Title: FFA game #3064 Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on September 17, 2004, 06:08:44 pm Hi guys I have 2 things to ask here . 1-) Only to say i have before that game (3064) 383 points. I goot a third place in it earning 15 points. Today when i was checking standings i noticed i have 385 points !!!! Hows that possible ?, i must have 398 for one side. 2-) I have two (2) macs and 2 accounts here , I played a lot of FFA's and host for accident put the wrong name in the post, the result = i had to Plo Koons in the FFA ladder. I solved that changing the name of the laptop account to match the imac one, cause i will have more problems like that, my question is: what happened to those points (8) or + i had with, cause i have to accounts but same clan, same name, same all. Thx for your help, have a good day 8) Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: BFG on September 17, 2004, 06:16:54 pm Key Koon,
ok for question 1. we've had a whole range of funny little issues with the FFA ladder - either your a very lucky guy to have just earned 398 points or there has been a bit of a bug! Elandrion will check it out im sure. As for question two... not quite sure what u mean - u want your points from one account shifted onto the other one so you just have one account with all your points? or that your missing points? Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: BTs_eight on September 17, 2004, 10:51:47 pm Hey same here on losing points/matches... i had 48 matches now i have 45.... along with those 3 matches i lost points...
Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on September 17, 2004, 11:16:34 pm hey, you've got to tell us the two usernames of you accounts, and which one you want to use as your primary *DBL account, then I can change the player of the match to the correct account ID. Although you need two Gameranger accounts for using 2 comps the same time, you don't need two *DBL accounts; in fact this confuses us more than it helps you. It would help if you'd remove the account you don't want to use as your primary from your clan roster as well. You can be logged in on the *DBL site on both computers simultaneously.
as for your FFA ladder problem, i'll look into it. *DAMN Elandrion Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on September 18, 2004, 01:13:49 am Ok, ty I want to keep the one i can confirm CB's + my FFA points. Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on September 18, 2004, 10:08:46 am ahm and what are the two account names? you can pm them to me too, if you want.
Elandrion Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on September 18, 2004, 06:24:50 pm Hi ! Elandrion: U can check your mail box for the info of the accounts, hope it helps THX a lot ;D Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on September 18, 2004, 08:03:50 pm hey, i've already merged the FFA stats; the 8 points are transferred!
Elandrion Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on September 19, 2004, 07:16:24 am Hi, thx Elandrion the others was legitimated?, when i had 383 and added only 3 when it has to add 15. dunno if are ok or had to add all again for myself, and i dont have so many games played. 8( thxz for your help, u are a great administrator Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on September 19, 2004, 09:37:32 am thanks for your praise ;D
well, i've poked a bit around, but unfortunately I can't confirm your loss of points. I have to trust the matches stored in the database. if there are any more issues like that, please don't hesitate to contact me about it. Elandrion Title: Re:FFA game #3064 Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on September 19, 2004, 08:39:08 pm Thx Buddy A Lot !!!!!! Have a great sunday |