*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 01, 2004, 04:11:53 pm

Title: FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 01, 2004, 04:11:53 pm

GhR FFA Ladder Challenge


GhostSniper's Host


Tonight, September 1, 2004, 7:00 pm CST


Cause you all want a piece of the master, so show me what you got!

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 01, 2004, 08:25:12 pm
Any Takers?

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BFG on September 01, 2004, 09:01:26 pm
To answer in full "GhostSniper Style"....


Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 01, 2004, 10:57:24 pm
To answer in full "GhostSniper Style"....

Actually, true GhostSniper Style is either size 2 or 3 and either Blue or Navy...but hardly ever size 5...AND NEVER PURPLE!!!  Also, it can be bold, or not.

And why wont you wait up for me BFG???!!!

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: Civrock on September 01, 2004, 11:27:04 pm
it's a wednesday, damnit... some people have work tomorrow morning and can't stay up till like 4am to play a FFA game.


Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: crypt on September 02, 2004, 12:14:39 am
Civic you are always awake.

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: Civrock on September 02, 2004, 12:22:39 am
not when i have to get up at 7am the next day... bah...

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 02, 2004, 12:44:18 am
not when i have to get up at 7am the next day... bah...

Quite your job, school, girlfriend, whatever....and come play GhR FFA with ME!!!  lol

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BFG on September 02, 2004, 12:07:06 pm

Well dont worry GS I'll try and make an effort to turn up for some FFA games this season - can't let you have such an easy run of things like last season! ;)

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_eight on September 09, 2004, 10:22:17 pm
I already made a promise to Magnetic and GS that the FFA ladder is MINE ALL MINE!@^%$!%^$@!

Title: Re:FFA Ladder Challenge From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 09, 2004, 10:37:34 pm
I already made a promise to Magnetic and GS that the FFA ladder is MINE ALL MINE!@^%$!%^$@!

You will die a slow....painful...torturous death.....

Unless you let me win!!!