*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Whisper_44 on June 30, 2004, 08:35:45 pm

Title: Law Enforcement Survey
Post by: Whisper_44 on June 30, 2004, 08:35:45 pm
Law Enforcement Improvement survey  

In order to provide you, the customer, with the best possible service, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete this critique.

1. During your arrest were you advised of your rights in a timely manner?

___ Yes
___ No
___ What rights?

2. If your attitude at the time of arrest required the use of force, how would you rate the application of said force?

___ Too much
___ Not enough
___ Just right

3. If an arrest warrant was used during your arrest, what type was it?

___ Consensual
___ Court ordered
___ Police ordered

4. When you were handcuffed, how would you rate their use?

___ Too tight
___ Not tight enough
___ Too loose
___ Not loose enough
___ Just right

5. For what crime were you arrested?

___ Homicide
___ Rape
___ Robbery
___ DUI
___ Public Stupidity
___ Public Mopery with Intent to Gawk
___ Other

6. During your arrest, was the officer's commentary directed at you politically correct?

___ Yes
___ No

7. During your ride to jail, how many times did the officer's driving habits cause your face to impact with the silent partner?

___ Once
___ Twice
___ Three times
___ I can't remember

8. Once you arrived at our jail, how were you removed from the vehicle?

___ Through the car door
___ Through the trunk
___ From the trunk
___ Through the wing window
___ Off the bumper

9. Have you taken advantage of our department's free attitude adjustment program?'

___ Yes
___ No
___ Not yet

10. How would you rate the food at our jail in comparison with food at other jails you have visited?

___ Excellent
___ Good
___ Fair
___ Poor
___ Bad
___ What food?

11. Would you recommend being arrested by our department to your fellow felons?

___ Yes
___ No
___ You gotta be kidding

12. Were you offered an opportunity to confess to the crime you were arrested for?

___ Yes
___ No

13. Were you offered an opportunity to confess to the crime you were not arrested for?

___ Yes
___ No

14. Our department is offering a Time Saver Program whereby you can sign all forms ahead of time, and we will fill in the blanks later. Would you be interested in such a program?

___ Yes
___ No
___ Does X count as a signature?

Thank you for your participation!

Title: Re:Law Enforcement Survey
Post by: walnut on June 30, 2004, 09:44:42 pm
LMAO @ #8!!

Title: Re:Law Enforcement Survey
Post by: Cocobolo on June 30, 2004, 10:34:03 pm
Hmmmm, so when did ya get arrested Whisper? heh heh

Title: Re:Law Enforcement Survey
Post by: Whisper_44 on June 30, 2004, 11:16:28 pm
I have been advised by my attorney not to answer that question....

seriously through, I was driving through Chula Vista and this hampster jumped out from behind his motorcycle and handed me this survey  ;D

Title: Re:Law Enforcement Survey
Post by: 58th_Razor on June 30, 2004, 11:58:05 pm
On the advice from his attorney, Whisper can neither confirm, nor deny anything about the hamster incident.  The hamster is some type of political pollster with his own agenda.  

Title: Re:Law Enforcement Survey
Post by: WardenMac on July 02, 2004, 04:03:39 am