*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: macfan007 on January 15, 2005, 09:38:30 pm

Title: Apple iProduct
Post by: macfan007 on January 15, 2005, 09:38:30 pm
Lets tear this man apart.


Go to work.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 15, 2005, 09:49:59 pm

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 15, 2005, 11:08:18 pm
 ::...:: ::hmm: ::...:: ::...:: ::hmm: ::...:: ::...:: ::duck:: ::...::
This was posted post Mac Mini?

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 16, 2005, 12:19:34 am
I left them a little message that shows my true feelings.  Go check it out.[/size]   ;)

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 16, 2005, 12:21:05 am
BTW, worst gradient ever on their Apple logo.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 16, 2005, 12:37:31 am
I left them a little message that shows my true feelings.  Go check it out.[/size]   ;)

Oh, the bastard already deleted my post.  I'll post it here for you guys:

"Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking prick!


-GhostSniper Out."

Hope that didn't offend them.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: Croosch on January 16, 2005, 04:59:47 am
Congratulations you have just perfectly proven the point of this entry - A large number of Apple supporters are senseless fanboys who worship Jobs as some kind of deity, you've been taken in by a very clever salesman and your stupidity has been noted.

A large number? four angry people is a large number? Everybody who seems to hold a heavy grudge against Apple obviously hasn't used an Apple.  And if they have and they still hold a grudge against Apple I will personally slap em' silly.

And why shouldn't we be excited about new Apple products? afterall Apple is almost always the first to do everything with computers... windows-PC companies lack that innovation.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 16, 2005, 05:02:59 am
I was just playing Postal 2. Does that put you in a violent mood or what... anyone know where this guy is?

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: Civrock on January 16, 2005, 05:06:59 am
lol, i posted some technical proofs why Apple IS better than Microsoft in the comments... 20 lines at least. i posted it twice and he deleted it twice, haha. after that he locked the comments and added the crap that Krush quoted under the picture. ::lol:: what a lame fucker.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BFG on January 16, 2005, 03:27:34 pm
Intelligent critisism of Apple i can deal with. Mindless dribble about how some windoze shit is so much better is comical, but someone trying to pretend that they actually know what they are talking about, while in there ignorance they bitch about Apple products that are clearly in another class just gets on my f*cking nerves.

God its times like this i wish i was in Uni with my laptop, a untraceable ip and my little disk of magic  :-X

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 16, 2005, 06:11:58 pm
BFG, anonymous internet cafés...  :-X

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 16, 2005, 06:14:18 pm
I think this is a different guy, with the same retarded attitude.


I thought Apple = Easy

For Christmas my sister got an Apple iPod Mini. She has not been able to use it until a few days ago. She's not very computer savvy so she asked me to help install and set it up for her. I thought OK, I haven't messed with an iPod in a year or two, let's try it out.

First off, it comes with a CD-Rom. From the CD-Rom it first needs to install iTunes and some type of transfer/detection software for the iPod. This was expected. What was not expected was what happened after the installation. Without any confirmation, iTunes set itself as the default for virtually all music files. This wouldn't be so bad except iTunes takes about a minute to open while WMP takes about ~3 seconds. Also, the installation decided to install Quicktime and make it the default for all movie files. This, I was not gonna let stand. I quickly removed Quicktime and set WMP back as the default for all movie files.

OK. So my sister already has a grip of mp3's on her computer. Through iTunes we were able to find these files and add them to her Library easily enough. Now we wanted to transfer them to the iPod. Plugged in the iPod and got a pop up that stated this iPod was using out-of-date software. It gave us the option to 'Click Here' to update. So we click here and it states we are running the current software. OK....lets try this again. Same issue. It wont let us load any songs onto it because the software is out of date. We try to update it and it says it's current. WTF.

So I go to Apple's site for help and to see what the newest iPod software version is. I find the latest version is something like 1.2v and her iPod currently has 1.0v. OK cool, lets download and install this new version. Wait, I have to register with Apple first before I can download it? Fine, my sister registers an account and we download the software. I try to update the iPod again only to run into another brick wall. The iPod transfer/detection software is out of date. Damnit! I just want to put a song on this thing. So, I had to go back to Apples site and look for this new software. But first I had to log into my sisters account to download it. I finally download and install the new software and restart the PC for good measure.

Back at the desktop I plugged in the iPod again. Finally, it allowed me to download and install the new iPod software version. Now I just needed to plug the iPod into the wall to complete the firmware update which is pretty standard. Plugged the iPod back into the PC and finally it started to sync with the iTunes Library. This was only a two hour process. It takes me less time to format and re-install windows then to install this thing. I also noticed that the computer now has 2-4 processes running all the time for the iPod. Great....glad this is not my system.

What a pain in the ass. I'm very computer savvy and this was the most painful installation of any hardware/software I've encountered. Without this my sister would of never got this installed. iPod on Windows just feels like a badly ported game.

I wrote him a nice little message:

"1. You related this experience to a poorly ported game...???

BOO FUCKING HOO. You don't know the meaning of a "poorly ported game," you spoiled son of a bitch.

2. It takes you a full minute to start up iTunes? Hah... well that sucks for you. Let me do a quick experiment...

Yep... iTunes just opened for me in about a second and a half.


If you had bothered to take your head out of your ass, and scrolled down the page a couple more inches (in fact, it's RIGHT BELOW THE LOGIN AREA), it will say: "Don't have an Apple ID? Please tell us who you are?"

Enter your name and email address. Then there's the neat little thing where you select Mac or PC. Click on one, and then download the software. Wow... that was really hard... and you claim to be "computer-savvy"???

4. You really made it seem like you started to panic when it set iTunes and Quicktime as default. Well, I know that on my Mac, to change this, all I would have to do is click on one music file on my computer, "Get info" and select what application I wanted to use to open this, and other files like this (all mp3's). This process can also be done with movie files.

Ok, since I'm in the mood for doing these timed-tests, since you appear to be extremely stressed out about how long everything is taking, here we go:


Now, if you're going to start complaining that that's not a fair test because I'm on a Mac, then maybe you should stop and re-read that.

Yes, I'm on a Mac. Yes, it works well.

Perhaps you should consider switching.

--A Loyal Mac User"


Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: spike on January 16, 2005, 06:27:26 pm
Dude, if your douche of a sister had installed everything when she got it, chances are she would have had all the correct software. You wait to do things like that, and updates are going to pile up. Plus, how fucking hard is an iPod mini to use?  Scuse the non PCness, but any fucking retard could figure it out.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 16, 2005, 06:39:41 pm
The best part was he registered at Apple. ::stupid::

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BFG on January 16, 2005, 06:41:27 pm
left him a little somthing in the comments box ;)

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: Croosch on January 17, 2005, 05:34:44 am
This wouldn't be so bad except iTunes takes about a minute to open while WMP takes about ~3 seconds.
that's a windown PC for ya... a minute to open, I could open it faster on my Macintosh Performa 600.  He makes it sound like everything is such a pain when almost all of that is normal procedure when installing anything.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 17, 2005, 05:41:49 am
Performas pwn!

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: SanitarySal on January 17, 2005, 09:10:29 pm
That is funny.   Heaven forbid Mac users have any sense of humor towards themselves.

I dont know, if forced to agree with A - the spoof ad or B. the lowbrow response of Mac users, I will go with the spoof ad.   Even before this ad,I noticed the blind loyalty mac users have towards Apple is pretty lame.   I like macs, and I like them more not that they utilize the unix environment,  but a computer is just a tool, not a religion (therefore you shouldnt follow blindly).

'Ethnic looking clipart model'  too funny.

ps - just because someone is poking fun at Apple doesnt mean they are promoting Microsoft.

The Apple stock holders thank you for your continued blind-support.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 17, 2005, 09:15:22 pm
I agree with sal, the lowest forum of computer users are linux users.

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 18, 2005, 11:29:26 am
That guy does have a point you know.. .  ::)

Title: Re: Apple iProduct
Post by: BFG on January 18, 2005, 12:24:40 pm
Hold on who's following blindly? If i like somthing thats great - i love the mini i think its a great re-deployment of the cube in a really good market etc... what i think sucks ass is Apples continuing refusal to admit that no intelligent person is going to want to turn it on with 256MB of ram... 512 should be the default accross the board these days.

... Some of us use these computers everyday, for work for pleasure, what we do relies on these computers nothing wrong with appreciating that - and its not 'just a computer' ;)

'Ethnic looking clipart model'  - yeah, funny although every 'trendy' company out there is guilty of it ;)

But certainly, theres a line btween support and blind following.. i think most people just like what they are supporting