*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: |MP|Nomad on February 24, 2005, 08:52:20 am

Title: GR Premium membership?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on February 24, 2005, 08:52:20 am
Mine is coming up and I just don't know if I can now, I need to save some major coin for school tuition.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: Typhy on February 24, 2005, 08:53:38 am
If I can't afford to cough up 50 bucks, I should be working instead of spending time on GR anyway. I would pay the 50 just as a donation, but some of of the features are also very helpful, especially buddy list groups.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: KGB on February 24, 2005, 10:05:44 am
I renewed my premium membership 2 months ago, but I would like to see some new features comming out soon.
No mayor upgrades have been added since the introduction of the premium account (ingame voice, buddylist, ffa)
I was thinking of starting a thread about how you would like to see the future of Gameranger, might as well start it in here.

Xfire is a cool app on pc (yeah yeah I know) That has similar features like GR, except chat rooms.
On top it has some cool  xtras

 Xfire In-Game (IM While You Play)
The ability to PM someone while they are ingame (There was talk that GR would have this option)
 File Downloads
Download the latest patches, demo's tru X-fire
 Profiles with Automatic Stats
Keeps track of your gaming stats (what games, hours played etc)
+ Miniprofliles

(http://miniprofile.xfire.com/kageebee.png) (http://profile.xfire.com/kageebee)

These are  features that I would love to have on GR.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: BFG on February 24, 2005, 12:37:21 pm
I dunno, i shouldn't be playing, but i love being able to chat to guys using voice - as groo said last night, you get used to it and when we go into a server that dosn't have GR Voice activated, well it just isn't the same!

Some inprovments and some form of update would be very welcome and definatly make me more likely to cough some dosh up,  Hell just little things like FIXING THE RvS CHAT BUG

heh, how about a user rating/ranking feature, a bit like what amazon uses for its marketplace, ***** "thanks for the games or * Don't play this glitching rude little bugger! ;)

 Profiles with Automatic Stats
Keeps track of your gaming stats (what games, hours played etc)

Now that would be good, hell i wish there were some way you could do that with Ghost recon... :(

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 24, 2005, 03:17:28 pm
Yes, I renew my own account every year (in my second year of Premium now), plus I'm sure I will end up renewing many of the 25 Premium accounts I have bought for people so far.

Damn, with my own account, that's $1,350 I've forked over to Evill!  That dude should be making Premium features just for ME!  lol

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: BFG on February 24, 2005, 03:29:35 pm
Question: How much does it really cost to run Gameranger, and what in the way of features should you       expect for $50 a year?

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on February 24, 2005, 03:37:47 pm
I think to run GameRanger doesn't cost much hardware/server wise- it's more the time you have to spend for GameRanger, help getting games to use the plugins right, control and moderate user, is the time consuming part so he has to treat it like a fulltime job and also needs to get paid for this, because I guess Evill doesn't have a fulltime job next to GR other than computer related ones he can also do while maintaining GR.



Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: th.Sentinel on February 24, 2005, 03:51:06 pm
I'm not sure yet if i'll renew my premium membership...

Lately the only game that really gets my intrests is AA and that is not supported on gameranger.
If CC FTF will be supported on gameranger, I might play it there.

No major changes have been made the last few months, who still uses the ffa ladders?

Every time I asked Scott about a feature he just ignored it...

Improvements that would make me buy premium a 3rd year:
- menu-buddylist (iChat like), instead of the window
- adjustable gameranger style (I can come up with several styles that I would donate for free)
- voicechat rooms (mb integrated in the command bunker)
- votekicks or warnings for a user
- the ability to allow or disallow ip-joiners in your own hosted rooms

and some other things I can't remember for the moment.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: BFG on February 24, 2005, 04:07:53 pm
If CC FTF will be supported on gameranger, I might play it there.

I believe the MP for Mac is/going to be supported by Game-ranger.

I wonder if given the changes with AA now not running from game-spy for Mac, weather it will make GR support easier?

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: DarK. on February 24, 2005, 05:18:01 pm
Sent, just so you know, Evill banned ip joining so that netfone/KDX cant be used in cb's by people who werent premium , although now haxial has made a workaround for that.  It is still gay that we can not join games via ip.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on February 24, 2005, 05:32:52 pm
I double that. Evill is misusing here his monopole on one side, but on the other side this is the only way he could realize his anti cheat protection.  So may he should just add an option so you can allow IP joining if you know e.g. PC friends would like to join.



Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: .vooDoo. on February 24, 2005, 06:39:42 pm
So may he should just add an option so you can allow IP joining if you know e.g. PC friends would like to join.



Thats the best idea Ive heard so far. My 2 year subscription is up in 5 day and I wont be renewing it but I would if that was an option.

Also the ideas that KGB and Sent came up with would be good. I really cant understand why Evill hasing implemented "tracking" of stats yet on gr for premium users. Its a no brainer.

When I frist signed up 2 years ago I was one of the first to do so and I can remeber back that when evill was pushing premium that he promised to have major  updates all the time but he has failed in this area. Another reason why Im not going to sign up again.


Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: ~Po~ TiroFino on March 05, 2005, 11:41:31 pm
One feature I would love to see added to Game Ranger is a "waiting in line" type of thing to get into a particular server. We all know that when a server is full, and you have intentions of getting into it as soon as someone pops out, you may well spend between 1 to 8 minutes waiting... to only get beat by a guy that caught you looking in another direction at the right momment room was available.... Well, I say that a simple feature such as a waiting room order to access a server would solve the problem in a fair, organized manner. You click on "one" server you would like to join, and you're automatically placed on a waiting order... when there's room available, the first person in line goes in...everyone else moves up a spot.... and, if someone in the line goes into another room, he's taken off the list!  Simple stupid, yet civilized! ::applause::

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: KGB on March 06, 2005, 01:16:10 am
Let's hope Scott picks up on this. Some great idea's from you guys.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on March 06, 2005, 10:31:12 am
One feature I would love to see added to Game Ranger is a "waiting in line" type of thing to get into a particular server. We all know that when a server is full, and you have intentions of getting into it as soon as someone pops out, you may well spend between 1 to 8 minutes waiting... to only get beat by a guy that caught you looking in another direction at the right momment room was available.... Well, I say that a simple feature such as a waiting room order to access a server would solve the problem in a fair, organized manner. You click on "one" server you would like to join, and you're automatically placed on a waiting order... when there's room available, the first person in line goes in...everyone else moves up a spot.... and, if someone in the line goes into another room, he's taken off the list!  Simple stupid, yet civilized! ::applause::

I think thats a fair idea....

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on March 06, 2005, 10:33:14 am
Mine just expired today, but I dont think I will re-new, I am still in the undecided category...As some may know, I got accepted to Chiropractic College and its alot of $ to fork over for the next 4 years, so I will see what I can do.....but alot of these suggestions are something I will look out for in GR.

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: DarK. on March 06, 2005, 09:46:39 pm
Evill has been notified of this post (I dont think he liked what I said about nf tho  ::nade::)

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: BFG on March 07, 2005, 12:50:05 pm
talking about updates etc Anyone else finding that the Voice chat in RvS is working better - and that Voice chat dosn't seem to be cutting since the update to fix it? :)

Title: Re: GR Premium membership?
Post by: DarK. on March 08, 2005, 12:54:31 am
nope, havnt for ghr at least