*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: bronto on August 22, 2004, 09:23:30 pm

Title: vets?
Post by: bronto on August 22, 2004, 09:23:30 pm
i was on gameranger and i saw some people claiming that they were ghost recon vets. that fucking game is a baby. well what the hell is a vet? and what's a vet clan? i need a definition here, it seems like everyone is a vet now.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Civrock on August 22, 2004, 09:26:26 pm
hmm... people can be vets in GhR... people can be vets on GameRanger... and also, people can be vets all around.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on August 22, 2004, 09:42:17 pm
LoL bronto. Being that myself and u come from a different generation of gamers, we have a different definition of veteran. To us, veteran means someone who played RS from the beginning, but to those who play GhR, a veteran is one who has been playing GhR since the beginning. Yes they are babies, but they dont know any better  ;)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Maniac on August 22, 2004, 09:50:17 pm
       Vets are the ones that have been here since R6 and RS demo and played RS till GHR came out and it died. GHR players can say all they want about how good they are but the fact of the matter is, that game is not old and the people that play it have new acounts, so how can they be vets? Whats next all the people that came to GameRanger when Raven Shield came out are going to consider themselves great too? No offense to the GHR players but when GHR 2 comes out you might be able to consider youselves vets.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: spike on August 22, 2004, 09:53:49 pm
fuck the titles, let your skill and stature speak for itself.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Civrock on August 22, 2004, 09:58:41 pm
GHR players can say all they want about how good they are but the fact of the matter is, that game is not old and the people that play it have new acounts, so how can they be vets?

the game is over 2 years old already (yeah, yeah... not as old as R6 or RS ;))... and many people that play it dont have new accounts, played R6 or RS already or were playing other games on GameRanger... *cough* i'm GR# 1124, you n00b. ;)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: spike on August 22, 2004, 10:41:08 pm
me noob? pfff, noob civic


[4:31 PM] dr.spike.aHa!: omg, if you played aoe ill marf
[4:31 PM] z][t-Civic?.iNaru: i did

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Civrock on August 22, 2004, 10:46:04 pm
yeah, you newb... that was when no shooters existed on GameRanger yet. ;D

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: bronto on August 22, 2004, 11:43:47 pm
RS Demo wo-o-o-oT. i remember SS, AK, and NGR from teh demo.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: .vooDoo. on August 23, 2004, 12:42:57 am
GHR players can say all they want about how good they are but the fact of the matter is, that game is not old and the people that play it have new acounts, so how can they be vets?

the game is over 2 years old already (yeah, yeah... not as old as R6 or RS ;))... and many people that play it dont have new accounts, played R6 or RS already or were playing other games on GameRanger... *cough* i'm GR# 1124, you n00b. ;)

Civic, did you suck Evills dick for that GR number or something?

I suppose that anyone below the 100,000 GR id number can now call themselves Vets. I really could care less though. As long as your easy going, dont camp and talk a whole lot of shit, your ok in my book.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 23, 2004, 12:47:00 am
fuck the titles, let your skill and stature speak for itself.


... ok so a GhR Vet would be a guy who has been playing GhR from day 1, plays it more hours a night than you sleep, and is considered one of the best GhR players around...

Not every GhR player only joined GR when GhR appeard... Some of us used to play RS and R6... some of us use different GR accounts.......... Some of us couldn't give a shit

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Civrock on August 23, 2004, 01:04:34 am
Civic, did you suck Evills dick for that GR number or something?

umm... no. but there are probably many people who'd do so to get a similar GR number. ;)

i found GameRanger about 4 years ago or so... the server crashed like every day once and very lil games were available. my favorite was NetFungus... and it still is behind Ghost Recon. :D *falls into thoughts about the past*

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 23, 2004, 01:35:55 am
Holy shit i used to love that game... if you ever fancy a few games civic gimme a shout :D

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: spike on August 23, 2004, 01:48:36 am

well that was netfungus for osx but when i opened it it was in french and it expired the second after i opened it...soooo...nevermind.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Civrock on August 23, 2004, 01:51:35 am
i tried the OSX version... it has loads of bugs... crashes a lot... and the design sux ass. AND it's not on GameRanger, to be able to play a ladder game. ;)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Flame on August 23, 2004, 02:40:31 am
Lmao RS Demo and all those mods .. GP and such ..

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: bronto on August 23, 2004, 03:02:51 am
yeah lol. modding that demo was so fun. i had a pretty good map pack myself :D. i think the modding ended when XOR wanted to edit the engine so that mods could be enabled, basically just making it free rogue spear...that woulda been some fun.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on August 23, 2004, 03:04:05 am
YuCk Rs Demo.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: spike on August 23, 2004, 03:16:07 am
hmm, that was constructive.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on August 23, 2004, 03:18:08 am
A veteran refers to a person who is experienced in a particular area, particularly referring to soldiers in the armed forces. (From Latin vetus, meaning "old.")

I think the term "veteran" should endear more respect than some dick weed who has played a video game for a long time. Perhaps you should call your self a "dude that has played a video game for a long time", because in my humble opinion someone who served in actual combat and someone who has a played a video game for a long time should not share a common nomenclature.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on August 23, 2004, 03:18:37 am
I think the care factor on this subject is 0.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 23, 2004, 04:28:20 am
Humbug to this topic. The only vets on Gr are the ones who prove them-self to be so.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Typhy on August 23, 2004, 08:30:59 am
The true veterans of this community are those who've been around since R6. This doesn't mean people who were around back then but didn't play R6.

That said, such players are far and few between now days.

However, there's something more. One person who I don't consider a "vet" is SK, because he's a loudmouthed, inmature dumbass.

There's no such thing as a "GHR vet". Look in this thread. Myself, Kilzo, Spike, Bonto, Myst, Flame, Rebel and VooDoo are all "RS vets". There are still plenty of us around. When there are, oh, say 5-10 of us left on GR, then maybe you can start calling yourselves "GHR vets".

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: onwig on August 23, 2004, 09:28:05 am
Does it really matter on account number?, surely its just how we get on as a community?

I also agree with voodoo's post.

I came on GR 2 years ago, I dont consider myself any better than all the newer people so why should you guys?

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on August 23, 2004, 10:40:33 am
Trying to prove that youre a "vet", and someoe else is not a "vet" is like the Nazis trying to prove that the Jews were an inferior race in the 1930s/40s.  Using facts that dont really matter, to prove that someone is inferior to somebody else, when they're quite possibly better than you are.

Congratulations if you have a lower account number than someone else...congratulations if you played R6 way back in the day.  It doesnt mean youre better than anybody, or that you have any right to tell people what or who they are.

A true vet would acknowledge the new people comming into this community, with wide eyes and impressonable minds, and support the growth of the community, instead of trying to keep a stranglehold on their fading empire, like a xenophobic group of old men.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: cO.Kuza on August 23, 2004, 11:05:26 am
wow Loner, i would put that im my sig if mauti would let me.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 23, 2004, 03:34:49 pm
You all want to know what a vet is???

How about someone who was playing Asteroids on an Atari 2600...


***GhostSniper PWNS over 99% of the entire *DAMN BL.[/b]

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: spike on August 23, 2004, 03:37:54 pm
Wow ghostsniper, you are old. (sorry man you walked into that one)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on August 23, 2004, 03:46:40 pm
Take a look at the creation date ;) :

Read this! (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/tet/fullnews.cgi?newsid1040319111,2809,) and then for the fun of it  go  here (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=3130;start=0).

Funny to see some guys posting about the same topic again and how their statements have changed in the last 2 years.



Title: Re:vets?
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on August 23, 2004, 05:35:10 pm
 ;)  DAMN U MAUTI - You forgot to mention me in your summary LOL  ;D

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 23, 2004, 07:59:28 pm
You all want to know what a vet is???

How about someone who was playing Asteroids on an Atari 2600...


***GhostSniper PWNS over 99% of the entire *DAMN BL.[/b]

And guess who's gonna die first?

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 23, 2004, 08:31:48 pm
Rather than argue who the "Vets" are... why not argue over who are considered to be the best players in:  RvS, GhR, AA, and CoD    

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: bronto on August 23, 2004, 08:33:42 pm
because it's always people playing favorites, mostly with themselves. we really don't wanna get started on 'who's the best' now bfg. and let's shut up about vets too, i accept mauti's definition, if the word vet has to be used.

**imaginary lock thread**

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 23, 2004, 08:42:55 pm
You all want to know what a vet is???
How about someone who was playing Asteroids on an Atari 2600...
***GhostSniper PWNS over 99% of the entire *DAMN BL.[/b]
And guess who's gonna die first?


Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Acri on August 23, 2004, 09:07:52 pm
I was playing R6 with people like Stevie and Attila... I don't think I've ever used that to condescend anyone. Now, I quit GR for a while (got a gf and stuff like that) and when I came back, GhR had been released and had been out for quite some time... And let me tell you what people like Stevie and me said:

RS is R6 for noobs.

In MY book, people that spent too much time on RS had bad "Clancy-taste".
I hated RS because of the fact that it was kinda LIKELY that you survived a shot unless it was a headshot... I was so used to R6 that I thought I was dead and I would stand there (still and facing the roof or floor) thinking I was dead until someone walked past again and shot me. I hated the game and I hated the people that played it because they were cockier, meaner, ruder and louder than the R6 people.

Today I'm more tolerant. I don't play RS... I won't play RS... But I can at least tell myself that not EVERYONE is a version of Rapid.

No one is a "veteran" on GameRanger. There are only oldies and newbies and those darn middle-agers.

Note: My R6 name was not Acri.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: crypt on August 23, 2004, 09:11:39 pm
Why don't you just stop judging people by their account number and judge on their attitude? People would get along. If someone calls themself a GhR vet, let them, if you disagree, keep it to yourself.

That's my 2?.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 23, 2004, 09:49:50 pm
And lest we forget the noobie forever club...  :-[

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Maniac on August 24, 2004, 03:54:25 am
The vets are slowly coming back it seems. Thats good because I'm sick of seeing noobs like bronto and Myst around.  ;)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 24, 2004, 05:14:14 am
Maniac, you are a forever noob.... just for the record. Never put me on the same level as that pathetic rodent they call Bronto.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Cossy in Memphis, TN on August 24, 2004, 07:07:24 am
I cannot beleive I am getting into this asinine thread but I am.
A vet is someone who is good and well estabilished within the community. I myself started playing on GR a month or two when RS came about (I had a different name and changed it, not tellin' who I was though ;) ) Sure, GHR members can be vets, afterall some of them are rather well connected in this community. The question is this: "How much time do you have to waste on some multiplayer community to gain imaginary prestige?" I am not here to judge who is a vet and who is not, granted I do not consider myself a vet, more like an old source of comic releif.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: bronto on August 24, 2004, 07:09:44 am
bronto > myst
myst is emo

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 24, 2004, 07:17:14 am
Bronto, I don't like being bothered by "noob for ever"s thus your block. You are a PCer with no right to be on GR.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: bronto on August 24, 2004, 07:51:30 am
waa. that's why you're an emo.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: cO.gabe on August 24, 2004, 08:32:29 am
Humbug to this topic. The only vets on Gr are the ones who prove them-self to be so.
Myst, I challenge you to a duel. In Ghr. If I win I'm a vet.

If I don't then I'll pay for your plane ticket out here to suck my dick.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 24, 2004, 04:16:06 pm
Gabe, if you played any good games I would accept your challenge. I'm not interested on wasting several hours going around oversized makes to find some noobling camping.

Bronto, very emo of you to continue to follow me around.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 24, 2004, 05:02:28 pm
I'm not interested on wasting several hours going around oversized makes to find some noobling camping.

Oi mysty me old mucker, have you ever played GhR ? ;) i can't remember the last GhR game i was in when anyone complained about camping -- other than perhaps a touch of spawn camping/killing.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 24, 2004, 05:21:32 pm
Cause you all do it BFG.... ;)

I played GhR 2 days when I bought it. I found ti to rely too much on finding good spots and waiting. Plus sometimes the camo was too good to spot on my old iMac... I prefer to see the person who killed me. Not bushes with people hidden in each.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on August 24, 2004, 05:30:02 pm
Fuck vet, I'm hardcore. Best recognize.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 24, 2004, 05:35:12 pm
I prefer to see the person who killed me. Not bushes with people hidden in each.
Awh mate the camo is the best bit..

 hence why its called "Ghost Recon" rather than "Big ugly noicy bastards With loud guns go to have a look at somthing interesting" ;)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 24, 2004, 05:46:36 pm
<evil laugh> I mean gj BFG. Our game preference differs....

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 24, 2004, 06:14:06 pm
Yep... well on some things :) ... speaking of which its 89%  done mate... :D

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 24, 2004, 07:53:37 pm
Yep... well on some things :) ... speaking of which its 89%  done mate... :D

<slight nod>  ;)

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: cO.gabe on August 25, 2004, 01:48:36 am
The major difference between GhR and RvS:

In Ghost Recon, only the noobs camp.  In Raven Shield, only the "vets" camp (and they get away with it).

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: the oNe on August 25, 2004, 02:39:50 am
Funny topic, but yeah there are R6 and RS vets, I don't think there are GhR Vets.  This is who I'd say are vets: (SiX) they're probably the oldest clan and they usually don't talk shit, have skill, and they're friendly, besides maybe Jesse, but he's long gone now.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: crypt on August 25, 2004, 03:44:16 am
Stop calling yourself vets and explain what makes you better than the common GhR or 100k account holder on GR. In real life, you are no different than them, so why would you be online. In short, who the fuck cares? If you are an army Veteran, than you hold the right to the title, until then stfu.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: Maniac on August 25, 2004, 04:56:59 am
Ouch Myst that one was a bit over the top.

Title: Re:vets?
Post by: BFG on August 25, 2004, 05:21:57 am
*cough* myst... its finnished.. so far pretty inpressed - must meet to discuss ;)