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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_Mysterio on September 03, 2004, 06:46:23 am

Title: For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on September 03, 2004, 06:46:23 am
From the same guy who said in 1984:

"The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a 'mouse.' There is no evidence that people want to use these things."

Comes a new article. That's right "John C. Dvorak":

Apple's new iMac takes rear seat
Commentary: New computer betrays aging vision

By John C. Dvorak

Apple's senior vice president for worldwide product marketing was replacing the recuperating Steve Jobs. He mentioned that the founder and chief executive would be back in September, and that "September cannot come soon enough." If he checked a calendar he'd find that, in fact, September came the next day. The company seems to have lost track of time, and it showed with the G5 iMac.

Schiller, wearing an ill-fitting 1950s-style blue shirt buttoned high, began by raving about how great Paris was and then how "amazing" the iPod (a digital music player) was and also how great was the iPod mini.

It went from there to showing iPod ads. Ugh. These are the ads with black silhouettes spastically gyrating against colored backgrounds. "I don't know about you, but I wish I could dance like that," Schiller said. (OK, Phil, now the girls know never to go dancing with you.)

This iPod lovefest went on and on. What's more, Schiller added, the iPod is an "ecosystem!" It's hard to stomach all this nonsense.

Finally, after some other things are rolled out, including a search feature for the Mac, some graphics initiatives and other trivia, we find the new G5 iMac. Following the thread that Apple seems to have lost track of time, the machine comes in one old-fashioned color: 1988 platinum white. The design is hardly inspirational. In fact, if you put two headlamps on it and a metal sun visor over its "windshield," it would be reminiscent of a 1954 DeSoto.

The architecture is risky. First of all, they jammed the entire computer into the screen, making the idea of changing "monitors" or screens impractical.

Observers on the Net are seeing this design as a precursor to an Apple (AAPL: news, chart, profile) notepad computer. To date, the notepad revolution, as predicted by Bill Gates, has been as successful as Blue Pepsi.

The Apple design team was obviously held to this design by edict, since the result is hardly jazzy or interesting. What's worse, the engineering required that all of the USB, audio, Ethernet and modem connectors (10 of them, not including the power line) are awkwardly and inconveniently placed on the back of the bulky monitor-computer. With all these wires running off the back of this top-heavy machine, there's a good possibility that one will get tripped over. I suspect the iMac will go flying. This lash-up just does not look stable.

Even if I'm wrong, I'd still like to know what happened to all those fancy colors Apple was promoting. This unit is so white that when you visit the Apple Web site, you can barely see the computer as it disappears into the background of the site itself.

The fancy colors are now relegated to the iPod, which now seems to be Apple's primary focus. Schiller spent a lot of time bragging about Apple's 59 percent market share in the MP3 player market. Is this something to be proud of? Where does this market head? Almost anything with a small amount of memory can be turned into an MP3 player nowadays; you just need a headphone jack.

Of course, the iPod is more than any old MP3 player. It's quite expensive, costing as much as $400. But as Schiller mentioned, it can hold 10,000 songs that "you can have with you all the time." What maniac needs to have 10,000 songs with them all the time?

The fact is that Apple is starting to believe its own publicity and has gone iPod jack-wacky. Moving from computers to consumer electronics is dangerous for Apple. It's especially dangerous if the company thinks that MP3 players and its variants are the future.

Perhaps if the company took the plunge and followed the path of Sony with branded cameras, headphones, amplifiers and home theaters in a box it would be more interesting. But milking this one pricey and faddish device is going to ruin the company if it is going to be the center of attention, which it now seems to be.

I'll let you guys pick him apart.  :D

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: BFG on September 03, 2004, 11:22:44 am
pick him apart? theres no need, its clear hes a mac bashing retard  - and would slag it off if it was the best bloody computer in the world or some increadable industrial breakthrough - if its got a mac logo i think he'll just spew verbal diarea out his ass like this article.

End of picking ;)

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: spike on September 03, 2004, 02:18:08 pm
Yeah, there's so much to pick here that it's obvious the guys a total moron. My favorite part was this:

Even if I'm wrong, I'd still like to know what happened to all those fancy colors Apple was promoting. This unit is so white that when you visit the Apple Web site, you can barely see the computer as it disappears into the background of the site itself.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 03, 2004, 03:41:38 pm
Many of you younger folks may not really know much about John C. Dvorak, but he was bashing macs on day one in 1984.  He has always been passionately anti-Apple, and I can't believe anyone lets him write about computers because he is so biased against what he is writing about.  There is a book about the history of the Macintosh called "Insanely Great, The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer that Changed Everything."  If any of you have never read it, find a copy (it's getting a bit rare now, but I have a 1st edition Hardback of it).  It not only gives some really good history on Apple and the creation of the Macintosh, but it also goes into some detail about the people (like Dvorak) who said it would never sell.

So, to summerize:

Fuck Dvorak.


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: spike on September 03, 2004, 05:05:49 pm
I don't think anything more needs to be said, Ghostsniper just said it all.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: bronto on September 03, 2004, 07:22:46 pm
pick him apart? theres no need, its clear hes a mac bashing retard  - and would slag it off if it was the best bloody computer in the world or some increadable industrial breakthrough - if its got a mac logo i think he'll just spew verbal diarea out his ass like this article.

End of picking ;)


sry, but i love that word.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on September 03, 2004, 07:48:12 pm
I just found it funny how out of date his information is. He just doesn't even deserve to write anything on any media form. He's just so damn stupid that most PCers should know to hate him.

P.S. Didn't apple say 52% marketshare, not 59?

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: seth on September 03, 2004, 08:00:17 pm
well i found the first patr quite funny.

The imac bashing is one point of view on this new computer, and he certainly did make a point with the rear connectivity, and the stability of the screen if all are plugged. But we alreaedy know that to take full advantage of this imac, it needs to be totally wireless, from the keyborad and mouse to the internet connection.
The white color can be liked, or not.

Now when he comes to the ipod, you guys are right, he's a total moron.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: crypt on September 03, 2004, 09:07:35 pm
lol this guy is just jealous he isn't as creative as Apple.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: z][t-Rampage on September 04, 2004, 01:38:06 pm
some people just love the sound of themselves talking. he is a prime example.
evaluating a machine from a website isnt the most credible way i'd say. and when it comes to design, he should take a quick run around the net and look up some of his beloved pc m8s designs. + writing this eagerly about a machines looks and style and nothing about its usability. this guy should get a job as a fluffer.


Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: Toxic::Joka on September 04, 2004, 02:13:09 pm
Plus he looks like a moron (http://www.pcmag.com/author_bio/0,1772,a=123,00.asp)

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: bronto on September 04, 2004, 05:46:44 pm
the image pans out, and you see that dvorak has his pants down and is about halfway complete in dropping a log into the toilet.

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: Mr. Lothario on September 04, 2004, 07:15:13 pm
     Looks like a moron, yes... anybody else see a strong resemblance to Donald Rumsfeld?

Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: seth on September 04, 2004, 09:25:49 pm
    Looks like a moron, yes... anybody else see a strong resemblance to Donald Rumsfeld?


Title: Re:For the sake of a good laugh...
Post by: BFG on September 05, 2004, 04:01:02 pm
Donald Rumsfeld dropping a log into the toilet... oh god not pleasent.

and ty for the spelling there bronto ;) can never spell Diarrhea properly ;)