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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Mr.Mellow on February 11, 2005, 06:47:29 pm

Title: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on February 11, 2005, 06:47:29 pm
Everytime the U.S. seems to be ragging on a country, North Korea gets extremely jealous. The latest example of this is the U.S. getting into war-mode with Iran, who claim not to be making nuclear weapons. Now, North Korea says they have nuclear weapons, and will continue making them, in a desperate move to get into international newspapers and get invaded by the U.S.
Look at me! I'm North Korea! ::applause:: No! Look at me! Look! I HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! ...

Anyways. Discuss?

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BFG on February 11, 2005, 07:44:19 pm
Desperate for attention because they are suffering desperately from energy shortages, massive blanket cutouts and are in desperate need of the International Aid that they were promised...

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: seth on February 11, 2005, 08:06:24 pm
Desperate for attention

i hope they wont blow the mushroom in order to get more attention.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: "Sixhits" on February 11, 2005, 08:40:17 pm
God. Such a silly post.

They've made the announcement because they're shit scared the US will really do something to then. And because their leader is a mad man sorrounded by famine he's got a real twitchy finger. This is bad, bad news. The President should have been on top of this. I mean, we fucking conquer Iraq because it might have a weapons program to develop WMDs and here we have N. Korea whipping them out for all to see.

Does anyone else see a disconnect here in American foreign policy?

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on February 11, 2005, 08:50:31 pm
Yep. Mostly because we know it'd be hell fighting the Koreans again. Iraq was just a way of trying to scare the North Koreans, but it didn't work very well. If Bush really believed half the crap he spewed, he would of been personally planting an American flag in Pyongyang sometime last year.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BFG on February 11, 2005, 09:01:36 pm
Iraq was just a way of trying to scare the North Koreans, but it didn't work very well.

I wouldn't like to be around when you tell that to all the Iraqi civilians who have lost friends and family

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: bronto on February 11, 2005, 09:07:08 pm
it's because team america world police just came out over there.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on February 11, 2005, 09:09:22 pm
BFG, I'm not the deicion makers in the U.S. government, and I never really supported the Iraqi war. I was just stating an opinion...Obviously, only a small portion of the reasoning behind invading Iraq was to intimidate North Korea, but it still seemed obvious to me, and still does.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BFG on February 11, 2005, 09:11:40 pm
i know mellow i know, im just still so bloody angry at the whole iraq invasion etc....

On a lighter note i wonder how N.Korea will fair up against Tony Blair - the official American ass-kissing Wh*re ;)  how will dubbya make enough room in his closet?

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on February 11, 2005, 09:43:56 pm
You know what's fun?  Seattle is the only major city that is in range of the missiles N. Korea has.  I live in Seattle.  Awesome.

I've always wondered which Kim Jong is more interested in, staring the U.S. down and trying to make N. Korea look more important and gain more respect?  Or if he is just playing nuclear chicken with the U.S. and doesnt care if it ends up with his death, along with the deaths of millions of others, all across the globe.  Hmmm...anybody have a coin handy?

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 11, 2005, 10:18:16 pm
They would probably fire the missiles at another country in southern asia...... before they waste missiles on a place like seattle (;)).

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: .vooDoo. on February 12, 2005, 12:43:13 am
From what I have read they have the nukes but no way to get them to us. Even if they did have a way to get them to the US they would be shot down before they got here.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2005, 02:13:03 am
From what I have read they have the nukes but no way to get them to us. Even if they did have a way to get them to the US they would be shot down before they got here.

Um, really?  I'd like to know how we would shoot down an ICBM.  The closest capability we have to what you suggest is the AL-1, the newest combat aircraft in the U.S. Air Force arsenal.  It is a modified Boeing 747 with a huge laser in the nose capable of shooting down ICBM's during their initial launch stage.  Unfortunately, the Airborne Laser project is still several years away from becoming operational (although the aircraft has already made its first flight).  There are some other anti-ballistic missile technologies out there, but currently the only U.S. city protected by them is Washington, D.C. (exactly what that system is is highly classified).  So, if North Korea had the ability to launch an ICBM today that could hit Seatle, well...there would be no more Seatle.[/size]

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: bronto on February 12, 2005, 02:20:31 am
good thing seattle sucks.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: Guest on February 12, 2005, 04:37:53 am
No more Seattle............."NO MORE MICROSOFT"

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BFG on February 12, 2005, 02:25:41 pm

Then again who would be bloody f*cking stupid enough to lauch Nucs ... unless they are trying to obliterate the world through starting WWIII

that said, i saw in the paper yesterday apparently the US has over 100 Nuclear bombs it keeps in the UK... can u take them away please?

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: Brutha on February 12, 2005, 04:06:48 pm
I'm moving to the moon, anyone want to come? (it's bugger all down here)

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: bronto on February 12, 2005, 06:35:33 pm
some shmuck claimed the moon and sold off the plots to people...that's right, some fucking twat thinks he owns the moon now. i want a space ship just so i can piss all over his property.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2005, 07:18:04 pm
that said, i saw in the paper yesterday apparently the US has over 100 Nuclear bombs it keeps in the UK... can u take them away please?

It's called "Deterrence", BFG.  Deterrence is that thing that says "if you attack me, I have the power to fight back and do far more destruction to you than you did to me."  It is that deterrence that has kept the world out of a full-scale nuclear war since the first nukes were used in 1945.  So instead of telling the U.S. to take them away...you might want to start thanking us for having them there.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BFG on February 12, 2005, 07:58:08 pm
We have our own idiots with our own Nukes unfortunately... and since the end of the Cold war i fail to see the immediate need for such a vast stockpile throughout europe (which yes was a deterrent etc in the Cold war)

And when we've got our own idiots in control of our own Nukes... having your's as well just feels a little to much like overkill

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2005, 08:04:25 pm
We have our own idiots with our own Nukes unfortunately... and since the end of the Cold war i fail to see the immediate need for such a vast stockpile throughout europe (which yes was a deterrent etc in the Cold war)

And when we've got our own idiots in control of our own Nukes... having your's as well just feels a little to much like overkill

Perhaps you don't realize that Russia still has it's nukes pointed at us (and you) and we still have our nukes pointed at them.  Yeah, Cold War might be over...but the chance of a nuclear war is not gone.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on February 13, 2005, 06:59:49 pm
Just to add additional items to the above posts...North Korea has developed solid fuel rockets that can in theory hit San Francisco and Los Angeles, both more likely targets than Seattle.

As for anti-ICBM weaponry, the ABM missile shield that is still being tested is pretty much fully operational as of now, with missiles loaded into the silos at Vandenberg AF base in California and at some remote location in Alaska. Even though the program isn't 100% done, it is currently our only defense in case the psycho in North Korea wanted to launch a nuclear strike anytime soon.

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 13, 2005, 07:11:29 pm
What makes everyone so sure they would use such a obvious missile delivery method?

Title: Re: North Korea is an official Attention-Wh*re.
Post by: "Sixhits" on February 14, 2005, 09:11:21 pm
that said, i saw in the paper yesterday apparently the US has over 100 Nuclear bombs it keeps in the UK... can u take them away please?

It's called "Deterrence", BFG.  Deterrence is that thing that says "if you attack me, I have the power to fight back and do far more destruction to you than you did to me."  It is that deterrence that has kept the world out of a full-scale nuclear war since the first nukes were used in 1945.  So instead of telling the U.S. to take them away...you might want to start thanking us for having them there.

I think one can make a more correct argument about this issue.

It was not deterance that kept the world safe. If there was a single doctrine that "kept the world safe" it was the concept of MAD - or Mutually Assured Destruction. If you attack me then no matter what you do I will be able to destroy you just as you destroy me. This combined with realpolitik -  national policy where it sole goal is the advancement of the national interest - and you had a reciept, if your leaders were rational, for safety.

So, thus, possesion ot nukes alone does not garuntee safety. In fact, unless other powers possess a roughly equal number of nukes then deterance breaks down and becomes beligerance.

And so we come to America today. The sole nation in the world capable of truly destroying everything. There is no balancing power anymore and that has freed the insane and irrational people in America to do what they will with our immense might. We have gone from our weapon systems providing a deterance, and thus safety, to there existance becoming the strong arm of our beligerance and thus making us less safe.

It isn't an issue of the cold war ending or even our possession of nukes or our emense might: it's that lack of strong enemies has allowed for the rise of those mad people inside our country to consider using our might for reasons other than deterance and into conquest. Which, we can argue, has a detering affect.

But it has other affects, our wars of conquest in the middle east, as we have seen with the rearming of Iran and N. Korea. Let alone the military unification Europe is going through and the worldwide realignment of alliances and associations the Bush Doctrine of "Pre-Emptive" War has wrought.