*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: *DAMN Mauti on April 08, 2005, 08:51:58 am

Title: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 08, 2005, 08:51:58 am
If you have downloaded one of my two movies I have uploaded yesterday I would like to hear your impressions and comments, please! Further if you have questions about locations or other things let me know.

A few things you can see in the movies that may aren't obvious:

In Ohne Worte you can see a few pictures of me as baby and also my car can be seen a few times ;-)

Ohne Worte doesn't feature any music because for the movie competition we had to own the complete rights on the movie.

Elandrion and Bellerophontes also appear in the movie who can identify them? All hints are already at the website somewhere!!! (May a question for the *DAMN 5th anniversary quiz in june!?)

The semiprofessional bike trial movie: The starting scene shows my way to school and the following sun rise was recorded from my classroom.

Beethoven appears a few times ;-)

The highest obstacle I jumped up in the movie was 120 centimetres high.

Other things you may noticed? There are a few more hidden things in them.



Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 08, 2005, 02:29:37 pm

I invited the people for the movie and I lured them to come that it will be just like a normal party with free drinks and something to eat and that they don't have anything to do . At all only the main actors and director assistance knew the script. The others just came and were party guests.

Yes indeed we had a time limit of 5 minutes for the movie so I had to shorten the elevator scene.



Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on April 08, 2005, 02:41:47 pm
yep, and we managed to get the shoot done thanks to the rigid timetable and a ruthless director ::bussi::

Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on April 08, 2005, 05:39:33 pm
howdy Mauti,

checked out "Ohne Worte" and thought you guys did a nice job. there are a couple of things that i did think of. your "hero" is very social and seems outgoing when he arrives at the party, also he has the balls to get some candy and place it by her. isnt he then a little too shy compared to the buildup you have of him?

when he sat down next to her after she offered him some wine - i actually had a feeling that he was going to drink so much that he either passed out or puked and never got a chance to put in his "move"

your film does flow nicely forward. its a good piece of work

Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on April 08, 2005, 11:44:00 pm
Delightful as always, Mauti! I haven't checked out the bike trial one yet, but I'll get around to that later tonight probably. Sounds like a good thing to watch while drinking.  ;D

Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: .vooDoo. on April 09, 2005, 11:52:19 pm
I wouldl love to let you know what I think but everytime I go to fileplanet to download the movies I have to wait in line for 15 minutes and there are only 2 dl servers, east and west both full at all times. 8(

Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: .vooDoo. on April 15, 2005, 05:05:54 am
Finally Saw the mountain bike movie. Pretty damn cool if I do say so myself. Is there a name for that hoping you do on ur bike? I see it on tv around here sometimes and it must be a sport. They have different obstycles set up in degrees of difficulty.

Anyways, much different then my style of riding. I purley trail ride, 20 - 30 miles at a time. Anywhere from a 2 - 6 hour ride. Alot of fun when I go with my brother. We are very competative.  ;D

The movie was a little repetative at times but very well done.
GJ Mauti.


Title: Re: Comments to my 2 movies: Ohne Worte & the semiprofessional bike trial movie?
Post by: Civrock on April 15, 2005, 05:31:14 am
Is there a name for that hoping you do on ur bike? I see it on tv around here sometimes and it must be a sport.

it's called (observed) Trials and it's a professional sport with either mountainbikes or special trial motorcycles. there are whole international championships for it and it's on the sports channel here quite often too when the season runs. pretty impressive balance and jumps, i like to watch it. :)