*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: lexdemon on March 30, 2005, 12:53:56 am

Title: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on March 30, 2005, 12:53:56 am
Too unfortunate about this topic: its true !

It seems that lately more and more latin people (like myself, im from mexico), evrytime we talk about our nationality we are aclaimed and heavy messaged with racist text from other people, i think that there's no way to accept that, but we have too, i never get to say anything i just get the comments for being mexican, why does players have to act that way, when several others are just there to play, im proud of my nationality as im proud of other nationalities too, but several others doesn't agree, what do you think ppl?.  Is it correct from players too act like that?  ;)

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Blitz on March 30, 2005, 01:54:26 am
Lexadon, you should probably email Scott Kevill (Evill) about this problem and not spam the DAMN Forums with it.

Text removed for being condescending towards other nationalities, and being flame bait (as Bronto so eloquently demonstrated). -Lone

Blitz 8)

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: bronto on March 30, 2005, 02:05:49 am
Text deleted due to being totally non-constructive and antagonistic of Blitz. -Lone

dude it doesn't matter if there was cursewords in it, the message was true. why do you have to protect him, he can't handle it?

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on March 30, 2005, 02:32:50 am
Bronto, perhaps you dont understand the concept of flaming somebody.  Here is an informative tip for you, you were  flaming Blitz, plain and simple.  You had nothing to add to the thread but swearing up a storm and telling him to suck your dick, among other things.

I was well within my rights to smack with with a warning, but I didnt.  For that, you should be grateful.  And if you will notice I edited Blitz's post as well.  So im far from protecting him.  What I am protecting is the community from senseless flames, and another tyrade that has no point to it, but it is instead meant to begin a riot.


Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on March 30, 2005, 03:22:21 am
Hey guys, chill out, i never tried to hurt anybodys feelings or do message spamming here, i just tryed to bring up a topic that might be polemical but is also a good theme for a good talk here, i you guys don't like this kind of topics plz let me know and i will never post something like this again, otherwise my topic is something real and as you saw by the first replie to it, there are people that are not comfortable with this topics (or can't handle) but i never intented to bring up a riot.

I just thought that it was a good topic to discuss (hear opinions about it, not aggresions for it).


Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on March 30, 2005, 04:04:29 am
Something to think about...

When I was in Army Basic Training, they had us in the old WWII style barracks.  On the end of the 1st floor bay was the Drill Sergeant's room (the Drill Sgt used to stay in that room, but they havn't done that in years).  Well, we had this one Drill Sgt that liked to bring his lady friends to the barracks at night and bang them in that old Drill Sergeant's room.  Pretty much every night he would come in with someone new, take her into that room, and we would listen while he pleasured them for hours on end (was hard to sleep sometimes cause it was so LOUD!).  Well, something notable about his women is that they were usually never the same race.  One night a beautiful black lady, one night a beautiful Mexican lady, one night a beautiful Japanese lady, on and on, something different every night.  One night, one of the stupid Privates said something about how he had sex with all different races, and his reply was really cool.  He said: "I've been with all kinds of women...black, white, Indian, Asian, everything you can think of...and they all had one very important thing in common...when you spread that pussy open and start eating it, it's always pink in the middle."

So true.


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on March 30, 2005, 04:41:48 am
lmao, its holly truth GS, but most ppl never see under skin, and yet claim supperiority for being or believe they are special for belonging a country, i really wish that vanishes from earth 'cause its sad and i will go to my class with these frase:

"Yet only the gods can have different blood than ours, but if you are under the name: Human Being, your black/yellow/white brother will bleed the same color, the same way and therefore, die among gods in the same way u can".

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on March 30, 2005, 06:44:50 am
skin...i really wish that vanishes from earth

We have one sick character on our hands here, yes siree we do.   ;D

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on March 30, 2005, 08:04:45 am
lol, omg i really meant about the whole BS about racism not the skin, imagine ppl w/o skin (would be gr8 but scary as hell too). :D

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: bronto on March 30, 2005, 05:15:32 pm
lol gs you could have just said we're all the same on the inside.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on March 30, 2005, 06:43:45 pm
well i guess that a most direct way than that is best, is not enough to say we are the same inside, it has sometimes to be compared to what we are on both sides. ;)

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Blitz on March 31, 2005, 02:38:14 am
I haven't seen anything about how to solve this "racial" problem when we are all infront of computers and we don't know what each other look like unless you're apart of PGR.  If you ask me, just take this problem with Evill.

Blitz 8)

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on March 31, 2005, 07:39:50 am
again i must say: Im not treating this like a problem, the problem part will be solved separately with evill, i just opened it to read opinions about others, i want to know what u think about it.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: z][t-Rampage on March 31, 2005, 09:21:45 am
Lexadon, you should probably email Scott Kevill (Evill) about this problem and not spam the DAMN Forums with it.

Text removed for being condescending towards other nationalities, and being flame bait (as Bronto so eloquently demonstrated). -Lone

Blitz 8)

im not sure what the rest of that message read, but - out of all the posts that are posted in the damn forums, how can u call this topic spam?? its serious and something that lexdemon obviously took seriously. and if it is racicsm, it is serious and then it should include the Damn community, because if these are things that happen often, it takes a community to end it.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: ~Po~ TiroFino on March 31, 2005, 04:46:59 pm
Lex, good point bringing this up!

I have seldom felt racism in these boards or GRanger for that matter, but there is.

Most community members are well educated individuals that look at others beyond a nationality....I have traveled all over the world and gotten to see great things from all nations, together we make the human race something pretty special.... It is the few, that focus on individualities, and that mainly out of fear, neglect that which is different from what they are used to.

Be strong, self confident, educate yourself and help others, but above all, be true and simply a good human being..... These are the best weapons vs. racism.

It will never go away, but you know what... its a minority that is not even important which behaves like that!

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 01, 2005, 05:35:44 am
No matter where you go on the internet or other means of non-face to face communication, people will always run their mouths about this and that. So long as there are nations and people still notice race or simple accents, people will hold assumptions based on that small information. Of course, some people just don't know when to shut the fuck up and stop being such a bunch of immature morons. It all comes back to that despite the number of great people using chats and games, there are a bunch of insecure, suppressed people who want to sound "cool" (ugg). Nothing can change this besides tracing their IP, hunting them down, and beating the shit out of them until they realize how retarded they are.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Toxic::Joka on April 01, 2005, 02:52:42 pm
Unless every computer gets installed with one of these (http://www.snabbstart.com/film/fel-i-intel-processorer.aspx)  ;D

Seriously though, shame on the racists.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on April 01, 2005, 09:08:24 pm

im not sure what the rest of that message read, but - out of all the posts that are posted in the damn forums, how can u call this topic spam?? its serious and something that lexdemon obviously took seriously. and if it is racicsm, it is serious and then it should include the Damn community, because if these are things that happen often, it takes a community to end it.

Thx alot Ramp. it really happens often, i've been in some chat rooms at GR and heard several curses from ppl to Latam's or even against european ppl, and this topic is for that, lets find a broderhood solution, not evrybody like the topic (mostly the ppl who goes in favor of racism) but i guess that in this Damn comunity we can beat it up. i will post a piece of an old conversation, to see what i mean.

Its a serious issue and i quote TiroFino
It will never go away, but you know what... its a minority that is not even important which behaves like that!

Unfortunately its truth and i want to invite evryone to think as TiroFino:
together we make the human race something pretty special...

I will invite those who think about individualities to think before acting like real dumbs, stop threathing people like glitches evry time ppl discovers nationality/race/skin color.

Thx guys for your opinions lets keep the wolrd spining, plz ppl, leave your opinions and admins. plz let us know part of the texts deleted from blitz and bronto, those are they opinions and therefor are important, give us a sustract or something. Thx

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on April 01, 2005, 09:20:49 pm
Here is the conversation i was talking about (i erased the names of the participants xcept mine and my friend (who hosted):
Chat room: Bienvenidos de parte de México !!!
:omg, beaners, return to your home to eat takitos
:lol i want my takitos too
LexDemon: Omg guys, mind your words we are far away for that.
[Mex] Emperor: dejalos wey, nunca faltan los comentarios de este tipo.
LexDemon: si, lo se, pero si abriste el cuarto era para charlar con la gente, no recibir insultos de ella
[Mex] Emperor: pues si, pero mejor ni les digas nada, vamos a ver que tan en ridiculo se pueden poner
:beaners beaners
:hola amigo como esta
LexDemon: bien y usted?
:lol i think he is insulting me  anybody knows what the f*** is he saying?
:f***ing beaners, return to your f***king country
LexDemon: Hey______________________ chill out
:F***ing german u toasted my ppl and i bet u liked it
:hey bro, not all germans are that way
:get the hell out of here you god damn german
LexDemon: hey leave him alone
:omg another german, what are you doing here? seeking jewish people?
:get the f*** out of here nazis
:kick the nazis
:yeah kick them
:they came to destroy the world
:i told you, thats lame from u to think that way, im german yes and so, that doesn't makes me a nazi or a killer i just drop by to talk
:go f*** yourself f***ing killers
LexDemon:hey im not German, im mexican
***: seeing dead jewish ppl
:hahaha a nazi and a beaner, what are the ods
_______ was kicked from the room
LexDemon: lame on you lil bastards
Admins: edit or delete this post if you don't like it, i just want to show, what ppl can get to with racism, i support to get rid of that desease, who will join me to that 'cause

LexDemon against Racism

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Spanke on April 01, 2005, 10:51:39 pm
Seems like though kids weren't really rascist, just stupid.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Brutha on April 02, 2005, 01:09:59 am
Is there a difference? Perhaps you did see a difference, but you were not the one receiving the insults.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 02, 2005, 04:16:53 am
I don't think people should be able to hide racism through stupidity. GR is some sort of nationalistic fairground where everyone has a problem with everyone else. It's retarded but it is likely not to change because of the people who do it to begin with.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on April 02, 2005, 07:23:18 am
Is there a difference? Perhaps you did see a difference, but you were not the one receiving the insults.

Well i saw a big diference 'cause we were taking the insults for our nationality (remember im mexican too), i agree spanke, there were guys just being stupid but theres no reason from a human beign to shall out curses to other just 'cause he don't like the country the other comes from.

In the second conversation i know i wasn't getting the insults, but i put it there just to show what people from any country has to deal with among other bastards and their poor laming comments.

And stuff like this happens evryday, i would like to hear what a racist guy has to say about it, maybe i havn't seen his own p.o.v.

Besides (and i might get edited) it seems u agree with what they said Brutha 'cause its lot diferent, why don't you get my p.o.v. to see the diference.

I would like to read your opinion about the topic too btw.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 02, 2005, 01:31:46 pm
The Point of View of the offending part is probably that of some idiot sitting in front of a iMac just being what he is. I doubt he could be messaged through GR by anyone and not break into some sort of shouting contest.

I don't think this is racism, however I suppose there are many grounds being segregated in America today and around the world everywhere. If this isn't racism what is it? This is the result of de-education in the society of today. Racial tension only increases when those groups against it come around and point it out. For the Love of god there's a difference between what they do and the actual stopping of it.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on April 02, 2005, 04:30:10 pm
The Point of View of the offending part is probably that of some idiot sitting in front of a iMac just being what he is.

Why does it have to be an iMac?  Why can't he have a eMac, or a Mac Mini, or even a Quicksilver G4?  Why you gotta be hatin' on the iMacs???

Although that statement sounds silly, if you think deeper into it, it actually makes sense and is definitely on-topic.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 02, 2005, 06:57:07 pm
iMacs aren't a race GS. I was referring to the gumdrop G3s that all parents bought for their kids at one point.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on April 02, 2005, 07:35:30 pm
iMacs aren't a race GS. I was referring to the gumdrop G3s that all parents bought for their kids at one point.

I know iMacs aren't a race, Mysterio.  Some things are just lost on you.

Here, let me put it in BLACK and WHITE for you:

Somebody says "hey, I saw a black guy running away from a crime scene the other day."  Now what is wrong with that statement?  Why does it have to be a "black" guy?  If it was a white guy, would they have mentioned his race?  I doubt it.

Now do you understand what I was saying?

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 02, 2005, 08:13:19 pm
I'm sorry GS but you are confusing stereotyping with racism. I was using the little kid with his cheap iMac stereotype on the people who spend their time doing random insults and racist comments.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on April 03, 2005, 06:18:30 am
I'm sorry GS but you are confusing stereotyping with racism.

Well, stereotyping is not far from racism, check this: When u stereotype, you pre-judge ppl; you pre-judge people 'cause u are de-educated (or a complete moron, pick one :) ), when u are de-educated, you act like a real racist (w/o having the aknowledgment of being one of them.

Btw mysterio, i loved your opinion about it, thx

According to some authors (i can't recall wich) there are 2 kinds of racist, the total one (like we use to know them) and the half one (the one that acts like racist but he thinks he doesn't), and stereotyping ppl is hell close to the half racist.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Croosch on April 03, 2005, 06:27:35 pm
I'm sorry GS but you are confusing stereotyping with racism.

Well, stereotyping is not far from racism, check this: When u stereotype, you pre-judge ppl; you pre-judge people 'cause u are de-educated (or a complete moron, pick one :) ), when u are de-educated, you act like a real racist (w/o having the aknowledgment of being one of them.

Btw mysterio, i loved your opinion about it, thx

According to some authors (i can't recall wich) there are 2 kinds of racist, the total one (like we use to know them) and the half one (the one that acts like racist but he thinks he doesn't), and stereotyping ppl is hell close to the half racist.
Now Lex is stereotyping the stereotypers... you're no better lex  ::lol:: all "de-educated" people are racist now? tell me that's not a stereotype.

A little hypocritical

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: lexdemon on April 03, 2005, 10:55:00 pm
Now Lex is stereotyping the stereotypers... you're no better lex  lol all "de-educated" people are racist now? tell me that's not a stereotype.

A little hypocritical

Ok, i will explain my words cause i never ment to stereotype, for "de-educated" i was referring to the lack of basic education on ppl, not that all de-educated are that way. My appologies if someone took my words as stereotyping.

Title: Re: OMG too much racism on Game Rooms
Post by: Blitz on April 03, 2005, 11:52:00 pm
Personally, I think this topic is getting quite... Boring. All of you have just gone around in a circle, like a retarded dog chasing his tail.

My 2 cents on the recent posts is this: Those users in the convo were n00bs.

Blitz 8)