*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: *DAMN Bondo on October 06, 2004, 05:24:31 am

Title: VP Debate
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on October 06, 2004, 05:24:31 am
In the question per question breakdown I had it about Edwards 11 to Cheney's 7. However, I think overall it was generally a tie. The debate was just too boring and both men did generally well in style and skill for either side to really "win." There was no bad mistakes like Bush made last time. I think It was maybe slight advantage Cheney on foreign policy but that Edwards stood out far ahead of Cheney in real terms on domestic issues.

A few general comments on the style/skill battle before I get into the substance. I thought Edwards too often answered the last question before addressing the current one. Generally the rebuttal times were wasted. Finally, Cheney seemed more hunched over and stared down at the table (or at the moderator) while Edwards kept his eyes more level and looked more at the camera.

Cheney had a major problem with lies, deceptions, or just ignoring facts. About Iraqi developments he ignored reports that there were no Iraq-terrorist links. He talked about how Iraq was a nexus of terrorism and WMD, which is why it was the best choice to attack?except that ?nexus? was based on bad intelligence or even from twisting intelligence. He also denied claiming Iraq was connected to Al Queda which he has done too many times to count. He says Kerry has always been on the wrong side about defense, yet Kerry voted against the weapon systems Cheney said to remove when he was Secretary of Defense.

On Afghanistan, Cheney was sunny about the elections but ignores that it isn?t very safe and that war lords/drug lords have control of a lot. He constantly distorted voting records of Kerry and Edwards, he way overdid the ?flip-flop? thing and in the question near the end about it, since Kerry is now inoculated against the claim having been clear about his position on Thursday, hurt the Bush Administration. He was also too often on the defensive. Cheney also lied about Kerry?s record on voting against tax cuts.

I thought Edwards did a better job than Kerry in illustrating a plan for how they will make Iraq better. A little bothered that he used Kerry?s $200 billion number since even though it is accurate in a way, the press will ignore the subtlety. I think his clear populist message on taxes will resonate with the public. He makes fiscal responsibility a greater emphasis.

While I admit I?m disappointed that the Democrats will not stand up for gay rights, they at least have a middle ground and Edwards made it clear why same sex benefits are necessary even if he doesn?t support marriage. Edwards comes off more moderate than Cheney who comes off weak and unprincipled, just submitting to Bush. This was also a moment of kind of unity between the two?so much touchy feeliness between the two I thought they should just get married (ok, bad humor.)

I thought Edwards was very strong on tort reform, and very moderate. Cheney?s plan just attacks lawsuits whether they are good or bad, while Edwards? plan makes sure the bad ones stay out period. Edwards was also smart to point out that the lawsuits is an insignificant aspect of the liability insurance increases. My mom, who is in health insurance now, says that the rates are higher due to larger numbers of uninsured people dumping costs on hospitals so that the insured have to pick up the difference (at least I think that was the gist of it.)

I was a bit irritated by the inability of Edwards to be critical of Israel in any way, I see more of the same regardless of who is elected in not being able to be neutral in dealing with the Israel/Palestine issue. Anyway, overall the debate was even and will have no great effect on the election. If anything, Edwards getting the populist message out will strengthen some undecided voters.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 05:50:45 am
Too bad these debates don't matter at all.  Bush will still win in November.[/size]

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: The Golden Shark on October 06, 2004, 06:29:00 am
funny how you republicans say that shit now, but if cheney had won, you woul be boasting like a mother fucker.... These Dems need to man up, and just call out the republicans for what they are LIARS!! not all this "he distorted this... blah blah blah."

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: "Sixhits" on October 06, 2004, 07:37:57 am
John's the fucking man.  He called out Cheney on his lies abour Iraq and Al Queda, called him on confabulating Saddam and 9/11, and  got Cheney to lie twice on tape ("I've never met you before" and "I never said there was a link between Iraq and al Queda")


Did Cheney just forget or is he a pathological liar?


http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3080244/ (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3080244/)

MR. RUSSERT: The Washington Post asked the American people about Saddam Hussein, and this is what they said: 69 percent said he was involved in the September 11 attacks. Are you surprised by that?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: No. I think it?s not surprising that people make that connection.

MR. RUSSERT: But is there a connection?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: We don?t know. You and I talked about this two years. You and I talked about this two years ago. I can remember you asking me this question just a few days after the original attack. At the time I said no, we didn?t have any evidence of that. Subsequent to that, we?ve learned a couple of things. We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the ?90s, that it involved training, for example, on BW and CW, that al-Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems that are involved. The Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the al-Qaeda organization.

(what more quotes and links to when he connected Saddam to 9/11? I got them)

Liar. Caught red handed. On video and in transcripts.


And is it just me or did Cheney make Bush look like a loser?  I mean, when your VP has to carry all the water for you, boy, are you a pussy.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: cookie on October 06, 2004, 08:06:27 am
Edwards comes off more moderate than Cheney who comes off weak and unprincipled, just submitting to Bush.

IMO, Cheney is the brains of the operation and the mastermind behind most FP decisions. I don't think he submits to Bush at all, rather vice versa.


I think the debate went rather well for both candidates. Cheney, unlike Bush, is a very well-groomed speaker and goes for the jugular with every statement he makes. It might be false, but it looks good to the average viewer.

Conversely, Edwards presented himself equally well. He seems confident and direct. Though not as "vicious" as Cheney per se, he didn't allow himself to be backed into a corner and held his own.

My take on it.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on October 06, 2004, 08:06:34 am
And is it just me or did Cheney make Bush look like a loser?  I mean, when your VP has to carry all the water for you, boy, are you a pussy.

The pundits were talking about how the debate Thursday and then last night strengthen the image of Cheney as pulling Bush's puppet strings (not saying that is actually the case, just talking about impression.) You'll notice Edwards mentioned Kerry all the time, even twice on the question he wasn't supposed to mention Kerry's name. On the other hand Cheney maybe mentioned Bush twice altogether.

I suppose the argument could be that Edwards is just so inexperienced he can't stand on his own while Cheney can, but I think Edwards was simply doing his job of pumping up the top guy, since Kerry, not Edwards, is who they'll be voting for or against in November.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BFG on October 06, 2004, 09:59:51 am
I think i despise Cheney even more than bush - he is nothing more than a little piece of shit.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: jn.loudnotes on October 06, 2004, 12:59:09 pm
Too bad these debates don't matter at all.  Bush will still win in November.[/size]

There you go with that blind irrational faith again - the foundation of every Bush supporter's beliefs.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: Mr. Lothario on October 06, 2004, 01:50:07 pm
     Unfortunately, he's most likely right. After all, the cheating voting machines are going to be used. Which means America can "say goodnight, Gracie."

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 03:38:12 pm
Too bad these debates don't matter at all.  Bush will still win in November.[/size]

There you go with that blind irrational faith again - the foundation of every Bush supporter's beliefs.

Look bitch, if you disagree with me then join the few who actually have a bet with me on this.  So far, Spetsnaz, Dr No, and Kuza have signed up on the bet.  All you have to do is join the list.

Here is the bet, for those of you who need a refresher:

If Kerry wins the election, I have to buy Spets, Dr No, and Kuza Premium Membership on GR.  If Bush wins, they have to come on these forums and tell everyone that I am the all-knowing, most-wise member of this forum.  Pretty simple.

Put up, or shut the fuck up, bitch.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: cookie on October 06, 2004, 04:02:53 pm
WHOA, get me in on that bet! I have no idea who will win at this point, but curse the fact that there are no hyperlinks for non-premium users like cookeh :(

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 04:14:23 pm
WHOA, get me in on that bet! I have no idea who will win at this point, but curse the fact that there are no hyperlinks for non-premium users like cookeh :(

Sorry cookie....but this bet is by invite only.  But I'll buy you Premium if you want me to.  ;)

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: jn.loudnotes on October 06, 2004, 04:36:47 pm
Chill out with the attempted insults...I didn't know you had a bet going.  

But if you're seriously so blindly faithful, I'll be more than happy to take your wager.  I've already got the future of the nation riding on this election - having to extoll your virtues if Bush wins is hardly anything to add.  I will certainly state that you are the most all-knowing and wise member of this forum if Bush wins.

Only thing is, I have no desire for a GR premium account.  I don't use hardly use GR anymore as it is.  But I will be more than happy to let you send me $50 via PayPal if Kerry wins the election.  Are we agreed?

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 04:44:32 pm
Only thing is, I have no desire for a GR premium account.  I don't use hardly use GR anymore as it is.  But I will be more than happy to let you send me $50 via PayPal if Kerry wins the election.  Are we agreed?

Hmmmm.  I'm not going to send you $50 in cash because I don't know what you will do with it.  For all I know you could be supporting some left-wing group like moveon.org....

So, choose from the following:

I'll buy you a $50 game of your choice, a $50 iTunes Gift Certificate, or $50 in Ford Motor Company Stock.

(the last one was a joke)

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: jn.loudnotes on October 06, 2004, 04:49:50 pm
iTunes, thank you.  Incidentally, I would have spent the money on consumer goods in order to help strength in the economy ;)

And should your candidate "win," I will also add in my public message that you are truly a generous individual as well.

Oh, and in the event of a disputed election, shall we go by the winner who is actually inaugurated, or the one (if different) who wins the popular vote?

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: seth on October 06, 2004, 04:51:00 pm
I think i despise Cheney even more than bush - he is nothing more than a little piece of shit.

exactly, but you gotta admit that he's nothing like Bush when it comes to that kind of face to face. He's the master, and the other is the puppet.
This debate was a tie at the best, i think Cheney did score some good points, was very incisive. He didnt acknowledge Edwards at the end, rude !

The overall debate was boring.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 06, 2004, 04:53:20 pm
Didnt watch, game 1 of yankees twins last night  ;D

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 04:59:07 pm
iTunes, thank you.  Incidentally, I would have spent the money on consumer goods in order to help strength in the economy ;)

And should your candidate "win," I will also add in my public message that you are truly a generous individual as well.

Oh, and in the event of a disputed election, shall we go by the winner who is actually inaugurated, or the one (if different) who wins the popular vote?

iTunes Gift Certificate it is.  In the event of a disputed election, the person inaugurated is who we go by.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on October 06, 2004, 05:06:36 pm
What I find hilarious is that Cheney directed people to factcheck.org (well, he said com but he meant org) and that site basically exposes Cheney as a big old liar, with more and worse inaccuracies than Edwards.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 05:35:16 pm
What I find hilarious is that Cheney directed people to factcheck.org (well, he said com but he meant org) and that site basically exposes Cheney as a big old liar, with more and worse inaccuracies than Edwards.

Well, then at least he's HONEST about his lies.  ;D

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: "Sixhits" on October 06, 2004, 08:08:14 pm
I take that bet, Ghost. Be a nice way for me to get back onto GR.

Moving on...

Quote from last night:
"Now, in my capacity as vice president, I am the president of Senate, the presiding officer. I'm up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they're in session."

Someone else did all the work for me.

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/10/6/11163/2940 (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/10/6/11163/2940)

Here is a list of the Senate's Acting Presidents for every Tuesday session for 2001.

January 30 - Enzi
February 6 - Chafee
February 13 - Chafee
February 27 - Allen
March 6 - Burns
March 13 - Reid
March 20 - DeWine
March 27 - Chafee
April 3 - Smith
April 24 - Chafee
May 1 - Chafee
May 8 - Chafee
May 15 - Frist
May 22 - Chafee
June 5 - Enzi
June 12 - Byrd
June 19 - Carper
June 26 - Bayh
July 10 - Nelson
July 17 - Clinton
July 24 - Byrd
July 31 - Stabenaw
September 25 - Wellstone
October 2 - Clinton
October 9 - Clinton
October 16 - Edwards!!!!!
October 23- Byrd
October 30 - Bingaman
November 13 - Murray
November 27 - Jeffords
December 4 - Stabenaw
December 11 - Carnahan
December 18 - Nelson


Tue 1/29 - Nelson
Tue 2/5 - Kohl
Tue 2/12 - Stabenow
Tue 2/26 - Landrieu
Tue 3/5 - Edwards
Tue 3/12 - Landrieu
Tue 3/19 - Miller
Tue 4/9 - Cleland
Tue 4/16 - Reed
Tue 4/23 - Wellstone
Tue 4/30 - Nelson
Tue 5/7 - Miller
Tue 5/14 - Cleland
Tue 5/21 - Nelson
Tue 6/4 - Durbin
Tue 6/11 - Corzine
Tue 6/18 - Dayton
Tue 6/25 - Landrieu
Tue 7/9 - Reed
Tue 7/16 - Corzine
Tue 7/23 - Reed
Tue 7/30 - Clinton
Tue 9/3 - Reed
Tue 9/10 - Corzine
Tue 9/17 - Reid
Tue 9/24 - Stabenow
Tue 10/1 - Miller
Tue 10/8 - Miller
Tue 10/15 - Reid
Tue 11/12 - CHENEY! -- WE HAVE A WINNER!
Tue 11/19 - Barkley (MN)


Jan 7 *Cheney*
Jan 14 Stevens
Jan 22 Stevens
Jan 28 Stevens
Feb 4 Stevens
Feb 11 Stevens
Feb 25 Stevens
Mar 4 Stevens
Mar 11 Stevens
Mar 18 Stevens
Mar 25 Stevens
Apr 1 Stevens
Apr 8 Stevens
Apr 29 Stevens
May 6 Talent
May 13 Ensign
May 20 Alexander
June 3 Stevens
June 10 Stevens
June 18 Murkowski
June 24 Coleman
July 8 Stevens
July 15 Stevens
July 22 Chaffee
July 29 Stevens
Sept 2 Stevens
Sept 9 Stevens
Sept 16 Stevens
Sept 23 Stevens
Sept 30 Sununu
Oct 21 Stevens
Oct 28 Stevens
Nov 4 Stevens
Nov 11 Warner
Nov 18 Stevens
Dec 9 Stevens


1/20 - Stevens
1/27 - Enzi
2/3 - Stevens
2/10 - Stevens
3/2 - Stevens
3/9 - Hagel
3/16 - Sununu
3/23 - Stevens
3/30 - Ensign
4/6 - Cornyn
4/20 - Stevens
4/27 - Chambliss
5/4 - Stevens
5/11 - Stevens
5/18 - Stevens
6/1 - Stevens
6/8 - Hutchinson
6/15 - Stevens
6/22 - Allard
7/6 - Burns
7/13 - Stevens
7/20 - Enzi
9/7 - Stevens
9/14 - Chafee
9/21 - Enzi
9/28 - Stevens
10/05 - Stevens

Edwards presided over the Senate as many times as Cheney did on Tuesdays. Twice.

Edward's hometown paper calling him "Senator Gone?"
Well, not exactly.
http://www.thepilot.com/opinion/100604PilotEditorial2.html (http://www.thepilot.com/opinion/100604PilotEditorial2.html)

And here's VIDEO of Cheney meeting Edwards.
http://tinyurl.com/4nfoq (http://tinyurl.com/4nfoq)

How many times are Republicans allowed to lie to America on national television during the course of an election?

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 08:47:42 pm
I take that bet, Ghost. Be a nice way for me to get back onto GR.

I didn't offer it to you, PC whore.[/size]

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: cO.gabe on October 06, 2004, 08:53:25 pm
Too bad these debates don't matter at all.  Bush will still win in November.[/size]
You are right - these debates do not matter at all.. not because Bush will win, but because the VP doesn't do jack shit, except maybe wait for the President to die.

Secondly, the debates are so set up and structured these days that it's hard for me to even determine who is WINNING.  I mean, they aren't even allowed to ask eachother questions!  Both of them are so afraid of getting hammered like Nixon did by Kennedy (the first televised debate) that they won't even agree to a proper debate.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on October 06, 2004, 08:57:06 pm
Well, then at least he's HONEST about his lies.  ;D

Cheney lie: "There is a connection between Saddam and 9/11"

Cheney being honest about his lie: "I never have stated there is a connection between Saddam and 9/11."

Yeah, he is oh so honest about his lies. You are so full of it...and yes, I know you were being facetious, but still.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on October 06, 2004, 09:50:06 pm
Cheney is a lot like Tupac, he just don't giva ah fuck.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: "Sixhits" on October 06, 2004, 09:55:22 pm
http://www.n3t.net/humor/Seriously.mpg (http://www.n3t.net/humor/Seriously.mpg)

This is hilarious.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 06, 2004, 10:34:48 pm
and yes, I know you were being facetious, but still.

About fucking time somebody on this forum is smart enough to get it.[/size]

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: cookie on October 06, 2004, 11:00:14 pm
Sorry cookie....but this bet is by invite only.? But I'll buy you Premium if you want me to.?

That's very generous of you :) I think I can get by on what i've got though!

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BFG on October 06, 2004, 11:01:38 pm

OMG Sixhits help!! I think i just f*cking pissed myself from laughing so hard.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: Brain on October 07, 2004, 12:21:47 am
Too bad these debates don't matter at all.  Bush will still win in November.[/size]

There you go with that blind irrational faith again - the foundation of every Bush supporter's beliefs.

If Kerry wins the election, I have to buy Spets, Dr No, and Kuza Premium Membership on GR.  If Bush wins, they have to come on these forums and tell everyone that I am the all-knowing, most-wise member of this forum.  Pretty simple.

 unfortunately for you GS that would make them congress class 2 faced lying sob's.  that title belongs to me

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: "Sixhits" on October 07, 2004, 02:58:04 am

OMG Sixhits help!! I think i just f*cking pissed myself from laughing so hard.

Yah, ain't it grand?

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: jn.loudnotes on October 07, 2004, 03:23:36 am
Well Brain, unless you've turned into a Bush fan, you can't possibly equal GS's intellect in the event Bush wins the election.  See, in that case, he would have known what all of us refuse to believe.

I, for one, am thinking about the 50 songs I'm going to enjoy  8)

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on October 07, 2004, 03:38:55 am
To Brain and loudnotes:

Put down the crack pipe and step away from Civic's girlfriend.

Title: Re:VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 20, 2005, 04:53:43 pm
Too bad these debates don't matter at all.  Bush will still win in November.[/size]

There you go with that blind irrational faith again - the foundation of every Bush supporter's beliefs.

If Kerry wins the election, I have to buy Spets, Dr No, and Kuza Premium Membership on GR.  If Bush wins, they have to come on these forums and tell everyone that I am the all-knowing, most-wise member of this forum.  Pretty simple.

Just remembered this, and I believe Spets, Dr No, and Kuza have something to say here.[/size]  ;)

Title: Re: VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 21, 2005, 04:08:57 am
Spets, Dr No, Kuza?  Don't you guys have something to say to me?

(This is the part where someone from each of their clans tells them GhostSniper is waiting for a reply...because none of them visit here very often anymore.  Probably because they know they lost in the last Presidential Election.  But really, they should be men about it and come pay up.  You all know I would have paid out their Premium GameRanger Accounts if I had lost.)
[/size]  ;)

Title: Re: VP Debate
Post by: Typhy on February 21, 2005, 06:17:18 am
Uh huh, and that quote in your info on GR is what. . . ?

Title: Re: VP Debate
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 21, 2005, 03:31:03 pm
Uh huh, and that quote in your info on GR is what. . . ?

Yeah, but that was just Spets...and just in GameRanger.  I want my just reward HERE!  lol

But I'll give Spets credit for that, since the forums were completely down when the election happened.  Now only Kuza and Dr No have to come in here and make amends.

Title: Re: VP Debate
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on February 21, 2005, 10:46:14 pm
Now that you've reminded people of this, GS, lets let the thread go away in peace.

-Edit - Going to lock this so people leave it alone, will unlock it once it gets bumped off the first page.