on April 07, 2001, 01:24:06 pm

Title: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Bander on April 07, 2001, 01:24:06 pm

Live at the Orpheum in Vienna in 2000
Bander is the guy called: "Wayman" there.

Unfornately the Interview is in german only.
(Once we re famouse we will give Interviews in chinese too!).

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 08, 2001, 12:21:19 pm
very cool Bander i must learn more german if i want to understand u guys or u could give me a translation eh????? lol

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: LoudNotes (Guest) on April 08, 2001, 12:54:32 pm
YAY!  I could actually understand a fair amount of the German!  Yippee!

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 08, 2001, 01:32:39 pm
lol loud

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: TheDamnEbo (Guest) on April 12, 2001, 10:27:13 pm
lol man i quit my german lessons cuz of several problems with my teacher (my x-girlfriend) so i dont think i understand every single word u said on the interview. but im sure about 1 thing. garman rap makes me laugh. lemme explain.
i love your launguage, i think its the harder language on earth. its cool with some kinds of music such as industrial,but rap music needs some kind of soft and fluid languages. whatever...i dont like rap at all so you can trash my opinion now if not sooner :p.
i have some cute girls(hallo sabrina,pia and anna) in CH and D, i know they listen to rap and maybe they are fans of your. why the hell im writing these things, oh god its 3.18 am, maybe i should take snooze.i should...
well...lemme turn on the tv...aaargh mad about you.i hate paul reiser....mmmmm fraiser.....oh wow a grindcore band on VM(videomusic channel)...well i think im gonna see this one.
byebyebye and remember.....there is no spoon....WASSSAAAAAAAA!...god...that spot wins the special prize during the "Lions of Cannes". where is the world going?......."gar?on,whats this?" "Wassabi sir..."
somebody kill me PLEASE.
TheUnDrawn  <------ ???????

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: &amp;amp;amp;amp;#124;-FEAR-&amp;amp;amp;amp;#124; ?AUs on April 12, 2001, 11:23:35 pm
?Ebola, WTF are you high on!?

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DRUNK Ebola on April 15, 2001, 03:43:01 pm
have 1 pint of Belzebuth beer (15% vol.) and try to write something interesting...
ps lemme think where u can get beer....mmmm....ah sure. St John's Church

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Bander on April 15, 2001, 07:55:01 pm

Ebo - i am too stoned right now i will answer your weird posting when im MUCH MORE stoned haha!

But the difference to italian and german rap is:
italian rappers sound gay - and i bet this is the reason u dont like hip-hop dude!
german rap is mostly very hard and ordinaire vulgar battle rhyme and very hard beaz and deep basses and no tingeling around lol.

thats why i love to do it and i must say before that i played in several punk and harcore bands. was very cool too but i love to talk a lotta and cant sing very good hehe.

btw - what about those (hello! ;) hip hop girls there? hmmm - emails? lol damn - that also could be some gay hairy friends of u who wanna trap me dude lol. if not ... sigh ... vienna IS A VERY BEAUTIFUL CITY.

so - and plz - could u BITTE lace some more
comments about the music plz? lol

tnx - btw - and MILLIONAIRES or RAP Producers in any country of the world except austria (we also make an excetion on millionaires from austria): email me to:

Bander / Cholerico NOT Wayman

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Bander on April 16, 2001, 09:53:20 am
;) notes - tnx for that stat.

its very interestinmg for us what people from
non german speaking countries think about "german language" music or especially Hip-Hop from Germany/Austria.

Who else makes music here? hehe.

And - i need a dude who helps me making a
Band Website. I would do all graphics but im very bad in HTML programming.

It would be cool if there would be MP3 DLds from our underground vinyl album we are currently working at and maybe some small
videos about the "making of".

Plz tell me anyone who could help me in doing that site - would be greatest!


tnx all for interest and opinions.

Yours - Haki (Bander)

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 16, 2001, 11:23:31 am
Bander I could make the site for you I have made several sites and really good at html coding.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: jn.loudnotes on April 16, 2001, 12:42:28 pm
Bander, if you want to make a website, use Adobe GoLive.  Although my web site is relatively pitiful, it took a far shorter time to make with GoLive than if I had tried to code it manually. ?With GoLive, even an idiot can put together a "good" page, and if you have graphic design experience, you can make a "great" page.

It's a really nice program. ?I think it only costs about US$100---and it will put together your whole layout and translate it into code. ?It works with javascript and much more as well. ?
As I said, my website is pitiful, but a lot of professionally designed webpages use this software. ?You can see an example of a nice GoLive created page at my mother's workplace, the north carolina arts council.

I think this might help you a lot, especially since you have better design sense than I do. ?Mauti, you might find it useful too. ?I really recommend this software, and it is well worth the cost. ?I think Adobe has a website, which would probably be made with GoLive, but I'm not sure of the address. ?You should definitely check this out.

Title: stinkfeet
Post by: Ebola on April 16, 2001, 09:08:59 pm
heyl? Bander. i have the same fucking problem with the site i want to make. i can make the graphics but that damn html...maybe ill take a look to GoLive (thx LoudNotes).
Bander what italians rap bands have you listened
to? yes, there a lot, i mean A LOT, of stupid and commercial bands such as ARTICOLO 31, GEMELLI DIVERSI and SOTTOTONO that ae just horrible. they are all about piercing, tatoos and shit like that. their lyrics are all about fucking,beer and how much cool they are. they are freaking dogs and only 16 yrs old girls can listen to them. but there are very good bands around here. maybe i can give you some name. search for the over the net. maybe on napster too,
Frankie HI-nrg (search for "libri di sangue" and  "fight the faida")
ICE ONE          
casino royale
these are some of them. try them out and tell me what do you think.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Bander on April 17, 2001, 05:45:08 am
tnx ebo dude - i hope u dont think i dont like italian rap at all. and u are exactly right: here in austria the people like italian language cuz its smooth and soft (most peops dont understand a word lol - my uncle is from trieste - he does hehe). so over here only the very smooth and soft rappers are in the charts (but charts sux anyway in europe except france). but i know there is going on lotta in italo-rap what i dont know yet. tnx for the info i will check it out and look what i can fin out ;).

loud tnx very much for ya tipps - but i think i will
take the Mr. Diablo option ;)


ok i will make all graphics and then i either send u a cd or i email it to u diablo.
i will send u a vinyl and a t-shirt when ready diablo - and by the way

yoo-baa trieb is now known as:
(german teacher)

website (as it seems) is coming soon ;)


Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 17, 2001, 10:59:16 am
Ok that will be great i charge $500 an hour lol j/k just get me all the graphics and backrounds and stuff

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 17, 2001, 11:01:20 am
are you gonna buy a .com site or what? cause i need to know where the site is going to be so i can work on it

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 17, 2001, 06:44:02 pm
No loud you can't make the site unless you have the adress because you have to tell it where to save and if you don't have a site you can't put it anywhere!

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 17, 2001, 08:29:06 pm
No Diablo you are wrong and Loud is right. You don't have to tell every thing a URL you just can address it by its name if it is in the same directory and if it is in another address you have to address it anotherdirectory/filename !
If it is in a directory before you have to do ../filename

The whole *DAMN site is running without any URLs except the forum because this is on another server but I can run *DAMN R6/RS World on my harddisk without connecting once to the internet.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 17, 2001, 10:39:10 pm
you have to have a site to put it on the internet!
Just like *DAMN's site is http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/damnr6/ you have to have an adress. Yes you can make a site and save it on your hd but other people can't see it until its on a server like your site adress

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 18, 2001, 02:20:58 am
But you don't need an URL you can make the website from the scratch and to show it other guys  you can activate websharing. Put the homepage folder in the websharing folder or an alias and everyone can see it under http://yourip

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 18, 2001, 10:28:43 am
Yes, but why would you want to give out your ip to people you don't know they could get in to your hd and install a virus. Plus it might be hard to memorize that adress.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 18, 2001, 02:04:02 pm
For test purposes to show it a friend not to store it forever there. I only wanted to say that you don't need an URL to start making a website. THats the point I aim at.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 18, 2001, 02:12:11 pm
yes, I already knew that lol

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 18, 2001, 07:35:31 pm
its easy when you have their ip and they connect to the internet their hd is vulnerable to hackers because then you can get into their hd by connecting to their ip and finding out the user password something like that i'm not quite sure.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on April 19, 2001, 05:07:14 pm
Oh...so THAT's Bander, eh?  My good...umm...hmm....guy I know, I suppose.  Friend could also be used in that sentence...but oh well.  Anyway...werd to the new sight, werd to my *DAMN fellows...and now I must be off to my Lacrosse game.  Gotta go beat Aberdeen.  I only have 2 more games left and I want to keep our record over .500.   We're 5-3 right now.  Wish me luck!   (I'll get back to the outcome of the game later tonight  ;)   )

*DAMN Postal Worker

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 20, 2001, 04:34:43 am
What is a Lacrosse game? Please explain a little bit Postal.

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on April 20, 2001, 10:29:22 am
Its like a mix between football and hockey you have sticks with nets at the end of them and you pass the ball to your team mates trying to score in the other persons net. Sorta like that

Title: Re: *DAMN Bander LIVE (German Hip-Hop)
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on April 20, 2001, 10:56:35 am
Yea, I guess you could put it that way.  Throw in some soccer too for the running part.  Right now I'm in computer programing class...on a PC.  Damn I hate these things.  I shouldn't be on here, but I thought I'd sneak a peak at the site again.  Oh...and about our game.  I had 3 goals...but we still lost...damn.  But hey, a record of 5-4 isn't too bad.  And if we win on Tuesday, we'll be 6-4 which is better than our record of 2-7 last year.  

*DAMN Postal Worker
...Gotta go, the Teacher is coming!