*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: DarK. on October 06, 2004, 07:12:22 pm

Title: All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: DarK. on October 06, 2004, 07:12:22 pm
As most of you know before this season started I wanted in the middle for there to be an all star game.  And so I decided to act on it.  A good many people have said "oh this will never work" but I dont care.  Congradulations to the clans who get to send members to this seasons all-star games:
Team One              Team Two
:MoD:                   .cO:.
z][t                       Toxic::
[a]                        [BH]
Po)|                      l ! l

Clan leaders please leave the 2 members names that you are sending to participate on this topic.  

The games will be played 8v8 on a dedicated server.  I will be in charge of the server (unless BFG picks me to be one of our players) then it will be Ein from 01

The date will be Saturday the 16th and will be played at 12 pm CST

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: cO Twist on October 06, 2004, 10:50:14 pm
nice teams....in other words 2v4

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BFG on October 06, 2004, 10:53:38 pm
Im a touch confused... Um can someone show a ray of light from above and enlighten me/us/everyone!?!

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: <82ndAB>Tigah on October 07, 2004, 12:32:55 am
BFG, I think you may have been still recovering from your accident when Dark announced this. Anyway here is the thread that will hopefully bring you up to speed -


Tigah  ;)

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BFG on October 07, 2004, 01:05:07 am
Ah thankyou tiger, that was just the ray of light i needed ;)

When is this going to happen and are all clans interested in being involved, and or having this shoutcasted?

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BFG on October 07, 2004, 01:05:24 am
Ah thankyou tiger, that was just the ray of light i needed ;)

Are all clans interested in being involved, and or having this shoutcasted?

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Aramarth on October 07, 2004, 01:45:37 am
Looks like BFG is still recovering to me! ;) ;D

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: KoS.Rebel on October 07, 2004, 03:29:05 am
Ill shoutcast. If people dont like it live then ill just record and throw on site.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Brutha on October 07, 2004, 12:40:39 pm
Not to be picky here, but what about nrg and BTs?

Other than that, seems like a great idea

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on October 07, 2004, 02:05:52 pm
yeah.. BTs might not be one of the most active on the Team ladders...... but.. we do have All-Start crdit due to the fact that we have 5+ in the top 10 of the FFA ladder (and also the top 5 spots are all BTs). Plus is too early to make all start anouncements..we still have like 21 days remaining in the season.. alot can change between now that then...

And technicaly.. even though the core clan is #8... the have only one loss and no wins.. where as BTs has 2 wins and 2 losses..... you can make an all star team from  that. Hell even the pro sports teams dont do it that way.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 07, 2004, 02:19:28 pm
Indeed, it might pe "politically correct" and simple to just take the top 8 teams, but in this case it won't make for an allstar game.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on October 07, 2004, 02:21:54 pm
*Cries for not being invited*

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BTs_eight on October 07, 2004, 07:35:13 pm

Even the losing teams get their all stars to play as long as they are good. U wouldnt invite Iverson to the all stars if he was with the wizards?

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Aramarth on October 07, 2004, 08:05:59 pm
Perhaps the top 4 clans send 2 members, and the following 8 send one apiece? More involvement that way...

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Brutha on October 07, 2004, 09:08:27 pm
It does sound like a better idea.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: KoS.Rebel on October 07, 2004, 11:27:13 pm
Id love to shoutcast it live...but i have no money which means no server to broadcast from  :(

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: theweakspot on October 08, 2004, 02:49:59 am
i know nRg would love to participate in this, if any way possible.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: DarK. on October 08, 2004, 03:40:10 am
Ok due to some suggestions the top 4 clans will send 2 the next eight can send one member nRg is on  team one, and BTs on team two.  Twist about the 4 v 2 I split them strait down the list should be fair according to their team ladder stats.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Brutha on October 08, 2004, 08:39:50 am
Wouldnt it be easier if you wrote it down for us? we dont want to have any misunderstanding here.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: DarK. on October 08, 2004, 02:52:08 pm
Team One       Team Two
2 reps: MoD      :cO:.
2 reps: zt          Toxic::
1 rep: [a]          [BH]
1 rep:l ! l           Po)|
1 rep: nRg         BTs

How does this sound?

Remember date is saturday the 16th @ 12 CST

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Brutha on October 08, 2004, 03:35:23 pm
Looks great, and the teams look like they could get quite even too. Have fun all who get to play that game. :)

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BFG on October 08, 2004, 03:42:00 pm
What is  12 CST in GMT?

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Brutha on October 08, 2004, 06:26:43 pm
10 pm gmt

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: <82ndAB>Tigah on October 10, 2004, 06:29:05 am
I've thought more about this, and to be honest - is the top 10 clans in the BL a true representation of "All-Stars"? I thought this was supposed to be a game with "individual" star players, not about clans as a whole, which the BL ladder is more of a representation of, rather than individual player abilities. I mean, don't forget about those players who are in clans that are on the bottom of the ladder, but are excellent players -only their "team" as a whole haven't done so well.  Also, there are quite a few players that are stars, but not in clans (i.e. Bootsy)......are we just going to forget about them now? Another thing to think about - Each clan is limited to how many members can participate and some clans have more than 1 or 2 players that are stars.

However, apart from using the BL ladder, I'm not quite sure how we would go about deciding who participates. We definately don't want it to be a popularity contest -I would win hands down!! ;D, lol jk. Perhaps we could have a server that could host more players? or have not just one, but a few All-Star servers! which means we could have more teams. And why don't we just make a big party of it! have an All-Stars night! Ok Ok maybe I'm going over-board. I just imagined the All-Star game to be a lot different.

Another idea just popped into my head -To make things simplier, we could all just meet at the proposed time and maybe a few people that can host well with 12+ servers make themselves available for the occasion. All clan leaders notify their top players with a password and during the week the clan leaders (only) invite non-clan players they feel should participate.  This way there could be no set teams (although clans should play together with their fellow clan members), there won't be a limit to how many clan members can particate, only a limit to 2 per team perhaps.

I dunno if my suggestions will work, but it means there is no obligation for players to be available for the games. If Clan leaders aren't too bias, then we'll have a good representation of the top players in clans and a good selection of non-clan players too. Having more servers, means more teams and lots more fun too! Perhaps I have mentioned this all a bit too late for this All-Star game, but I'll organize another one if I have to! Feedback on my suggestions would be appreciated too.

Tigah  ;)

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Civrock on October 10, 2004, 12:26:08 pm
as far as i understood... this is about the BL all-stars. that means people who participated in this league... that excludes non-clan players. and about those "excellent" players in clans on the botton of the ladder... why are they in this low clans then? and if they're that excellent... why didn't they help their clans to advance higher? ;)

besides, i think that players in clans are the better ones anyways... simple reason: non-clan player might be good individuals... but palyers who have clan-experience know how to play in team. this is an important factor.

i think it's good as it is.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on October 10, 2004, 12:49:56 pm
want about that nonclan ffa players that are pritty good

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Civrock on October 10, 2004, 12:56:05 pm
all the high ranked players on the FFA ladder are in clans.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on October 10, 2004, 01:01:33 pm
True.... but i dont care.. I'm not playing in the all star game anyway.........

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: <82ndAB>Tigah on October 10, 2004, 01:53:12 pm
as far as i understood... this is about the BL all-stars. that means people who participated in this league... that excludes non-clan players. and about those "excellent" players in clans on the botton of the ladder... why are they in this low clans then? and if they're that excellent... why didn't they help their clans to advance higher? ;)

Read this http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=3;action=display;threadid=6951

Where does it say "BL all-stars"? and as far as I understood, non-clanners were supposed to be included -


Non-Clanners are now allowed to be in
There will be 8 non-clanner nominees
If you are not in a clan and want to be a nominee, post your name and Gameranger number here.
With adding 8 non-clanners, clans may now only submit 7 people from each clan to be on the nominations list.


As far as excellent players are concerned -there are lots of reasons why some clans are on the bottom of the ladder. Be it bad luck, bad betting, few cb's played because of clan members being inactive etc etc. Not necessarily that they are any worse than some of the top placed clans. And not every clan has been together for a long time, so team work takes time to develop.

Players in clans are not necessarily the better ones - some of the really good non-clanners chose to be non-clanners and I know of some that were clanless because of bad clan experiences etc. It's actually apart of the muliplayer experience to play as part of a team, and i bet some of these non-clanners play just as good, if not better in a team. I just thought this would be more of a Gameranger/Community type game. And as it stands, I believe there will be a lot of true stars that will miss out.

Anyway, if the non-clanners and players in the lower placed clans can't participate, is there anyone that can host for 20 players? that way all 10 clans can have 2 players each.

Tigah  ;)

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 10, 2004, 03:25:45 pm
This whole thing is too concentrated on not stepping on any toes, rather than acctually getting the best players on two teams.

Back in the days BTs_Dragon started a mac clan on a PC ladder, it was called [mac] or something, it wasen't involved in DAMN* in anyway, thus he could invite players from whatever clan he saw fit, AKA. his oppinion of the best players. He only invited Euro players though, so it was a mac euro dream team. And the roster was pretty damn impressive. Only problem was that he haden't informed the guys he "recruited" before adding them  ;D that "clan" never cb'd anyone, but the roster never the less was a dreamteam.

My suggestion is: Europe and USA both vote a captain, that captain picks a team of 7 players, so himself +6. Period. Simple huh.. . Or maybe western hemisphere vs eastern hemisphere. Atleast have something to fight rather than team1 vs team2 :)

Ofcourse this would piss off alot of people. Also it could end in that the captain just picks his own clan members and buddies if the captain voted isnt suitable for the job.

Just a thought.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: BFG on October 10, 2004, 04:17:14 pm
lol i'd forgotten about that.... Comedy dragon and his [mac]clan

Dragon:    "oh yeah i made a clan and your in it"
BFG:         "what?"
Dragon:   "Im getting all of the top Euro guys together...."
BFG:         "What? Were you planning on telling us?

Yeah the roster was good, hell if we had got that group of players into one team it would have been quite somthing. Would have helped to ask the players first though...........

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: z][t-Magnetic on October 10, 2004, 04:21:15 pm
True Joka...very true.

In stead of using the season 9 ladder as a guide to who the best is, I say that we make a vote in the forum.
People get nominated and the vote can begin. That way we get to see the top players as voted by the community and not players which have played most cbs in this particular season.

As far as the nomination goes...I don?t know exactly how that should work.
Maybe each clan leader can nominate 3 players from different clans?

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Macuber on October 10, 2004, 05:46:32 pm
Quote: "as far as i understood... this is about the BL all-stars. that means people who participated in this league... that excludes non-clan players. and about those "excellent" players in clans on the botton of the ladder... why are they in this low clans then? and if they're that excellent... why didn't they help their clans to advance higher? besides, i think that players in clans are the better ones anyways... simple reason: non-clan player might be good individuals... but palyers who have clan-experience know how to play in team. this is an important factor.
i think it's good as it is."

Thats a pretty smug and arrogant statement there Civic. After all.. it is a Team that pulls it's weight.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Civrock on October 10, 2004, 05:57:27 pm
of course it is "a team that pulls its weight"... but this all-star stuff is about individuals mainly who participate in the *DBL. to the point, it'd be pretty hard and complicated to try to choose the real all-stars... it's easier to simply take the, here, 10 highest ranked clans and let em send their  (2 or 1, in this case) best players. everything else is just unnecessarily complicated, in my opinion. :)

well, anyways... i'm not a supporter of nor against this all-star games stuff... i don't really care what happens as long as it's uncomplicated, fun and doesn't lead to flames or similar.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: DarK. on October 11, 2004, 02:39:40 am
We are going to keep the "team one team two" format for this All-Star game, maybe in the future we will change it but for now top four clans send two and the others will send one.  By the way, the clans that are mentioned in my earlier post will send two if they get too and one if they get too, the teams are set and the top fout stated previously will send two no matter what.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: <82ndAB>Tigah on October 11, 2004, 03:03:54 am
By the way, the clans that are mentioned in my earlier post will send two if they get too and one if they get too, the teams are set and the top fout stated previously will send two no matter what.

Ummm so does that mean if we can get a bigger server, the bottom 6 clans might be able to send 2 players as well? :D

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: cO.Vickedson on October 11, 2004, 03:53:38 am
and about those "excellent" players in clans on the botton of the ladder... why are they in this low clans then? and if they're that excellent... why didn't they help their clans to advance higher? ;)

Maybe it's because some of those clans will cb anyone at anytime regardless of whether or not their "best" players are on or what kind of "pings" they may be getting because playing ghost recon online over the Internet should be more about having a good time and not worrying about winning at all cost at all times...

just a thought.


Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: matt_jh on October 11, 2004, 05:35:41 am
If you want to try to avoid pissing off non claners or low ranked clans, why not have a game based on the FFA ladder drawen form people with no clan or a low ranked clan.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Aramarth on October 11, 2004, 02:43:55 pm
If you want to try to avoid pissing off non claners or low ranked clans, why not have a game based on the FFA ladder drawen form people with no clan or a low ranked clan.

Because some choose to avoid the ffa ladder, like myself. I don't get any enjoyment when I do not have a team to fight for. Does this mean I can't be an all-star?

@tigah: as far as I know, they planned on using my server. The number of players is not an issue on the server end. ;) However, the players will be the ones who need to limit the team size. The simple fact is, nf and kdx eat your bandwidth like a fat guy eats french fries. When you hit about 7 people per team, you can lag on any server built by man (b/c it isn't the server!).

Two fixes: better discipline on the voicecoms (which I have failed to get my clan to use, let alone a bunch of people I may or may not know) or a com system with better netcode (GR voice is far better on bandwidth, but it does mean people can't get out of paying some $$).

Result is: smaller game.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Brutha on October 11, 2004, 08:37:45 pm
I think that the system we are going with is fair enough. Because, if we go with euro vs americans chosen by one captain from each continent we have a problem. Who decides who the captain is? I smell a lot of burnt forum from that discussion. This is fair enough.

What about non clanners? Why should we bother about them? there's a major difference from skills in CB's and fun games. Do you see any hockey players outside NHL getting a chance in the all star game there?

Opening for 2 players from the last 6 clans? Why? Should not the teams that have been better and even more active get some reward for their job well done? Consider if :MoD: did 3 matches, won them and was at 7th place(as if) and [a] was at top with 20 matches played. Don't you think it would be more fair that they should get to send one more to the all star game? I do, and thats why I think the system that Dark has drafted is more fair.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Ein on January 01, 2005, 03:58:51 am
As an experienced post digger, I would like to point out that since the crash of Season 9 occured, the All-Star games were not allowed to happen as planned. However, due to the flaming folder, it seems that there is a great response to this idea.

Also it comes to my attention that the Season 9 tournament went off fairly well(actually excellent in my oppinion) which gives hope that having a fun filled gaming weekend for the All-Star games might be possible. All it appears we all need is a little bit of notice, 2-4 weeks or so, and we can all get there for the event.

Furthermore, since we have already started the planning for this all-star game and the planning was never really put into effect, could we not refine the planning thus far and continue it into the beginning of Season X to hopefully implement these plans (pending no other unfortunate crashes.)

In other words, "are we still gonna do this or not, people?"


Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Croosch on January 04, 2005, 12:04:07 am
I love this idea and I'de be willing to help get it started back up . . . if any help is needed.

Team One? ? ? Team Two
2 reps: MoD? ? ? :cO:.
2 reps: zt? ? ? ? ? Toxic::
1 rep: [a]? ? ? ? ? [BH]
1 rep:l ! l? ? ? ? ? Po)|
1 rep: nRg? ? ? ? BTs
^ this format makes the most sense to me.
but pehaps this should be played after season 10 is complete to have more accurate standing information. We have some new clans that may end up in the top ten.

But to answer your question Ein, yes I'm still interested in this idea.

Title: Re:All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Ein on January 07, 2005, 02:02:15 am
I love this idea and I'de be willing to help get it started back up . . . if any help is needed.

Team One? ? ? Team Two
2 reps: MoD? ? ? :cO:.
2 reps: zt? ? ? ? ? Toxic::
1 rep: [a]? ? ? ? ? [BH]
1 rep:l ! l? ? ? ? ? Po)|
1 rep: nRg? ? ? ? BTs
^ this format makes the most sense to me.
but pehaps this should be played after season 10 is complete to have more accurate standing information. We have some new clans that may end up in the top ten.

But to answer your question Ein, yes I'm still interested in this idea.

Ummm yeah... I dont suggest that we contine with the teams who were in first for the same reason that we did not continue season 9 finals with those teams who were in the top places.  I suggest with the new season, we have new clans eligable. Besides, since that time, clan members have left some clans and joined others, clans folded, new clans formed, etc.. So start fresh.

Title: Re: All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: Croosch on January 07, 2005, 11:04:49 pm
So would we be safe to say that this may happen happen sometime soon following season ten? and yes Flies, your idea sounds like a good one to me.

Title: Re: All-Star Games date to be set
Post by: DarK. on January 09, 2005, 06:09:33 am
I would like to once again try to get an allstar game for season X even though the season IX fell through due to me being away and *DAMN difficulties (the server crash) but for season X we will try to get this to happen.