*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: seth on February 25, 2005, 05:25:15 pm

Title: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: seth on February 25, 2005, 05:25:15 pm
well, since we're loosing 2 members the same day, and a third that will cut his playtime in half, i thought this poll might be intersting.

i'm done with school, no kids so far, so i'm not playing on retiring anytime soon.

Please dont double post Seth.  Use the 'Modify' button to edit and add to your previous post if you forgot to put something in.  Thanks.


Title: Re: When do you plan on retiring...
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 25, 2005, 05:43:50 pm
I'll never retire!

You people are stuck with me til the day I DIE!!!


Title: Re: When do you plan on retiring...
Post by: BFG on February 25, 2005, 05:52:58 pm
Retire from what? Coming onto the *DAMN Forums, From playing games on the mac? from playing on Game-Ranger?

Guess im just cutting down the time i spend playing and helping out with *DAMN ... afterall im not going to make a living from playing Ghost Recon! (pity that heh)  ... then again as long as i can afford nice new macs, the money for the internet connection, and no more important concerns or people then i expect i'll be around for a few ;)

Title: Re: When do you plan on retiring...
Post by: Ethion on February 25, 2005, 05:54:48 pm
I'm going to pass down my account to my children, to children. So atleast 3 generations is going to be on GameRanger. if it doesn't close down.

Title: Re: When do you plan on retiring...
Post by: DarK. on February 25, 2005, 06:59:14 pm
Amen Ethion

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Mr.Mellow on February 25, 2005, 10:45:15 pm
Never, or until it's premium only...but then I'd probably throw down the cash, since I imagine I'd have some loose change by then. :D

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: DarK. on February 25, 2005, 11:50:26 pm
Gosh, I cant imagine life w/o premium, had it for nearly 2 years now...

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Typhy on February 26, 2005, 12:05:44 am
Gosh, I cant imagine life w/o premium, had it for nearly 2 years now...

It's pretty sad if your life would be that incomplete without having added features to your online gaming service.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Mr.Mellow on February 26, 2005, 01:05:56 am
That, coming from one of the Royal Whorealots? Hah! I mock your insult of his lack of having a life!  ;D Just kidding bud.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Typhy on February 26, 2005, 01:14:58 am
Hey, I only have 2.9 posts per day. I've just been here for 3+ years.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: [:] Narauko on February 26, 2005, 01:51:24 am
I've had numerous offline times during the last 3 years and it just ain't the same without having something to do when at 12am theres no good TV, no Pubs open and all ur mates are tucked up in bed. Weed and Ghr feel my night and i will gladly keep paying for premium til the day i die.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Blitz on February 26, 2005, 03:10:05 am
I'm never planning on leaving GR...  Just because it has gone downhill ever since GOD left GR doesn't mean I still can't have fun! Besides, GR without premium is okay... If you play our cards right, you can score free premium from suckers! HAHAHAHA! ;D ::applause::

Blitz 8)

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 26, 2005, 04:14:22 am
Correction: GR has been going downhill since Mid RS era... about a half year prior to GhR.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: [:] Narauko on February 26, 2005, 04:28:48 am

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: cO.Kuza on February 26, 2005, 10:06:45 pm
i scored free premium from blitz, wewt

Title: Re: When do you plan on retiring...
Post by: Croosch on February 26, 2005, 10:15:17 pm
I'll never retire!

You people are stuck with me til the day I DIE!!!


aka. 6 months (http://www.allemoticons.com/Avatars/Avatars_Evil.gif)

I voted never because I really don't know when I'll retire from mac gaming

Quote from: Blitz
Just because it has gone downhill ever since GOD left GR doesn't mean I still can't have fun!
btw... GOD is back!

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on February 27, 2005, 03:00:00 am
ummmm... Why  leave???????

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: KoS.Rebel on February 27, 2005, 03:41:35 am
Long time retired from GamerAnger. Went to the xbox, never looked back.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: spike on February 27, 2005, 07:20:29 pm
...except you still are on GR, and you say you are going to retire/are retired constantly

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: KoS.Rebel on February 27, 2005, 08:57:46 pm
I am gone, i merely check up to see who is doing what and who are the "new KoS grade" clans out there. That and i hear all kinds of stuff from hyb so in actuallity, my mac gaming days are done.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Toxic::Joka on February 27, 2005, 09:02:18 pm
Correction: GR has been going downhill since Mid RS era... about a half year prior to GhR.

Actually GhR was the biggest thing for online mac gaming, ever.

12.7.1999 was the date GR was released.

GhR was released for Mac late fall 2002.
If you look closely and do some counting, I'm sure you will notice something interesting.. .  ;)

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: spike on February 28, 2005, 12:40:27 am
I'm not sure that's what myst was talking about. I think he means more the grade, personality of the players, and the general health of the tight knit community.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 28, 2005, 01:03:39 am
I'm not sure that's what myst was talking about. I think he means more the grade, personality of the players, and the general health of the tight knit community.

I hope you aren't saying the "old-timers" are a higher grade or have better personalities.  Some of those guys are the biggest pricks I have ever met, with egos that are only outweighed by their shitty demeanors.  Please.[/size]

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: spike on February 28, 2005, 02:06:34 am
Oh, GS, temper temper!

Regardless of whether they are assholes or not, the community was a lot more tightly knit before gr gained another 100,000 users. I don't think you can deny that.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Brutha on February 28, 2005, 09:05:25 am
How old are you guys? You have to be at least 70 before you are allowed to say "things were so much better before...". This community is so damn good at accepting new ppl it really hurts(note the sarcasm here). I joined a little over a year ago and I noticed ppl complaining about those damn +130k accountnumbers. The noobs, newbs and what not. I see ppl complaining on this forum about admins being noobs, because they haven't been playing long enough. Newsflash for ya guys, things change, ppl change, and new ppl will always come by. You want more ppl to come play here? Well stop booting a noob because he tk'ed your buddy and camps a little. You did the same when you were a noob(And btw, this may be hard for some ppl to understand, but I am speaking of YOU in a general form...as in all of you)

.cO. Sorry to hear about God.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Typhy on February 28, 2005, 11:41:15 am
There were assholes back in the day too. Hell, look at Crapid and Romulus.

It was different though, specifically in a gaming sense. There were an infinite amount of really nasty, cheap things you could do to your oponents back at Rogue Spear, yet, people didn't do them. I watch some Raven Shield players these days and I think to myself "he should be ashamed of himself. I know I'd be embarassed if I did that", when people are sitting in corners for 20 seconds at a time just waiting. Back at RS, if you did something like that, you'd get a reputation, and soon you'd find that there weren't many servers that you could play in.

You knew everyone back then. I look at the Bar & Grill, I don't know half the people there now, and I only know maybe 10% of them well enough to have a conversation about stuff aside from just in main chat.

ell stop booting a noob because he tk'ed your buddy and camps a little

This is something that disgusts me. If a newbie TKs someone in a stupid way, or camps even a little bit, by all means boot him. That's how people learn. I hate hearing "cut him slack, he's a newbie." If you want to discourage people from turning into campers, kick them for it before it developes into a habit.

Things were a lot closer when there were 70,000 accounts, and this entire community played one game.

Respect for your oponents has gone out the window, and that is why I do hold a grudge against so many GHR players.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: z][t-Rampage on February 28, 2005, 03:35:00 pm
well while some are looking back at the old days of gr and feeling sad about how the community is growing. I preffer to stay pleased. more ppl to kill, more ppl to get to know, more ppl to kick if they tk(repeatedly), new clans and new challenges. it also ensures us that gr will keep running, because it becomes more of a profit for Evill with more members who sign up for premi(i dont care about his agenda, everyone wants to make a buck. good for him and it gives me a place to play mac vs mac)
on the note of making money, more ppl are buying mac's - more games will be made for mac. more games = more choices = rampage happy. sure there will be dickheads joining gr, that will never end. i'm probably one of those dickheads joining.

and when it comse to noobs, i actually enjoy giving some new dude the link to dl mappacks. it means i can kill him too untill he "thanx man, but i'll train and come back some other day". he rejoins my room after a few days, with some games under his belt. so i am one of those people, with a warning - give a noob a chance if he fucks up when i host.

Typhy m8, how is a ghr player any different from any guy playing any other game? all games pretty much come down to one thing. winning and having fun doing it. if my machine was faster, i'd be playing some other games too(oh my, that would take up too much time). I dont see the difference in a person based on the game s/he plays. weird...

but back to topic, I'll be playing on gr for as long as it is a service needed to play online. im pleased with what im getting for my money and i dont know Evill personally - so i dont feel that he owes me to supply me with a free way of playing online.

so...i'll be around untill my fingers go numb, my gf throws my machine out the window(wont happen) or some new technology comes around.

and yes, Rampage  misses gawd(he is loony!)

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: KoS.Rebel on March 01, 2005, 01:33:41 am
Well, being im from the RS generation, i agree with myst. The community was torn unrepairably with the release of GhR. Back in the days of RS, everyone knew everyone. And everyone came together in the fact that everyone hated Rapid. When GhR came along there were many people to hate because of their odd additudes. The release of GhR marked the day i moved to playing games that were mac and pc compatible (mohaa, tac ops).

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: KoS Ultimo on March 01, 2005, 02:06:22 am
Correction: GR has been going downhill since Mid RS era... about a half year prior to GhR.


Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Daf One on March 01, 2005, 02:31:56 am
man, guys this community is fine, it just needs a little twitching that is all compared to other communities.  With the release of Ghost Recon meant the end of Rogue Spear and the fact that RS was not ported to OS X.  Same thing happened with the Bungie's Myth Series.  Myth TFL released...then Myth II released. Myth TFL "Elitists" bash Myth 2, but to no use, then it is WW2 vs. Reg and so on.  This community is in far better shape the god forbidden crazy ass Playmyth.net community.  That community is beyond repair, I mean there are like 5 arguments going on in the lobby every second and dumbasses spamming all over the place, and there is like no authority.  This community is in far better shape then what others believe me thinks.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Mr.Mellow on March 01, 2005, 06:03:11 am
I've always found it funny that there are 100k+ accounts, and yet there's only about 500 people who use GR. At least, that's my uneducated guesstimation.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: seth on March 01, 2005, 06:32:54 am
out of those 100K accounts, how many are premiums ? About 500 would you say ?

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: spike on March 01, 2005, 06:39:35 am
umm, look at mellows post.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 01, 2005, 01:10:33 pm
Flamewar and offtopic posts between Typhy and Rapid are deleted. Both are hereby warned.



Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: |ÅK|*Rapid* on March 01, 2005, 09:19:35 pm
Rapid - The reason your post was deleted by Mauti, I assume, was because if Typhy's posts was gone, then yours had no real reason/point in this thread, and had to go as well (so people wouldnt be left scratching their heads wondering what you were going on about).  In addition, I cut & pasted this post and sent a copy of it to Mauti via PM, because i dont want your voice to go unheard, but since all of it was directed at him, and not the community at large, PM's serve better in this situation.  Plus, this isnt what this thread is about in the first place, and I want to try and keep it on-topic. Anyway, I put your post in a word document, and if you feel that my action was in error, and convince me via PM to put it back, I can/will.


Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: onwig on March 01, 2005, 09:43:29 pm
lol, i find this so funny, you vet guys say the community was sooo good back then, seems like you had to deal with the same shit that goes on now... cant help but laugh.... "Go Vets"  ::applause::

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Mr.Mellow on March 02, 2005, 03:03:05 am
There wasn't much BS back in the day. Not saying the new guys are bastards or anything, it's just that we were a tight-knit group in the R6/RS days. As the community grows, it becomes harder to know people on a more personal level. Because of this, people are just names on a screen, and people don't really feel they'll be shamed by The Group and such if they do something inconsiderate. As someone stated earlier, back in the day, we behaved ourselves (for the most part) and respected eachother (for the most part) out of fear of being banished from the community, and because just about everyone knew eachother somewhat personally. When there's 75-100 people, that's a bit harder. I'm not bashing anybody, and I'm glad the community has so many members now. I do miss having conversations between games with people though, instead of people complaining about how long it's taking for so and so to die. I haven't played any games on GR in a long while though, so I'm not sure if this has changed since GhR.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: one 2 lazy on March 02, 2005, 03:29:42 am
The only bull we had was everyone hating AK for some reason, I never really "hated" them, but many did...and the occasional clan whore...and yes it was definetly a tight knit community...i mean we always had that one guy we hated(rapid) clan whore(rabid) weird guy(balkanski spijun), one awesome clan(KoS), and we knew our place I guess...I dunno, I go back to R6, but that doesn't mean anything, I think there was the same thing going on when RS was released and effectivley killed R6.  There was also an influx of players into RS, just like GhR, and that was the cycle, cept it backfird with Raven Shield...

anyways, I just realized how BORING GR is...omfg, always AOE and Tom Clancy Games 24/7...WTF :-(  I wish there were like 5 hosts of each game at least...

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: seth on March 02, 2005, 03:45:46 am
, always AOE and Tom Clancy Games 24/7...WTF :-(  I wish there were like 5 hosts of each game at least...

actually i was wondering why people still play AOE. its kinda old-fashioned.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: Daf One on March 02, 2005, 03:57:56 am
I am coming back, not leaving...hope to see you guys in Raven Shield in the next few days...

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on March 02, 2005, 04:29:40 am
Geez, if only the United States hadn't added all those other states it would have been a much better country.  Like, who needed more than just the original 13 states???  You know, that progress stuff is just so stupid.

Now, doesn't this veteran/new people thing sound dumb?

Title: n00bs are good people sometimes... Be nice to em...
Post by: |ÅK|*Rapid* on March 02, 2005, 08:54:20 am
I, personally, was always down for new people.  And it mostly, had to do with the immature people already present.  When new people came, it was really really nice. 8)  At least, thanks to the new games like GhR and RvS, good people came with them, and people which I respect 200% more than anybody that used to post around here back in the RS days.  I too, experienced the "n00b" treatment and all that good stuff.  When I first joined GR, I was considered a n00b, by all these other clans, and they wouldn't have anything to do with me.  That's why I decided to get with a group of people, and start our own revolution.  I think we did a good job ;)  We're remembered, one way or another, as you can see in the variety of posts about me and my clan in these forums.  Those that know us, love our competitive bunch 8)  I already explained why our clan doesn't compete around here, but it was deleted by Mauti.  Maybe if more want to know, I'll repost it. 

But I, definately, was always down for new people.  Mainly, like I stated above, because I was once one of em, and got the whole treament from the other gamers that had been around bit longer.  Now, I had somebody to laugh with, at these losers, that thought they were hot shit, cause they been sitting behind a computer screen playing games longer than us! ::lol::   Pretty much, still is to this day, same thing still happening.  Funny how some of the old people that used to be considered n00bs, now act all tough as if it's "their turn" to act like a gaming veteran.  lol, too bad they gave the "veterans" a bad name, as you can see by the reaction of these newer players, that happen to have already been around over a year themselves.  I'll always be down for new people, because they equal = new moving targets.  I must say, some n00bs are harder than others to talk to.  You'll get that one guy, that when you try and give them tips on their game like: "Don't sit in the open like that", and he'll turn around and be all "Don't tell me what to do" type attitude.  lol, just part of that crazy equation called = humans ::lol:: 

so in my opinion, thank god for the n00bs.  Supplies us more moving targets to shoot! 8)

Peace all.  -|ÅK|*Rapid*

www.AKclan.ISviolent.com (http://www.AKclan.ISviolent.com) <--------Organized Chaos since '01 8)

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: spike on March 02, 2005, 04:07:15 pm
Geez, if only the United States hadn't added all those other states it would have been a much better country.  Like, who needed more than just the original 13 states???  You know, that progress stuff is just so stupid.

Now, doesn't this veteran/new people thing sound dumb?

Christ yes it sounds dumb. It just encourages rapid to shoot off his mouth, and gets us into these endless, pointless debates. give it up people. this thread isnt going anywhere that we havent been to before.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: seth on March 02, 2005, 09:49:54 pm
Geez, if only the United States hadn't added all those other states it would have been a much better country.  Like, who needed more than just the original 13 states???  You know, that progress stuff is just so stupid.

Now, doesn't this veteran/new people thing sound dumb?

actually, i would go even further. Keep MA and NY, get rid of the 11 others.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: crypt on March 03, 2005, 01:03:29 am
I think more assholes come into the community with whatever the subject is, whether it be job related, school, or an online community such as GR. Stop with the useless banter. Those who sit here raving for hours wishing GR was the way it used to be need to get a life.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: KoS.Rebel on March 03, 2005, 02:24:32 am
**Deleted...Instigating a flame war. Please let this be a informal warning to stay on topic here.**

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on March 03, 2005, 06:33:23 am

The reason why everyone hated you was because you were an asshole. You didn't know when to shut your mouth.

And for those of you who missed out on the RS days.....you missed out on something special.

Title: Hating, is for true assholes.
Post by: |ÅK|*Rapid* on March 03, 2005, 08:39:50 am
lol py.  I've never been an initial asshole, never have been, never will be.  But, I will be an asshole, to those that decide to be an asshole to me first.  As you well know, many chose to be an asshole to me, and yeah, they got the ugly side of me.  Those others, that know how to carry themselves, have interacted  with me for a long, long time, and never had a problem.  And guess why, because they weren't assholes to me first.  See how that worked? ;) 

F.Y.I. Py, if you think I'm such an asshole, how many assholes do you know, that make logos, icons, banners, layouts, Tournaments, for other fellow Mac™ Gamers?  (MacGamingLeague Logo, .::CA::. Banner, early cO: Banner for krush he used for a lil while, |ÅK|-*DAMN RS 1v1 Tournament, Personal Forum icons for numerous people, too many to name at once, etc, etc)

Damn, why did I have to come check up on these forums...  Here I am, getting caught up again...  lol...

Have fun everybody. 

Hating, is for terrorists...

Don't forget that.

Title: Re: When do you plan on leaving GR
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on March 03, 2005, 09:01:53 am
Ok, this thread is getting locked for 24 hours to give people a while to cool off and quit bitching with each other, ultimately sidetracking the thread, which hasnt had a real on-topic post for the last three days.
