*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: slayer on September 27, 2004, 03:41:33 pm

Title: .iP. Banned?
Post by: slayer on September 27, 2004, 03:41:33 pm
Hey admins, i was wondering why we are deleted from all the ladders, plz reply.


Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: slayer on September 27, 2004, 04:28:03 pm
i came home and checked dbl and we werent anymore on any ladder.
civic said that i couldve unchecked the boxes for all ladders but i didnt and i cant check or uncheck it either..plz help me.


Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 27, 2004, 04:34:01 pm
How is it that this sort of thing always happens to a clan that Stripes is in (and claims not to be the leader of).  If I recall, there was a similar problem in seasons past where members were "accidentally" removed and put back on the ladder at odd times.  And here just this past week they had a problem where Ubertako was "accidentally" removed from the ladder and needed to be added back.  It almost sounds to me like iP is engaging in an INSURANCE program against losing.  Like, they take Ubertako off the ladder, then bet a bunch of sheep, then if they win they say it was an accident that he was taken off....but if they LOSE, well, then that CB has to be voided because Ubertako wasn't a member of their clan.  Hmmmm.....all seems just a bit too fishy for me.

I hope there are some admins out there who are actively investigating iP and Stripes over all of these "accidents".

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: slayer on September 27, 2004, 04:42:36 pm
but ehh...if we were supposed to get inactive our clan name shouldve appeared grey, right?   it didnt its just deleted from every ladder...

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: cO.gabe on September 27, 2004, 04:45:26 pm

It almost sounds to me like iP is engaging in an INSURANCE program against losing.

If they are... it sure isn't working very well.  :P

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: Civrock on September 27, 2004, 04:51:15 pm
but ehh...if we were supposed to get inactive our clan name shouldve appeared grey, right?   it didnt its just deleted from every ladder...

as i told you like 3 times on GameRanger now...

it looks like your clan has been set to inactive AND the boxes for the ladders it's signed up for have been unchecked. u can see that yourself as clanleader (depends on if u're logged in with that account, tho).

some brownies maybe...?! :o

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: Aramarth on September 27, 2004, 05:05:07 pm
How is it that this sort of thing always happens to a clan that Stripes is in (and claims not to be the leader of).  If I recall, there was a similar problem in seasons past where members were "accidentally" removed and put back on the ladder at odd times.  And here just this past week they had a problem where Ubertako was "accidentally" removed from the ladder and needed to be added back.  It almost sounds to me like iP is engaging in an INSURANCE program against losing.  Like, they take Ubertako off the ladder, then bet a bunch of sheep, then if they win they say it was an accident that he was taken off....but if they LOSE, well, then that CB has to be voided because Ubertako wasn't a member of their clan.  Hmmmm.....all seems just a bit too fishy for me.

I hope there are some admins out there who are actively investigating iP and Stripes over all of these "accidents".

GS, to be honest, this is the biggest problem we have with Stripes and the iP clan. It is like we need a 3 man staff just to help keep them from screwing themselves. Talk about high maintenance. This may or may not be their fault, as everything in the past, but there is no way I can find out the truth. Yes, we are and have been looking into the repeated incidents.

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: (.iP.?) Ubertako on September 27, 2004, 05:27:45 pm
Blagh, here we go.... AGAIN!

Why should we remove ourself from the ladder!?

I dont see any good reason for it we where on the 1st place!!!


Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: Stripes on September 27, 2004, 05:35:50 pm
and plz keep me OUT of this, this is not my fault, if  i was a BTs_  - ghostsniper and BTs_ got banned would it be my fault too ? stop blaming me all the time, i have nothing to do with this all i am trying to do is having fun and gaming.

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: BFG on September 27, 2004, 06:43:42 pm
.iP. You have not been banned. it would appear you have set the clan to inactive.

We do not need any comment or otherwise regarding this until we have addressed the issue. Untill further information is available this this thread is being is locked. any threads or posts regarding this matter will be deleted.

Lastly Ghostsniper for further reference a CB is not Nullified or made void if a clan member was not registered - they are however marked with warning points.

Title: Re:.iP. Banned?
Post by: theweakspot on September 27, 2004, 06:53:42 pm
odd.... looks as though they simply set themselves to inactive....