*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: eur.reddust on January 28, 2005, 11:37:20 am

Title: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: eur.reddust on January 28, 2005, 11:37:20 am
Today I heard a rumour and saw intense chatting about it in GR:

Rumor : apple is coming out with a new gaming service called "apple gaming". It will be a yearly charge for access and it is supposed to outdo gameranger as far as options. Plus connectivity w/ iChat to directly link games from private messages.

Pretest for a special "mac game hardware" should be the MacMini. In addition Scott K. was contacted to provide knowledge and infrastructure for this service.

Wee, so we could get soon an "apple ranger"? lol

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on January 28, 2005, 01:15:37 pm
Hmmm im not sure weather to laugh or pray...

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 28, 2005, 03:22:01 pm
If this happens I will laugh a hearty laugh, then but Steve Jobs instead of Scott Kevill.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Po~ReverendMoss on January 28, 2005, 03:47:49 pm
I'm sure kevill will still be in there somewhere. He's got mad user base as well as the infrastructure already in place. We're a prebuilt market!!

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on January 28, 2005, 04:49:53 pm
... But whats in it for apple? a yearly fee... smells like .mac

hmm if .mac came with a gaming service that would be a mighty fine idea of pushing the gaming market up a touch...

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 28, 2005, 04:57:23 pm
.Mac idea is pushing my speculation on the service. Recently apple offered developers a free .Mac SDK to integrate into their applications. I think this is the beginning of software distribution via the internet in a much more serious way. A apple gaming service could push game purchase and DL via internet.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on January 28, 2005, 05:25:15 pm
well in terms of buying games online they have it all there - and its not hard to integrate into the itms in that sense of 'one click purchasing'  .. but i don't think its there - it think the emphasis here is on a sense of integration definatly - and .mac seems to be the 'internet services' setup that a gaming service would fit into perfectly - idisk, mail services, web-hosting, game hosting... just fits very nicely

... I don't supose Scott is exactly going to post here and enlighten us to all these rumors however! ;)

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 28, 2005, 05:31:33 pm
It would save places like amazon.com to have one click buying.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on January 28, 2005, 06:53:29 pm
I dunno if Apple would do something like that, though. Gameranger is (pretty) well-known in the Mac community, and pushing him out so Apple could have it's own thing just doesn't seem very Appleish. Bad public-relations, yanno?

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on January 28, 2005, 06:54:56 pm
Unless they are doing a itunes style software deal where they buy the techology and 'applefy' it to look all smexy etc. Scott gets loadsa money, keeps his job, and GR suddenly has big money behind it...

** Wakes up again **

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Civrock on January 28, 2005, 08:28:51 pm
heeey, i had the same dream... it can't be coincidence! ::)

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: DarK. on January 28, 2005, 08:34:42 pm
Apple weuld get fewer players and people would stay on GR if we had to pay to play.  At Apple.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 28, 2005, 08:43:48 pm
I think it's actually very like apple to expand into the market of successful third party software makers.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Croosch on January 29, 2005, 12:29:59 am
Apple weuld get fewer players and people would stay on GR if we had to pay to play.  At Apple.

I would have to disagree. So many people are paying for GR Premium, I don't think they'll hesitate to pay for an Apple gaming service...  I know I wouldn't hesitate to drop some more money into Apple for a new online gaming service.

Apple, I'm sure, would end up with many more users than GR over time.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 29, 2005, 05:52:29 am
Apple needs TV ads to draw in users. A gaming service along with all their other apps would add more authenticity.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on January 29, 2005, 01:55:27 pm
There are several advantages - firstly they expand the .mac capabilities in a field that in my opinion apple have been pretty quiet on. secondly they can bundle this software with every single mac that leaves the factories which game-ranger can't do. thirdly they can show game developers etc that they are serious about mac gaming and with this help people to realise that mac gaming is a real option - if there is more support for mac gaming then your going to sell more macs, if you sell more macs your going to get more mac gamers.

In terms of mac gaming at the moment i see two huge problems. The first problem is called DirectX
the second is Middleware gaming technology (for instance phyics engines like havok)

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Monoman on January 30, 2005, 12:54:55 am
I dunno if Apple would do something like that, though. Gameranger is (pretty) well-known in the Mac community, and pushing him out so Apple could have it's own thing just doesn't seem very Appleish. Bad public-relations, yanno?

They already did that with Konfabulator.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on January 30, 2005, 01:04:04 am
Once you pop start u can't stop (ripping off other applications) ;) 

Damnit pringles...i must be hungry

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 30, 2005, 01:17:59 am
Konfabulator was a rip off of a application designed into pre OS7.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: spike on January 30, 2005, 01:28:04 am
These sorts of rumors seem to come up pretty regurally, how often do they turn out to be anything?

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Blitz on January 30, 2005, 04:35:50 am
Well, knowing Apple, they would probably hire Evill, and then integrate GR into their program. But what I still can't understand, is why make their own program... They have Evill, who already made it, so all they would probably ask him to do it integrate it with iChat, Mail, Safari, iTunes... Who knows!

One problem I have about it is the strictness. If Apple does buy GR with Evill still at the head of it, the restrictions will be so tight, it would be like GOD trying to penitrate some anal virgin, like Myst.

Who knows, I'm just a 17 year old who thinks of pessimistic ideas way too much... I need to grab a beer or something...

Blitz 8)

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 30, 2005, 04:38:00 am

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: eur.reddust on January 31, 2005, 04:25:32 pm
more than 170 views and a hot topic icon is quite a nice score for the complete nonsense i wrote down at the start...

but, of course, sometimes nonsense could become reality sooner than ecpected ... ::)
who knows

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 31, 2005, 05:12:24 pm
I wouldn't put it past apple yet. They are always doing what starts off as plain simple nonsense rumors.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Croosch on January 31, 2005, 10:15:31 pm
more than 170 views and a hot topic icon is quite a nice score for the complete nonsense i wrote down at the start...

but, of course, sometimes nonsense could become reality sooner than ecpected ... ::)
who knows

It's happened before, just look, George Bush was elected a second term ::wall::

that's a whole different subject that's been brought up many times before Just thought I'de prove your point Red Dust

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 31, 2005, 11:44:28 pm
 ::lol:: Ah yes, 2nd term jokes...four more years.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: KGB on February 02, 2005, 05:33:48 pm
Any progress on this iGame thingy ?

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 02, 2005, 05:39:50 pm
Latest I heard they were doing a rewrite of some major parts. That was before xmas. I guess that's all rumors and such but it could explain the delay. Anyone get any replies on emails they sent it? I haven't bothered yet.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Croosch on February 03, 2005, 12:11:37 am
They reply on emails pretty nicely.  Though I didn't really ask about progress they got back to me within a day.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: DarK. on February 03, 2005, 05:27:20 am
Mind posting what they said?

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: Croosch on February 03, 2005, 02:01:10 pm
Though I didn't really ask about progress
so... really no reason to ???

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 03, 2005, 05:35:45 pm
Dark just likes posting.I bet you asked them to be in on the trial.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BFG on February 03, 2005, 06:45:48 pm
If you have questions etc about iGame you can also go visit their forums here! (http://triage-software.com/iGame/phpBB2/index.php)

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 03, 2005, 07:04:13 pm
This is going of become a war of cheap pops....

Hurray for iGame if it ever comes out. Booo to all other vapour ware.

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: ~Po~ TiroFino on February 04, 2005, 03:33:28 pm
Lob found this and posted it in our forum:

 This is iGame and it will replace game Ranger:


They have a web site with a forum. I think they are only giving beta copies to developers. Maybe some of you guys can have some pull with getting a copy.



Looks cool!!!

Lob "

Title: Re: Apple Game Service in development?
Post by: onwig on February 04, 2005, 04:42:47 pm

How will iGame replace GR exactly?, no one knows anything about it, the screenshots that "aparently" ended up coming out might be fake, they have delayed and delayed this igame from before christmas.

They say they have been working on this for 2 yrs now with no evidence that its a working app, apart from BFG who says it does work, where as Evill has had gameranger running for 5yrs or so which works and hardly anyone has probelms with, and 9 times out of 10 its problems down to hosting on your own mac due to people's configuration ie router.

Thing is, all that evill has asked for in the last couple of years is for help to keep GR running by paying a stupid cheap price for what it is.

If apple were to bring a gaming service out, and as part of a .mac deal, I would rather pay evil's price for a years service (for me £26.) compared to .mac which is £69 a year.

I really do find it funny also, that people would probably pay for a .mac gaming service and not pay evill's price, and more to the point, if this so called "iGame" service was payment only would you sign up?.

The Grass always looks greener on the other side.
