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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: KoS.Rebel on March 04, 2005, 03:46:10 am

Title: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: KoS.Rebel on March 04, 2005, 03:46:10 am
First thing i said when playin was DAMN! Looks great, feels great, and its challanging. After playing for two hours the same three things were stuck in my head. This game is tough and truely a real experiance. Breathing affects your aim, real teamwork is used, overhead view helps but doesnt make firefights simple, the enemy thinks better then i do at times, lack of teamwork = death. So far this game has been worth the money. Any questions feel free to drop em.

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: kos.viper on March 05, 2005, 03:28:05 am
I tried to rent it today but Game Rush only had 2 copies to rent that were both out because they said they had sold so many of them.

Hoping to pick it up sometime this week, IGN gave it a 9.3.

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: crypt on March 05, 2005, 04:17:59 am
I purchased this game too, it's fuckin awesome, gonna sell it for 30 bucks when R6 arrives though.

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: |MP|Nomad on March 05, 2005, 08:42:04 am
I purchased this game too, it's fuckin awesome, gonna sell it for 30 bucks when R6 arrives though.

SELL IT!!??? Are you nutz? the game is amazing, I told everyong on GR about this game like 5-6 months ago when it was first announced, its increadible.  The MP is not as great as the SP, for me anyway, but again, this is from my console experience (xbox) and I am more of a comp gamer for fps games.  This why I can't wait to play it on Mac if/when Aspyr ports it to Mac; and there already has been talk that they will....so my hope is that the comp MP experience is way better.  For example, CoD on console was increadibly horrid, yet the comp experience is incredible, so I am hoping that this will fall under the same outcome.

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: crypt on March 05, 2005, 04:57:59 pm
Lets just say I don't have much patience with games, if I die more than twice in the same way on the same level, I get pissed. (never got past the 2nd boss in Ninja Gaiden, and I don't even wanna go anywhere near Devil May Cry 3, which is supposed to be harder.)

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: cO.Kuza on March 05, 2005, 07:20:44 pm
you definetly didnt beat halo 2 on legendary then

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: |MP|Nomad on March 06, 2005, 10:48:41 am
OK, latest update....I placed this post on here from another site I go to, so here it is:

OK, I am almost finished with the game. The game has 14 days (DDay + 14) in total and I am on the way to Hill 30 (day 13). So far, I can say without a doubt, this is the best SP game I have ever played, including for Mac. The MP on BiA, is meh, so so at best. Its totally different, definetly need to get used to it. I can see myself getting into it, but its not as great as GHR 2 MP gametype. The SP, is where its at....as I said b4, my hope is that the comp version is much better for the MP gametype.

Anyone seen the MP (or SP) gametype on PC?

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: |MP|Nomad on March 07, 2005, 06:19:32 am
OK, finished the game today, that was definetly the best SP xbox or comp game I have ever played, totally worth it. Once you finish the game (I did it on difficult btw - for best experience) it unlocks the "authentic level" and u can re-play the whole game over again, you just dont get the red dot signalling where the enemy is...its more realistic, but, you still do get SAV.


Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: crypt on March 08, 2005, 05:24:40 am
Ah hell, I'm gonna try to sell this game tomorrow. I'm on the 4th to last level and there are 2 turrets blazing down my ass and I have 1 truck for cover, I got so pissed that i almost broke my PS2 (go figure, since I was playing on xbox)

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: |MP|Nomad on March 09, 2005, 12:57:12 am
Hey Crypt, don't do it man!! Its an amazing game, I am actually play it over on authentic mode.  I dont remember that map part, can you be a little more specific mb I can help.  Just remember, suppressive fire is yer friend and I also did alot of re-starts of the last check point, so when you (as I did) get frustrated, put the game away and pick it up later.  It helps, trust me.

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: DarK. on March 10, 2005, 12:51:27 am
yeah, run back to legendary halo

Title: Re: Brothers in Arms Review
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 11, 2005, 12:18:26 am
The best thing to do when you dislike a game is hit the disk with a sledge hammer. That was the fate of only 1 game and many AOL CDs... well to put a name to that one game would be... Ghost Recon.