*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: cookie on August 20, 2004, 05:25:42 pm

Title: College!?!?
Post by: cookie on August 20, 2004, 05:25:42 pm
For those of you who don't know, I just began my study at a university this week. Being the young, impressionable lady that I am... I came here thinking college was going to be a sundry mix of two parts animal house, one part legally blonde, with a dash of old school... and somehow, my expectations for the future have been met, if not exceeded.

though there are numerous runner-ups that are equally as amusing in their own way, my favorite experience so far would have to be walking into the kappa alpha house to find a very bulky upperclassman sitting in an inflatable baby pool with a beer in each hand, vowing to keep himself intoxicated all year long whilst a couch burned on the front lawn.

in a close second comes the sad tale of the asian kid who gave the cops his fake I.D. (with D.O.B. in 1981) at a rush party that got busted up, and upon being prompted about which residence hall he was staying in he told them 'boaz', the only all-freshman dorm on campus. sucks for him, because once you get an alcohol violation you can't go greek at all :o owned.

however, these fun anecdotes are only what i've been able to glean in my first few days here... thus making it reasonable to assume that stories of a much better caliber are already in the making :)

now, show the love fellow college buddies, and tell me what funny/unfortunate/horrific stories you've had the opportunity to encounter.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: seth on August 20, 2004, 05:36:10 pm
looks like you're having fun already. Thats good, whats sadder than a boring year in college ? Those days will probably be the best of your life, so enjoy .

now about the stories, dont expect too much variety, people show the same stupidity everywhere

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 20, 2004, 06:34:57 pm
Well, let's see....I was in college while I was on active duty in the Army and Air Force, so it was a little different for me (wasn't allowed to join a Greek Organization, wasn't allowed to do drugs, wasn't allowed to get a DUI, etc).  But we did have some great orgies!  Man, those were the BEST!  lol

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on August 20, 2004, 07:20:51 pm
My buddy last year was so plastered that when the LAPD officer asked for his identification, he whipped out his penis and took a leak on her leg and said "how do you like dem apples, bitch!" Needless to say, I was bailing his ass out of jail a couple hours later.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 20, 2004, 08:10:03 pm
LMAO GS AND LMAO ASS. hot damn i can't wait to go to a real college.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on August 20, 2004, 09:08:39 pm
It wasn't a truly good time if you can still remember what happened. ;) God I miss the internet.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: cookie on August 20, 2004, 09:54:21 pm
But we did have some great orgies!? Man, those were the BEST!?

i knew you were a secret superfreak... all that good upstanding conservative shnizna was all a FAS?ADE, wasn't it GS?!?!

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 20, 2004, 10:00:44 pm
yeah that boy knows how to get down and dirty

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 20, 2004, 11:23:48 pm
But we did have some great orgies!? Man, those were the BEST!?

i knew you were a secret superfreak... all that good upstanding conservative shnizna was all a FAS?ADE, wasn't it GS?!?!

Who, ME?

***GhostSniper looks around innocently.

To quote Bart Simpson:

"I didn't do it, you didn't see me do it, you can't prove a thing!"

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on August 21, 2004, 12:35:30 am
Not something ive seen done with my own eyes...but a few things my dad pulled off/found out while at the University of Washington...

Finding out that matches do ignite on impact if you drop them from a 10 story dorm balcony

That it -is- indeed possible to climbe from the 10th floor balcony, to the 11th floor balcony and scare the piss out of your friend who is in that dorm.

Seeing what happens when you cut a tennis ball about 1/4th of the way open, fill it with varius subsances (like ketsup and mustard, for example) and drop it from 10 stories, it makes quite the interesting splatter pattern...

So, to top this all off, my dad and a few of his buddies pegged the gaurd shack that was nearby their dorm, with water balloons.  Harmless...untill youre launching them from the 10th floor of your dorm, using 12+ feet of medical tubing as a make-shift catapult.  After finding it hard to get the range down, (it was 11:00 PM)  they put a little shaving cream in the balloons to mark where they landed.  The one that landed on the gaurd shack roof, put a dent ~3 feet wide in the roof, that is still there to this day  ;D

Alas, im only in the 2nd story of my dorm, and with no balcony from which to drop, throw, or launch things, so ill just have to find some other way to fill my dad's shoes =D  (though my room -is- a single, woohoo!)

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: spike on August 21, 2004, 12:58:47 am
man, im going to boston university and their policy on defenestration is way strict. of course, they have had kids throw things like kegs(bounced three stories) and couches out the window. i think you can have your housing revoked...

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on August 21, 2004, 01:02:29 am
Funny that they would get mad at you for that...cant imagine WHY...*cough*

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 21, 2004, 02:55:38 am
My freshman year of college was at Mississippi State University.  My dorm was on the 9th Floor of a 9 story building and I can tell you that throwing things off of the balcony, as Lone-Wolf described, must be a college-thing because I've seen the following thrown from 9 stories up:

1.  Numerous 55-gallon metal drum trash cans

2.  Hundreds of glass beer bottles

3.  At least one T.V.

4.  A mini-refrigerator

5.  The entire contents of one person's dorm room when they pissed their roommate off

6.  Bricks

And the best one was when two guys held another guy over the balcony and threatened to drop him from the 9th floor if he didn't do their bidding.  Luckely they didn't drop him, as drunk as they were, although they did both go to jail that night.

By the way, nearly all of the above mentioned acts took place after enormous amounts of alcohol were consumed.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on August 21, 2004, 05:31:56 am
Hey cookie, first congrats on getting into College, You'll love it and hate it, but overall you will look back and appreciate the experience since alot of people dont have the privlege that some of us have.

Btw, what college you going to & what's your major?

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on August 21, 2004, 05:32:53 am
By the way, nearly all of the above mentioned acts took place after enormous amounts of alcohol were consumed.

what a surprise...

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 21, 2004, 07:23:12 am
did you ever smokem marijuana in college GS? i want all details.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: kos.viper on August 21, 2004, 05:51:24 pm
A roommate of mine from last year decided to get smashed before the first Football game of the year out in the lot.  He brought in a water bottle full of vodka to the game.  Already pretty hammered, he continued to drink.  It turn's out that there was an undercover cop sitting behind him and his frat buddies.  

When he stood up to leave he fell face first into the cop's lap.  His frat brother explained that the heat and the medication he had been taking for his broken arm (that is another story that took place the first night) has been messing with him and that he needs to get him home.  

On the way back to his frat brothers apartment he trips over the rail road tracks and falls, again, face first into the surrounding rocks.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 21, 2004, 07:10:42 pm
did you ever smokem marijuana in college GS? i want all details.

Nope.  I've never even smoked a cigarette.  I did drink a lot in college (even got alcohol poisoning on my 21st birthday), but I rarely drink anymore (occasionally I buy a bottle of wine for my wife and I).  I really never even had the desire to try drugs...probably due to me being brought up with a father in the military and having pretty strict discipline (I was in military uniform through various activities from the time I was 13 on).

I have had friends tell me that they would love to see how my twisted personality changes if I were on drugs....but I doubt they will ever get to see that.
[/size]  8)

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: Cossack on August 22, 2004, 05:56:06 pm
Cookie, are you going to UT? I have heard that a few of those Greeks can be pretty wild.

As for me, while I was at the University of Texas I managed to dress up like a 19th Centrury bandit on a kayak. We were out in the middle of the Colorado River (Texas not Arizona there are two of them) and waited for a riverboat that comes up the river from the Hyatt. We boarded the riverboat and started talking pirate-like. Apparently the tourists enjoyed our company and thought our antic was some Huckleberry Finn skit the river boat company put on. That was until the captain chased us off the boat and into the water. We found our Kayak and landed on the south shore and had some liquor just in time for a test the next morning.

I really need to pull a stunt like that on the Potomac.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 22, 2004, 08:46:44 pm
I really need to pull a stunt like that on the Potomac.

Careful, Cossack....you are in Washington, D.C. now and the Dept of Homeland Security may think you are a Russian Terrorist and shoot you.[/size]  ;)

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: cookie on August 22, 2004, 09:52:07 pm
Btw, what college you going to & what's your major?
i'm going to southern methodist university and majoring in international studies & political science.

www.smu.edu ;D

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: Cossack on August 22, 2004, 09:59:10 pm
Sweet, we got the same major.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 22, 2004, 11:44:22 pm

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on August 23, 2004, 06:49:46 pm
Poly Sci ooooo get ready to write aloooooot of essays  :(  I'll stick to my Health Science  :)

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: BFG on August 23, 2004, 06:58:21 pm
Lol, i just rememberd you kids have to be 21 in the US to drink dontcha! hehe

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 23, 2004, 08:23:35 pm
well, technically, yeah...i'm gonna move back to england man, i'm gonna be legal there soon lol

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: Cossy in Memphis, TN on August 24, 2004, 07:12:34 am
I really need to pull a stunt like that on the Potomac.

Careful, Cossack....you are in Washington, D.C. now and the Dept of Homeland Security may think you are a Russian Terrorist and shoot you.[/size]  ;)

I shoot back, or atleast find someway to have schnapps with them.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on August 24, 2004, 10:53:25 am
Having schnapps with someone is shooting back?  When did that get decided?

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 24, 2004, 09:04:31 pm
there was an OR in between, long wolf.

finding a way to have shnapps with someone is easy, just make sure you have some shnapps.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: cO.gabe on August 25, 2004, 04:10:28 am
well, technically, yeah...i'm gonna move back to england man, i'm gonna be legal there soon lol
hey just move to the carribean dude - you're a rasta right?  and its a lot closer. and warmer. and you can scuba dive

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: bronto on August 25, 2004, 07:16:22 pm
maybe i'll take a trip over there next summer. or easter vacation, or christmas.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: Bondo on August 27, 2004, 05:54:39 am
On the other end of the spectrum...I just graduated from college (BA Geography and Environmental Science...see me remain unemployed and head back to school for a Masters.) Joining the seeming run on Poly Sci, if I do go back to college that'll be my masters subject most likely.

Title: Re:College!?!?
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on August 27, 2004, 09:30:54 am
I currently go to UH (university of Hawaii) but the poor organization and constant faculty rotations due to a corrupt board of trustees has made me tired of this place.  I recently got accepted to the spring semester at University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and I'm seriously considering rooming with a friend up there.  With the Western Undergraduate Student Exchange system the tuition to UNLV out of state is about the same as UH in state tuition but I dunno what i want to do because Vegas is scary.