*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: z][t-Magnetic on February 15, 2005, 12:00:18 pm

Title: No cb.
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on February 15, 2005, 12:00:18 pm
After trying for 14 days to get a cb, we only managed to play 3 cbs against new clans. Not good enough. We have had rooms open requesting cbs, we have asked everyone, then we asked everyone again.

The only clan willing to cb whenever they have guys online has been [?], and I thank you for that. That’s the way it should be. This league is damaged by a way to overcalculated style of play. No clans are willing to risk anything. (Eg. -ViP-PUNISHER: We have no reason to play.). The point of the sheep system is that you can bet 1 sheep if you don’t think you have a good chance of winning. I don’t care about playing 1 sheep cbs...I just want to play.

Every clan is allowed to cb other clans 8 times, as far as i remember. So maybe we could play some games without you having your A-team or in between your homework or the very frequent meals you eat.

I know I’m a bitch, but I just want to enjoy the game we all love, and play some good cbs.

Please tell me I’m wrong.


Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 15, 2005, 03:12:37 pm
If you really just want to play, then come on in to one of my FFA rooms!  Every night I get on and absolutely BEG everyone I see online to come play an FFA Ladder Game.  I love it.  I just love to play Ghost Recon in a competitive environment without all the bullshit that goes along with a Team CB (nothing against team gaming, but all the lag tests, host swaps, rule challenges, etc, really annoy me...lol).

So, if you want to play in a competitive environment, come to me!

You know you want it....it's smooth, creamy, and delicious....IT'S FFA!  w00t!

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on February 15, 2005, 03:29:39 pm
Thanks for adding those extra comments Flies. True all of them.

Good to hear that you’re always rdy to play GS...I will see what i can do.  ::applause::

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: cO.Vickedson on February 15, 2005, 04:13:46 pm
Well said Mags...esp the part about why the superfinals are so important and necessary.....  I have no doubt we will find out in the end who the best Ghr/RVS clans are and that is all due to the superfinals setup.

Back to the topic...I and all my clanmates want to get something going with z][t asap.  Unfortunately all that's really been available so far has been cqb's but let's shoot for this weekend for a team cb.

My mom is coming on Saturday to go see those stupid gates in Central Park, haha.....so let's try for later in the day on Sunday.....5 EST or so?  I'll talk to the rest of my crew.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: cO.Kuza on February 15, 2005, 04:39:53 pm
your too sexy to cb mags,
our clans are on at completly different times.. (we being the late night US clan)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: :MoD:Shade on February 15, 2005, 11:36:42 pm
I know I’m a bitch, but I just want to enjoy the game we all love, and play some good cbs.

I don't know about you guys but I have so much more fun just us :MoD: guys fucking around in multiplayer games.  Maybe we're just weird but I've never laughed so hard in some of our AS games with support only.  Maybe I'm just not competitive enough but cb's just aren't fun anymore.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on February 16, 2005, 12:11:18 am
Nice idea Shade, next time we are 3 *DAMNs online let's do a AS CTE cb with support only  ::lol::


Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: BFG on February 16, 2005, 02:11:08 am
sounds good mauti - perhaps even we could try a 3 way CTE ?  couple of us werre tlaking about trying to organise a 4 way GhR team Cb tonight if thats possible - suggested kit restrictions would be removing all GL's from the match etc to avoid massive spawn nading fests - and a probably some map restrictions to keep them big and fair - but if any clans are interested give us a shout and we'll see if we can get something organized!!

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on February 16, 2005, 09:03:21 am
Maybe I'm just not competitive enough but cb's just aren't fun anymore.


Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: [:] Mr. T on February 16, 2005, 08:01:29 pm
I have 2 ideas around the original issue:

Install a system where teams have to complete a certain number of CBs by the half way point in the season. Teams that do not complete the minimum are dropped from competition... or at the very least, restricted from playing in the finals.

This idea may start a rediculous thread of negative responses, but what about putting a cap on team sizes. More team of good players would, hopefully, create more teams willing to CB. I think the newer teams are intimidated by the whole sheep system.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: spike on February 16, 2005, 09:12:39 pm
I think there already has been a thread discussing clan limits. Do a forum search.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: :MoD:Shade on February 16, 2005, 10:37:51 pm
Maybe I'm just not competitive enough but cb's just aren't fun anymore.


That's your own personal opinion Mags, I was just stating what I belive and I know a few people in our clan who can back me up with this.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: [:] Narauko on February 17, 2005, 02:34:57 am
I started, I think three threads all discussing the possible changes that could affect clan activity during mid season but only recieved negative responses...where were you guys?!?


Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Ein on February 20, 2005, 03:40:26 am
I have 2 ideas around the original issue:

Install a system where teams have to complete a certain number of CBs by the half way point in the season. Teams that do not complete the minimum are dropped from competition... or at the very least, restricted from playing in the finals.

This idea may start a rediculous thread of negative responses, but what about putting a cap on team sizes. More team of good players would, hopefully, create more teams willing to CB. I think the newer teams are intimidated by the whole sheep system.

OMG both great ideas... I remember suggesting something similar in another tread with nark and being shot down with such remarks as "stupid idea," and "I dont need to trouble myself because the admins will shoot it down deffinately."  As nark said, where were you guys?


Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Ein on February 20, 2005, 03:42:23 am
and for those looking for that thread... here ya go.  http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=7749.0  (http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=7749.0)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: theweakspot on February 21, 2005, 09:51:14 pm
Maybe I'm just not competitive enough but cb's just aren't fun anymore.

Sorry to hear that.... I know this season has seen [:] participate in some fantastic and friendly cbs with some great tactical gaming.

I must say that this year has been very enjoyable to cb clans have been very agreeable, for the most part.

I agree with T:  A player cap would create more clans, in theory.  But how can we bust up established clans with 15+ members?  I just wish that more players would make the decision to begin new clans and sustain them rather than joining established clans that have no need for the 11th and 12th players in order to cb.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: [:] Mr. T on February 21, 2005, 11:24:10 pm
Sorry...  I missed your thread before.

One of (the many) reasons I left *nrg was that the team was too big and we had a lot of hangers on. I was tired of busting my balls to bring the * up in rank and then seeing some guy who haddn't been on in weeks or, sometimes months wearing my tag. Or even worse, CBing and stupidly loosing the points (sheep) that I just won. Drove me nuts.

I see the same things happening with the other big clans. They have guys in their roster who are good, but aren't even in the same league their top 5 guys.

I think an 8 - 10 man cap would be a great new framework for the DBL. This would boost the number of good clans and make things more competetive. It's this type of thinking that I think DAMN should be considering when trying to build the competition level. They should not making up some overly complex sheep scoring system.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: :MoD:Shade on February 22, 2005, 02:25:01 am
Maybe I'm just not competitive enough but cb's just aren't fun anymore.
Sorry to hear that.... I know this season has seen [:] participate in some fantastic and friendly cbs with some great tactical gaming.

Don't feel sorry, I guess it's just the way :MoD: is.. ;)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: NiKLoT on March 07, 2005, 01:14:04 pm
No - I am not the one to say you are wrong - Welcome to reality Mag.
At least reality like it has been for ViRuS, and then later Core.

What you dont mention, but I would like to add, is also the hours and hours you spend on GR, in the desperate ffort to get a cb going. Your gaming nights fall apart - a good nights fun is slowly being replaced by endless chats with people dodging the option for a CB.

Since you end up talking more than game, you are really cold-starting, when someone suddenly say "yes" to cb (...but it has to start now, because my brothers mothers uncles little sister needs help in eating her ice cream, and i promised to help her....) and all in all, the situation you are describing mirrors pretty much what Core felt in the last half year or so, when we participated on the Ghost Recon ladder.

If you tried to make a scheduled cb, they just said :
"Sry, we dont do scheduled CBs".
If you tried to go for the cb right off, they said: "Sry, we dont have the right ppl online".
But in short:

No clan wanted to CB.

Unfortunately this pattern seem to have somewhat "infected"
the Raven Shield and AS team ladder as well.

Best regards
| ! |  Flies

well dear flies we r a clan of a / age of about 17 years! so most of us r still living at parents house!  + we have to follow the plans of our parents. i dont know what im doing 3 days later maybe im out or anything..

and could i remember u that it took about 40 min untill we could cb even if 4 cores were online  ;D anyway hope to cya in cb soon and win again ;D

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: NiKLoT on March 09, 2005, 05:25:00 am
lol flies that wasnt an offense =) god dont take so siriously ::sniper::
planning is cool but not already now. Planning is something for the adults ::wall:: im living the day as he comes  ;D

C: Same Members same hosts but not same bet =)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: theweakspot on March 10, 2005, 05:14:23 am

Dont think planning gets easier once u get older honey.

| ! |  Flies

.....hahah, he called you 'honey'.


and in anticipation of our grand battle--- im really looking forward to battling {E} clan!

Fixed your qoute

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: NiKLoT on March 10, 2005, 01:10:26 pm
sure he calls me honey hes my dad =)  ::bussi::

i would be up for another cb vs core but my other members dont want to and i can understand them.. cuz to cb vs u isnt easy..  ::sniper::
and well lol MoD is now 3 sheep behind us if we lose we would be out of the top 4.. anyway we'll c

When ever u hear racime, Stand up, Speak up!!


Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 10, 2005, 02:34:52 pm
Isn't it a bit early to go into safe mode, especially it's more than sure that you gonna lose your rank in the coming 3 weeks. The other clans won't sit around. If you play yet and win you can increase the gap, if you lose you still have plenty of time to get your sheep back  ;)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: NiKLoT on March 10, 2005, 05:16:46 pm
we wont sit on our sexy asses =) its just vs core we will lose to 75%!! i have more respect of core then other other clan on dbl! and god damnit who will finally win vs those damn dr.'s we had twice or 3 times the score of 3-2... stupid lets make a dreamteam and play 4v4 against dr... Kinetic is 100% in the dreamteam

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 10, 2005, 09:35:37 pm
Rgr that  :)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: NiKLoT on March 12, 2005, 04:29:31 pm
no one is playing rvs anymore =( all r playing BF demo or c&c zero hour or warcraft 3 i miss the old school gamers.. we need a new tom clany game with more fun and less lagg.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Civrock on March 12, 2005, 04:37:54 pm
more fun and less lag? ;D

Ghost Recon[/color]

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Brutha on March 12, 2005, 04:40:29 pm
Less lag? More fun? sounds like Raven Shield to me.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on March 12, 2005, 04:43:06 pm
Less lag? More fun? sounds like Raven Shield to me.

RvS has the most lag ever!  Perhaps you havn't had the honor of playing on Typhy's Alaskan Server lately....lol[/size]

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Brutha on March 12, 2005, 07:08:40 pm
Had a look at his server..only ping of 270..not too bad.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Typhy on March 12, 2005, 08:20:46 pm
Less lag? More fun? sounds like Raven Shield to me.

RvS has the most lag ever!  Perhaps you havn't had the honor of playing on Typhy's Alaskan Server lately....lol[/size]

Hey, you had a lower ping than I have on 95% of the servers on GR.

I've found GHR to be far, far laggier than RvS. In GHR, and BFG will back me up on this, over half the time that I killed someone, we killed eachother. I'd fire, 4 seconds later I'd get hit and it'd say that we killed eachother.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Civrock on March 12, 2005, 08:32:35 pm
that's just your shitty alaskan line, far away from civilization... probably frozen also. ::)

in GhR you only have the real internet lag to worry about... in RvS you have that + several other lag factors, e.x. the shitty engine.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Brutha on March 12, 2005, 08:37:14 pm
Funny, i havent experienced lag on RvS......and i've played on servers with ping of 180.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: cO.Vickedson on March 12, 2005, 09:45:43 pm
I love what you guys argue about.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: NiKLoT on March 12, 2005, 10:07:40 pm
if u want to hit someone on peaks (rvs) u have to aim 5 cm infront of the enemy (if hes walking). i didnt play ghr alot but when i was playing latly i had no lagg at all even with 16 players. and im not talking about CPU lagg i have a G5 powermac with a Geforce 6800 GT 256 Vram!!

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: spike on March 13, 2005, 03:02:13 am
Thats odd, because with my shitty computer, i dont get any lag at all on peaks. love that uni connection.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Typhy on March 13, 2005, 03:38:13 am
that's just your shitty alaskan line, far away from civilization... probably frozen also. ::)

in GhR you only have the real internet lag to worry about... in RvS you have that + several other lag factors, e.x. the shitty engine.

Can't say I understand what the hell you're talking about, Civic.

I get a steady 40-60 FPS in RvS ( and unlike GHR, even 35 FPS looks perfect in RVS ).

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: KoS.frizzle. on March 13, 2005, 05:18:36 am
and god damnit who will finally win vs those damn dr.'s we had twice or 3 times the score of 3-2... stupid
stupid ? lol
how so ?

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Acri on March 16, 2005, 02:08:39 pm
After trying for 14 days to get a cb, we only managed to play 3 cbs against new clans. Not good enough. We have had rooms open requesting cbs, we have asked everyone, then we asked everyone again.

The only clan willing to cb whenever they have guys online has been [?], and I thank you for that. That’s the way it should be. This league is damaged by a way to overcalculated style of play. No clans are willing to risk anything. (Eg. -ViP-PUNISHER: We have no reason to play.). The point of the sheep system is that you can bet 1 sheep if you don’t think you have a good chance of winning. I don’t care about playing 1 sheep cbs...I just want to play.

Every clan is allowed to cb other clans 8 times, as far as i remember. So maybe we could play some games without you having your A-team or in between your homework or the very frequent meals you eat.

I know I’m a bitch, but I just want to enjoy the game we all love, and play some good cbs.

Please tell me I’m wrong.


Ghost Racoon has asked you for clan battles on several occasions. We're still up for it, counting out Maily.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: cO.twist on March 18, 2005, 04:43:57 pm
ok yea, we are pretty much the same way.  It is next to impossible for us to find a cb.  Last night, the only way we could do a cb is to play a clan 2v3.....and that still might not even count.  Bottom line, we need something different, bc this isnt working...at all

btw we tried to cb z][t, but they suddenly chickened out in the lag test (stripes said that if we killed neo in the lag test, then they wouldnt cb) <----very gay

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Civrock on March 18, 2005, 05:47:20 pm
bullshit. it was 1AM on a sunday, where people here have work/school the next morning, and we decided that we're too tired to cb.  we told you that and you showed some great sportsmanship (by calling us Nazis etc, you remember). thanks again.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Stripes on March 18, 2005, 06:12:19 pm
it wouldnt work out anwyway, cause you always want to host . and we don't like getting annoyed by all those words that you guys called us, that was just 100 % unacceptable, and theres no fun in playing cb's when you get called naziz and many other kind of lame things. we were all tired it was 1:00 in the night as civic said, if we cb'd you there was no way i wouldnt fell asleep on my keyboard. soo chill up man, and we'll plan something .  :)

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on March 18, 2005, 06:24:56 pm
Ghost Racoon has asked you for clan battles on several occasions. We're still up for it, counting out Maily.

Thanks. As I explained to you...I’m not cbing your clan. If anyone else from z][t has any interest they can cb you any time.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: spike on March 18, 2005, 08:14:31 pm
Chill out with the flaming y'all, first warning.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: DarK. on March 18, 2005, 11:02:14 pm
Yeah, finding cb's is always a prob, then you get guys like ViP punisher who says "we have no reason to play" EVERYONE HAS A REASON TO PLAY! YOU SIGNED UP TO PLAY!  Especially on the cqb ladder, that is a FUN ladder.  Maybe something we could do would be not even show the standings in the CQB ladder until the end of the season.  Then announce the winner.  That way people would not just sit on top of the ladder and not play cbs'.  Im not saying implement on the ghr team, that would be stupid, but on this fun cqb ladder, it would entice more people to play seeing as they think, "I need to cb if I wanna win, I dont know whether or not Im infront of clan X currently."  This almost makes perfect sense not to show the standings of the fun ladders.  Also civic, you fall asleep on your keyboard?  You are constantly on at 345 in the morning most nights on GR and then up again at 700,  I dunno but staying up till one seems like you are shortcutting yourself some good ole GR idling time, why not cb?

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Stripes on March 18, 2005, 11:05:38 pm
dark... check your post once more, please  :-X

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Civrock on March 18, 2005, 11:25:20 pm
because my clanmates have different work respectively school schedules than me, DarK, and can't stay up this late. i can't cb alone, i do it when they're online, too, logically... also, i'm not respectively can't be there at such late/early times every day.
...being online doesn't always mean being actually there in person. i'm afk or unavailable most of the time, at work/doing work etc...

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: Brutha on March 19, 2005, 12:09:46 am
What about mood? sometimes you just don't feel like CB'ing. Sometimes you just want to sit and chat with friends, or play games without having to compete or give it your best. I don't feel it is my duty to CB whenever someone asks for one.

Title: Re: No cb.
Post by: BFG on March 19, 2005, 12:16:40 am
Enough. Spike warned you all but the only way this thread is going is more flaming. There seems to be nothing constructive to add after the concerns stated about the difficulty of finding a cb have been aired.

If you have problems with each other sort it out between yourselves, complaining about who chickened out of where and when and why here is far from helpful.

If someone gets the urge to continue this in another thread consider this a pre warning.  

- edit: fair point brutha, and a nice way to finnish the thread thankyou!