*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Typhy on March 05, 2005, 01:46:47 pm

Title: What the fuck?
Post by: Typhy on March 05, 2005, 01:46:47 pm
 In the 4 years I've spent in this community, and the 5+ years I've been on GR, I can't recall a single American server that said "No Europeans". Yet, I frequently see European servers titled "No fucking Americans!", and other titles like that.

An example from today: I'm bored as hell a few minutes ago ( not much to do at 3:40 AM ), so I try to join TRIBE Bijitch's GHR room. Blocked. I also notice that I have a 450 ping on the game, so I look at his info to see where he's from. I notice that his "real name" is "Bijitch against USAssholes". I message him on his other account, asking for an explaination ( or someone with his name, there were 3 of them on ), the simple response "ur americian". I've never met this guy before, never heard of him, seen him, talked to him, anything.

In the past 24 hours, I've seen three "No Americans" servers. In 5 years on GR, I don't remember seeing a single "No Europeans" server.

Someone want to explain this bullshit?   

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 05, 2005, 03:16:57 pm
HAHAHAHA TYPHY. move to europe =) but ur always welcome in my server

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: ~Po~ TiroFino on March 05, 2005, 03:37:32 pm
I wonder what would happen if all American Servers blocked Euros from playing?

This is the type of behavior that should be condemned and avoided before it scalates into something that will hurt everyone.

You see, the "haters" never see the whole picture of life, they believe that theirs is the only "true way". What they fail to see is that their hate will generate hate in return, and at the end, everyone is screwed. It's like shooting a bullet that will eventually come back to hit the shooter right between the eyes! ::wall::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Brutha on March 05, 2005, 03:37:54 pm
I hope someone will. I agree with you Typhy, this is bullshit. I may not agree with Ameircas politics, but that does not mean that all Americans are assholes. Behaviour like Bijitchs is the worst kind of behaviour I know, and is as close to racist, if not being racist. I for one am tired of this U.S. vs Europe thing, and will not tolerate any behaviour like that if I see it.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: onwig on March 05, 2005, 04:24:16 pm
Yet, I frequently see European servers titled "No fucking Americans!"

I can't say i have seen a title like that but w/e, however i have never agreed with rooms saying europe only, and even recently aus only servers.

I believe bucc a while ago started a thread like this about RvS.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: crypt on March 05, 2005, 05:00:29 pm
The only asshole American is the one who thinks he's better than a European just because he's American, and vice versa.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Civrock on March 05, 2005, 05:30:13 pm
very good sentence, crypt. i totally agree.

and to the topic... like onwig, i fortunately haven't seen such server descriptions since months. that includes last night.
and if i missed it... that person who did it is clearly retarded and ignorant (isn't Bijitch french? :-X) and deserves to get punched in his face to start using his brain.
like Brutha said, it can be considered racism. no matter if you don't like Bush and/or what he's doing... that doesn't justify this crap on GR against american guys that simply want to play some games online.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 05, 2005, 06:19:52 pm
No one is forcing you to play on those servers

and btw Nik, you got me mixed up with someone in your pm. my name is dr.spike not dr.blake

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Po~ReverendMoss on March 05, 2005, 06:40:47 pm
No one is forcing you to play on those servers

They are forcing others to NOT play on those servers.

Simply amazing how some people can take a Game, meant for amusement, and use it to further a segregationist political agenda.

Fuckers.  ::sniper::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: seth on March 05, 2005, 06:48:03 pm
long time i havent seen such a server either. To my knowledge, the stupid GR war between europeans and american players is over. But you'll always find, on one side and on the other, a*holes bitching about the past.

P.S: i suggest banning those people from your servers, starting with Bijitch

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on March 05, 2005, 06:58:37 pm
I only host Ghost Recon FFA Ladder games, so I don't have any problems.  Everyone is welcome to come for the carnage!

It's smooth, creamy, and delicious....It's FFA!  You know you want some!!!

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on March 05, 2005, 08:37:06 pm

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on March 05, 2005, 09:44:42 pm
I have ran into it a few times in the past gew weeks... Try to join a server just to find out im blocked. PM the guy from the other comp and he tells me he does no allow US players in his room.

I might be American.. But Half my Family moved here from Italy.. ... It is realy wrong to block someone just b/c of where they live. If that was the case.. I should block civic for being German (b/c of WWW@.. and block all the french players b/c the french dont agree with the US... block the UK plyer b/c they tried to keep the US under there controll during the Revolusionary war....... But you know what.. I dont care about that shit.. Why b/c its not the guys on here playing that did that or are doing that. As most peeps know... I get along with alomost everyone on here.if you host a public server.. keep it public.. if not only allow buddies or locj the room.. Public server should be open to everyone. But i will say.. the next time i see and public room saying its euro only.... Ill let them join my server... but.. they will be the firts to get kicked for doing anything wrong... I'm not racest but.. i dont put up with some who is and I will teat them like they treat me and will trun around and do it right back to them...

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: ~Po~ TiroFino on March 05, 2005, 11:32:30 pm
i dont put up with some who is and I will teat them like they treat me and will trun around and do it right back to them...

This goes back to what I posted before. That is the truth of life, and the reason why this "apartheid" type behavior cannot be tolerated!

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: bronto on March 05, 2005, 11:42:24 pm

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on March 05, 2005, 11:56:49 pm
opening a server by that name is, ignorant, immature, childish and completely out of place. gr is a place for fun and a good way to get away from every day life. sure we can get into heated debates about politics etc in the forums. but ffs, leave it there. Bijitch, plz take a trip to the states and spend some time there before you brush a whole country over with a comb. not cool bro, not cool at all.

and my server is much better than GS'S server. we give sensual massages and booze in mine. so no ffa at Ramps host, but its very "hot"

vote Rampage for president!

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on March 06, 2005, 12:02:19 am
and my server is much better than GS'S server. we give sensual massages and booze in mine. so no ffa at Ramps host, but its very "hot"

vote Rampage for president!

Absolutely....sensual massages....booze.....Rampage for President of the World!!!

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on March 06, 2005, 01:55:25 am
opening a server by that name is, ignorant, immature, childish and completely out of place. gr is a place for fun and a good way to get away from every day life. sure we can get into heated debates about politics etc in the forums. but ffs, leave it there. Bijitch, plz take a trip to the states and spend some time there before you brush a whole country over with a comb. not cool bro, not cool at all.

and my server is much better than GS'S server. we give sensual massages and booze in mine. so no ffa at Ramps host, but its very "hot"

vote Rampage for president!

You had me at "booze". <333 Too bad I don't have RvS...

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Brutha on March 06, 2005, 02:12:39 am
It's for ghost recon, and Ramps is wearing a velvet thong, just for you.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on March 06, 2005, 07:11:12 am
Score! But I'll take the booze, hold the man-in-thong.  ;D

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on March 06, 2005, 03:10:53 pm
Score! But I'll take the booze, hold the man-in-thong.  ;D

What if it's me in a thong?

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 06, 2005, 06:19:06 pm

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 06, 2005, 07:13:28 pm
No one is forcing you to play on those servers

and btw Nik, you got me mixed up with someone in your pm. my name is dr.spike not dr.blake

damn fuck could u move that message to blake?? sry man lol blake, spike all the same ??? lol

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 06, 2005, 07:18:10 pm
lol I don't think blake has an account on *DAMN. Besides, you were talking shit about him, of course he is going to get angry.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 06, 2005, 07:28:26 pm
He's already angry

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 06, 2005, 07:48:38 pm

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 06, 2005, 08:09:48 pm
talk to blake hell explain u the facts....its just hes agry cuz of a conversation about whos better me or him blablabla

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 06, 2005, 10:11:09 pm
...cause it's bs

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on March 06, 2005, 10:37:04 pm
 wow this thread hes realy realy gone ........  ::offtopic::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: KoS.frizzle. on March 06, 2005, 10:52:10 pm
talk to blake hell explain u the facts....its just hes agry cuz of a conversation about whos better me or him blablabla
Maybe Niklot is an anti-american ?  ::lol::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: dr.blake. on March 07, 2005, 12:25:25 am
Hey, look at that i have a DAMN account..

Nik i got mad because you thought that since you were doing well against me on your sever when my ping was 200.. that you were without question better than me.. and then because you said that everyone BESIDES me did all the work in our 3 straight wins against bbs.. which is ridiculous and you know that..

Most importantly, dont talk shit about people and be all dramatic... this is isnt the Real World GameRanger..

If you want to 1v1 on a neutral host, id be happy to.

Blake, your second post was removed because it served no constructive purpose and bordered on a flame.  If you've got some problems with Nik you need to work out, do it in PM or on GR, not in here.


Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 07, 2005, 01:28:47 am
i would neva think im better then u without question.. u maid me angry and i was pissed anyway. i would do a 1 v1 on a neutral hosst for sure!!!

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 07, 2005, 01:32:20 am
i would neva think im better then u without question.. u maid me angry and i was pissed anyway. i would do a 1 v1 on a neutral hosst for sure!!! but who do u want to host.. there is nothing between the usa and europe, but id try it on a us server too!!

oh and btw
Maybe Niklot is an anti-american ?  ::lol::

Maybe Friz is an anti-european  ::lol::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Brutha on March 07, 2005, 01:34:44 am
Oh dear, we went from a post trying to unite the community to a gay thread, and now it has been turned into a "who is the better player" thread. Ah well, at least this is between an American and a European which don't mind eachothers nations. Good Good.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Civrock on March 07, 2005, 01:38:53 am
this thread screams for a LOCK.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: KoS.frizzle. on March 07, 2005, 01:51:27 am
i would neva think im better then u without question.. u maid me angry and i was pissed anyway. i would do a 1 v1 on a neutral hosst for sure!!! but who do u want to host.. there is nothing between the usa and europe, but id try it on a us server too!!

oh and btw
Maybe Niklot is an anti-american ?  ::lol::

Maybe Friz is an anti-european  ::lol::

Maybe you should think... ::lol::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 07, 2005, 02:01:27 am
I'd be happy to host a 1v1, just so I could watch ;D

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: dr.blake. on March 07, 2005, 02:16:23 am
Sorry Lone, you guys are right we sound like idiots but i had to say something.. sorry, Im done ruining the thread.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: NiKLoT on March 07, 2005, 02:20:40 am
i would neva think im better then u without question.. u maid me angry and i was pissed anyway. i would do a 1 v1 on a neutral hosst for sure!!! but who do u want to host.. there is nothing between the usa and europe, but id try it on a us server too!!

oh and btw
Maybe Niklot is an anti-american ?  ::lol::

Maybe Friz is an anti-european  ::lol::

Maybe you should think... ::lol::

this begins to become stupid  ::sniper::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: KoS.frizzle. on March 07, 2005, 02:48:59 am
i would neva think im better then u without question.. u maid me angry and i was pissed anyway. i would do a 1 v1 on a neutral hosst for sure!!! but who do u want to host.. there is nothing between the usa and europe, but id try it on a us server too!!

oh and btw
Maybe Niklot is an anti-american ?  ::lol::

Maybe Friz is an anti-european  ::lol::

Maybe you should think... ::lol::

this begins to become stupid  ::sniper::
Why you started it then?

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on March 07, 2005, 03:04:11 am
Guys, enough. This thread is way off topic, just leave it alone unless you have something expressly pertinent to the subject.


Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Frenchie on March 23, 2005, 03:49:35 pm
and if i missed it... that person who did it is clearly retarded and ignorant (isn't Bijitch french? :-X)

ah ah ah civic you are more stupid than i never expect it
you are a french racist so, nice to know that we will punch your racist head like you are saying

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Civrock on March 23, 2005, 04:45:14 pm
lol, i'm not "french racist" at all. but thanks for prooving my point... seems like you didn't even read my complete post. i'm not one of the several french guys that banned all americans from their videogame servers because i don't like their president or what fuckin' political crap ever...

with the punch i meant a lil knock on your ignorant heads so you start using your brains... GameRanger is not about politics, it's about playing games online with people all around the world.

i'm going to ban all norwegians from my server now because i think they're all gay, especially their king or w/e they have!!! ;D

anyways, this thread was dead, d'oh.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 23, 2005, 04:57:11 pm
yeah, I saw the post, but I was going to let lone deal with it...of course you had to stick your big stupid french nose into it ;D

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 23, 2005, 07:24:40 pm
I must say...after reading the only on topic part... it is very hypocritical of the server runners to do this in return for some BS from some Americans and their disagreeable politicians. Sure, I always kick people from my server for calling me a American, but that is more because I'm a asshole... just not the same type... oops now maybe I should delete that line... no you guys need something to fuel this thread. Why am I typing what I'm thinking.........

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: [:] Narauko on March 24, 2005, 03:44:18 am
I must admit I have put a description on my room saying all welcome except for those germans...but hey im british. I've never kicked/banned someone from my servers because of their nationality just doesn't make sense.

Anyway I don't need to ban people from america they all hate my Euro ping ;D. Its the 56kers that really piss me off, pushing my semi decent euro server into the ground.

I've not witnessed an anti american game room yet, whether i was too ignorant when it happened, idk.

The old name and shame campaign usually does the trick to the few thoughtless morons.


Title: As a conclusion
Post by: [TRIBE]Bijitch on March 24, 2005, 12:47:33 pm
Nice to see how mad can be certain of you
I ban for having a bad behaviour and i must notice almost are american (coincidence ?) i hope so because i have a lot of buddies are americans and i dont do politics on game ranger (but if someone tell me why i dont like us governement i say why)
if u think i'm racist because i'm not agree with american politics thats ur point of view not mine...and civic behaviour is one of the more weak i ever seen: your only way is to punch head ? know that non violence is the more violent action; but maybe is it too intelligent for your little brain.
as a last point a USAsshole is a guy think he is superior because of his nationality but nevermind i close this boring useless topic

Title: OH MY GOD
Post by: AH AH AH on March 24, 2005, 01:32:55 pm
You guys are saying you are bloked but u speak on private with this same person...as i know its not possible to speak on private when being bloked or just see the lines in rooms...so how u can do this nice thing ????
so stupid some are  ::applause::

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 24, 2005, 01:35:36 pm
Nice to see how mad can be certain of you
I ban for having a bad behaviour and i must notice almost are american (coincidence ?) i hope so because i have a lot of buddies are americans and i dont do politics on game ranger (but if someone tell me why i dont like us governement i say why)
if u think i'm racist because i'm not agree with american politics thats ur point of view not mine...and civic behaviour is one of the more weak i ever seen: your only way is to punch head ? know that non violence is the more violent action; but maybe is it too intelligent for your little brain.
as a last point a USAsshole is a guy think he is superior because of his nationality but nevermind i close this boring useless topic

Was that agreeing or disagreeing? Maybe covering your own ass. You decided on a generalization based on .000000000000001% of the population, therefore you are still bad if you did what this thread is about.

You guys are saying you are bloked but u speak on private with this same person...as i know its not possible to speak on private when being bloked or just see the lines in rooms...so how u can do this nice thing ????
so stupid some are  ::applause::

Actually, I don't think anyone complained of being blocked. Just the game rooms that are anti-American who boot Americans.

Is this the flood of Europeans justifying there actions like the people they hate. Some are stupid indeed.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: onwig on March 24, 2005, 01:40:18 pm
heh, i would hardly call 2 or 3 people a flood

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 24, 2005, 04:21:55 pm
I would hardly call 1 line a post either. However, I do consider 2 posts in a row a flood, and I expect many more. See lone's post before the topic changes to floods ---> natural disasters ---> death ---> war.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: crypt on March 24, 2005, 10:03:54 pm
Crypt, the only thing you have proven is that you dont have the capacity to post constructive or intelligent comments in this forum.  Consider yourself warned for flaming.


Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 24, 2005, 10:20:15 pm
I think the only ones would would be superior would be the ones who leave the nationality and continental boarders out of it. You really prove nothing by calling them euro assholes, in fact as little as them saying USAssholes.

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: [:] Narauko on March 25, 2005, 02:26:11 am
=o im a euroasshole? OMG i hate u myst.

For you guys to take this as a personal attack is...funny to put it mildly. For me i couldn't give a flying fuck what anyone in this small community thinks of me, i act the way i am, its my personality. A lot of what i do is for a laugh, a joke, a jester action.

If the some euro servers do not wish to allow americans (or those who think they are superior because of their nationalilty) what should you care? You have the majority of servers with a ping below 100, I'm lucky if i get that.

Bottom line its their server and they have the choice to whom plays on it. Whether it due to lag issues of political choice, it is still theres, they pay for it...well some of us do.

Perhaps ask evill to enforce a rule against, discrimination against other nations in game room descriptions, in the terms and conditions.

I make an arguement not because I hate americans and do not allow them on my server but because i love a heated DISCUSSION (spike and lone...noitce no flame there).


Just an FYI, Spike doesnt moderate the GG, it's just me and Voodoo.  ;)


Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: spike on March 25, 2005, 06:39:31 am
lol, we would make a good team though. mauti? eh? eh?

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: jebby on March 25, 2005, 07:23:29 am
its just a rapideque ploy for more attention. They are unhappy about being ignored by the world.
And i wouldn't consider alaska as a part of the US anyways  ;D
ps. ghostsniper thank you for the well used year of premium!

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: crypt on March 25, 2005, 09:48:37 am
Jesus, I didn't think what I said was even that bad. Actually, I don't even remember. Whatever, ban me or whatever, didn't stop me last time. I stand by what I said (wtf was it seriously?)

Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on March 25, 2005, 10:12:56 am
Saying that you cant even remember the general gist of something you posted less than 24 hours ago, does not make me very remorseful for deleting your post.

Not only that, but it leads me to believe you gave your comment less than a second's thought.  In the future, try putting at least an ounce of brainpower into your posts, so not only will you remember what you said, it wont get deleted in the first place, and we have no problem.


By the way, you explained in one sentence why you thought Americans were superior to 'asshole Europeans'.