*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: th.Sentinel on September 27, 2004, 12:22:36 pm

Title: Hosting AA from a Mac
Post by: th.Sentinel on September 27, 2004, 12:22:36 pm
I recently found out it was possible to host AA from a Mac, I tried it myself using an app called Server Creator X. I used my old 300Mhz G3 to run the server and to my surprise it worked :D

My clanmates and Hawk helped testing it and we were able to go up to a 3vs3 (because no one else was online). All euro-players with pings from 60-120, which isn't bad for AA. But prolly because of lack of processor power I wouldn't be able to go higher. This will be solved in the next few weeks when I get a processor upgrade.

If you want to try the app on your mac, you can download it here (http://homepage.mac.com/thornygaard/kevin/FileSharing31.html).  Its easy to setup, just follow the quick start guide step by step.

Mb this way we can get more ppl to play AA cb's, because not everyone has a linux box like Voodoo and Bomb.  8)