*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: l ! l Ross on September 03, 2004, 03:02:55 pm

Title: G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: l ! l Ross on September 03, 2004, 03:02:55 pm
http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=86812 (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=86812)

Seems it is much more upgradable than its predecessors. But it doesn't say the graphics card is upgradable.

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: Civrock on September 03, 2004, 03:09:24 pm
it's integrated in the "mainboard" as before... not replaceable, unfortunately.

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: :MoD:Shade on September 03, 2004, 04:51:23 pm
How do you install the LCD Display yourself?...doesn't it seem like that's built in.

iMac's Being non upgradeble is the major reason i would never buy one ever again.  I've got an iMac G4 and i hate it, you can only upgrade the RAM...bah

But if they make it so you can change every component in the computer and allow you to upgrade more then it would be nice.

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 03, 2004, 05:07:08 pm
How do you install the LCD Display yourself?...doesn't it seem like that's built in.

iMac's Being non upgradeble is the major reason i would never buy one ever again.  I've got an iMac G4 and i hate it, you can only upgrade the RAM...bah

But if they make it so you can change every component in the computer and allow you to upgrade more then it would be nice.

I always looked at iMacs as "throw-away" computers.  I bought a new one every 6 months, therefor I never had to upgrade any of them (except for RAM, which I did on every computer).  I owned every single one of the original CRT iMacs, and either auctioned them off on eBay, or traded them in, every time I wanted a new one.  The last time I did that, I traded my 600MHz G3 iMac (Graphite) in for my 1.8GHz G5.  This was mainly due to my wife, who always budgeted me on my computer purchases.  The only way I was able to buy the G5 was to promise here I wouldn't be trading it in for at least 1 year.  w00t!  One year will be up in November, and then I'm waiting for a 3.0GHz G5!

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: bronto on September 03, 2004, 07:20:55 pm
damnit. ghostsnipers rich ass should send me a mac so i can get back in the community >:(

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on September 03, 2004, 07:38:42 pm
At least it's much more upgradable than the G4/G3...

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 03, 2004, 08:01:23 pm
damnit. ghostsnipers rich ass should send me a mac so i can get back in the community >:(

Question is, do we WANT you back in the community.  ;)

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: seth on September 03, 2004, 08:01:38 pm
LCD screen replacable, are you kiddin me ! Who would do that  ???

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: Civrock on September 03, 2004, 08:27:21 pm
the poor moron who has accidently broken his LCD screen maybe?!

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: seth on September 03, 2004, 08:32:56 pm
better buy a new one then, i bet the screen is worth a couple hundreds on $ .

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: Civrock on September 03, 2004, 08:36:21 pm
why a completely new iMac if u can simply replace te broken part, the screen in this case?!

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: seth on September 03, 2004, 08:52:37 pm
i got a Tibook and have the painting chip problem. I wanted to replace the computer's case. If i do it myslef, the case i worth 450$, so imagine the price of a new LCD screen...

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: crypt on September 03, 2004, 08:56:12 pm
SignTist said the Video card is replaceable, maybe Apple hasn't said anything yet because there aren't any other cards to go in it :D

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on September 03, 2004, 09:13:28 pm
well, I can tell you for a fact that the Imac was designed to be self-serviceable, which in this case Apple plans on allowing you to service the machine yourself by taking much of the guessing work out of the computer.  The Imac was a design in my opinion that should have come out a long time before.  As for the upgradability, with RAM we all know it can go up to 2gb's.  And as for the graphics card, at this time I can say that there is no other option for the card at this time.  But as for the future goes, who knows.  I am getting to go to this meeting next week where they allow us to take apart the Imac and find out how it works.  Now I do know that the graphics card is on an AGP 8x bus but for them to mention it would almost make me think that it was upgradable but at this time because of the way it is designed you cant use a standard graphics card for it at this time.  It is also possible that it is soldered onto the MLB but in this case I would have to think not, otherwise why would they need to create an 8x 64meg Nvidia fx 5200 graphics card when they only made the PC version of that card for main use with 4x?   That is why I think that they had something else in mind and will know for a fact once I take the computer apart next week.  I also know that AASP's (Apple Authorized Service Providers are quite pissed at the Imac because they are saying that it is taking the money out of their pocket because these units are soo self serviceable.  True that is the case with the Imac's, and my belief on all of this is that it's about damn time.  No one wants to pay an AASP 1000's to have their computer for 3 weeks to 2 months while they tinker with the damn thing waiting for a neck for the LCD or whatnot.  As for the LCD, they have also made that serviceable because of the issue with MLBEP that the Ibook was undergoing with their G3 Ibooks.  

Apple learns from their mistakes when it comes to LCD's and wants to make sure that if there is some type of issue that ever requires you to need to replace the LCD, like the white spots on the displays of some of the Ibooks out there, then it can be done at customer level.  Another move that makes sense to me if ya think about it, and for the price drop of the actual computer compared to the G4's and the total serviceability of the computer by the customer makes it probably the anti-repair center's best friend.  It's a very decent design by having like 5-7 LED's in the back of the machine and depending on what is on at that time let's you know what part needs to be replaced.  Virtually takes all of the issues out of trying to figure out what it could be.  Then all you do is call up Apple and we will ship you the part as long as you are within warranty and it would be what is known as a "Customer installable part" or "CIP".  Then at that time you u would lay down a CC for authorization and have a certain amount of days to ship the defective part back to Apple.  Basically 10 days from the date of shipping of the part to the customer.  This is for U.S. only as far as I know.  If the part was not returned by that time then you would get billed for the part as well as handling charges and the charge for the non-return of the defective unit by the manufacturer which can be a shitload when it comes to something like the MLB compared to outright buying it. So just send back the part.  It will save you a  lot of headaches later as well as not lighten up your wallet as much, unless you dont care like Ghostsniper.   =)    Apple supplies you with the part as well as the tracking number to ship it back all thru DHL / airborne next-day-air, so it should make it quite easy for you to service the parts.  And they dont start the counter till the part is shipped from the depot for the 10 days that it needs to be in Apple's hands by. I do believe it is somewhat the same with the Euro customer.


Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: Maniac on September 03, 2004, 11:17:30 pm
If my LCD were to die and i didn't have apple care it would be like 1100 to fix the damn thing. I'd just save and get a whole new computer

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on September 04, 2004, 12:02:36 am
Actualy Signtist call apple.. and they old him that the vid card in not hard wired to the board.. it is upgradable.. but the only thing is.. other vid card have to fit in the area.. that means no fans on them..... and that takes out most cards better then that one that comes with it.

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: BFG on September 04, 2004, 12:42:54 am
it is upgradable.. but the only thing is.. other vid card have to fit in the area

There just isn't a replacement card that you can fit in there currently is there?! -

Title: Re:G5 iMac upgradable?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on September 04, 2004, 04:28:58 am
 Well, that is the issue there.  They at this time dont make anything that would fit into the 8x slot, and that makes sense to me as well because I know that the Nvidia 5200 Ultra dosent need the 8x capapbility to run as well.  Now as for the idea of it being upgradable, well, that is the issue of the graphics card designer and weather or not they want to allow the upgrade to be made.  Apple only offers the 64 meg card as of now. But I will have a clear picture once I do the testing for the Imac tomorrow and take the teardown course as well next week of what the possibilities are at that time.  It should be quite interesting.  So for now I would have to go with the fact that it is upgradable but since they are an odd shape the manufacturers of the card itself will have to come out with a design that will work with that machine.  Until then, it is only seperate from the graphics card and no upgrade options are available at this time
