*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Spanke on April 02, 2005, 04:54:40 am

Title: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: Spanke on April 02, 2005, 04:54:40 am

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: Civrock on April 02, 2005, 05:10:58 am
yes, moron.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on April 02, 2005, 05:51:53 am
Spanke, considering the total lack of point to your post, and absolute lack of content contain therein, I am very tempted to lock/delete this thread and give you a warning.  However, considering you have never done something of this nature before, I will let it slide.  Next time however, that will not be the case.

For now, I am going to leave this thread open, so it can die a natural and (hopefully) quick death.


Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: bronto on April 02, 2005, 06:12:21 am
ok listen. i know you are going to say i'm just a stupid stoner, but whatever. drugs are not necesarily bad, but they are not necesarily good either. it all depends on which ones you use and how you use them, i'm not going to get into which ones to use because that's your choice. i don't advocate the use of drugs but i will tell you personally what they have done for me;

i have gained a greater outlook on life, and the world in general. i have learned much about my self through introspection, and in turn, learned much about others (although i don't excersize humbleness all of the time...i would be a hypocrite if i said i didn't harbor some negative energy, because i often find myself angered by quite a few things).
of course these things were possible without drugs, but they probably would not have occured to me so quickly and easily without them. they definately are a source of infinite creativity, no matter what medium you choose to express yourself with. some of the greatest music, art, and writing are influenced by drugs of some form or another.

with all that said, yes there are down sides, i'm not going to get into the politics of it all, but basically if you use drugs, chances are sooner or later you will have a bad experience. i've had 2 bad experiences in my 5 years of use, both were because i was young and irrational. since then i have learned exactly what and what not to use.

i have used a lot of drugs, the ones i choose to use frequently all have 0 long term side effects. addiction is simply non exsistant if you make the right choices when using them. you have to know your limits, and excersize self control. i use drugs that i've seen people i know become addicted to, yet i have never been....use in moderation, i can go many months without a drop of anything at all and feel no different. if you appreciate and respect them, your experiences will always be rewarding.

OK now it can die.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on April 02, 2005, 06:15:57 am
Drugs can be both, I think that is the obvious answer. My choice of drug happens to be prescribed but it is definitely a good thing (though who knows, it might kill me in the long run.) Illegal drugs are no different than legal drugs really in this sense...they can serve a reasonable purpose.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on April 02, 2005, 07:20:30 am
I believe in experiencing in all life has to offer, and I think drugs experiences are definately ones that are worthwhile. However you have to be mature and have a great deal of self control and you also have to know just what you are getting in to. Be careful about asking people about drugs though because some people fabricate a lot of evidence to justify their drug dependency as a part of their denial of the issue, while others are so self-righteous and brainwashed they lie and try to scare you away from them. www.erowid.org is a good website with fairly unbiased information on drugs, but you should be skeptical no matter how reliable the source is. 

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 02, 2005, 01:15:49 pm
Ou t of curiosity, what type of drugs are you talking about? Though obvious if it is the answer I predict I will continue to laugh at your question.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: Maniac@friends on April 02, 2005, 03:04:32 pm
Don't drink and dip at the same time like i did last night it makes you out of this world sick.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on April 02, 2005, 05:03:45 pm
Coem on Myst u know hes gonna say weed. All the stoners talk about how there are no long term effects, and i agree with them as long as they smoke and stay in their homes. When people smoke weed while driving or smoke and then go driving they dont only put themselves at risk they put the rest of the people on the road at risk. All i know is that if i get hit by some stoner that is high, hes going to be bloody before the cops get there. I dnt have a problem with anyone who smokes in the privacy of their own home and stays there but when they take it out in the public they risk more then just their life.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 02, 2005, 06:55:49 pm
Most do that at first rebs. Then of course they start smoking at lunch and go to school high and get in big shit for awhile. I've seen it, and apparently getting in shit once isn't enough to stop their need.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: bronto on April 02, 2005, 09:38:29 pm
listen, some people are just dumb to begin with. when you give them drugs, it's just throwing gas on the embers. if some dumb fucking drunk stoned idiot hit me, i wouldn't find a bag of weed and a 40 ounce and beat the shit out of it, i would beat the shit out of the idiot that made the choices that lead up to this.

i personally was talking about a lot of drugs ranging from psychedelics to opiates, i don't know what spanke was asking about exactly. if you have any concerns over specific drugs, i will tell you anything you want to know about them. like losemoney said, go to www.erowid.org they have everything you want to know, but like anything, it takes experience to truly understand it.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on April 02, 2005, 10:37:13 pm
Hmm, lets look at the monumental hypocrisy of our society;

Alcohol, a very strong depressant, that causes 75,000 deaths a year in the US, shortens lives by up to 30 years and causes a host of other serious societal ills, is perfectly legal and its consumption is encouraged from a very young age.

Drunken driving causes 40,933 deaths a year.

Cannabis, a plant that occurs naturally on every continent accept Antarctica and first utilized by man some 3,000 years ago, has known medicinal uses for stimulating the appetite of terminally ill chemo patients, is illegal and its use and or propagation can garner jail time.

Out of the 2,416,425 deaths in 2001, roughly 138 were cannabis related.


To put that in perspective, more people drowned in their bathtubs, than died from cannabis related causes.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on April 02, 2005, 10:57:32 pm
Drunk driving statistics are innaccuate, because they consider anything involved with alcohol as an alcohol-related driving death. For example, if a man has a can of beer in his hand and gets hit by a car, they consider that an alcohol-related driving death. Not saying drunk driving isn't dangerous and stupid, just saying the statistics are horribly inaccurate. Anyways, if anybody tells me that driving while high is safe, I'm going to call them a moron. I've seen kids do really stupid shit when they were driving stoned. Almost got me killed, no joke.
P.S., and yeah, check out Erowid. Pretty much unbiased information, although some of the Trip Reports are BS made up by bored 14 year olds.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: bronto on April 03, 2005, 12:18:23 am
I'm about to put some of my crazy trips on there lol.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: Spanke on April 03, 2005, 12:18:48 am
sorry!  ;D

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: .vooDoo. on April 03, 2005, 01:37:37 am
"puff puff give, puff puff give...dont fuck up the rotation man."

"Chicks cant handle the smoke....dats what it iz."

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 03, 2005, 06:07:39 pm
One advice from a person that doesn't take any drugs - just some good wine from time to time. A girlfriend of mine came back from india with weird looking cigarettes. I wasn't tempted to try them but yesterday I found one, she obviously forgot at my place - so what can I do!?

I smoked it - DAMN it - I can say I have never felt this after smoking cigarettes - usually I feel the nicotine as a non-smoker very fast(at all I don't smoke and even dislike it in general), well after smoking this little weird looking indian cigarette I felt like thousands of ants were crawling on my brain but still under my skullcap. Somehow very strange and scary on one hand and on the other hand hmmmm not that bad at all hehe I could get used to it, but 5 minutes later I really felt sick - damn garbage from india...

Alright so far a nice little story from little Austria  ;)


Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: Croosch on April 03, 2005, 06:19:40 pm
I consider drugs that are addictive or extremely harmful to be bad... Other than that I see no harm in having a really good time.

Title: Re: Is it true drugs are bad?
Post by: bronto on April 03, 2005, 10:12:50 pm
there are only a handful of really harmful drugs and they are man made. like i said before, addiction simply does not exsist unless you have no self control.